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Ferah omg!


When Ferah's feathery fur flows in the wind, the world is at peace. XD


Ferah <33 my favorite character!!

Silver Huskey

Ferah! Long time, no see. We haven't seen her beauty since page 290. :)


It’s been a while Ferah


She's beautiful :)


Ferah!~ I'm not sure why, but I have a bad feeling about Kargo. Something is going to happen with him... I don't want to assume anything, but what if he tried to get a rebound with someone? Likely not going to happen but I can't help but get a bad feeling about him with something...


I doubt Kargo and Ferah will be pleased with the fact that Roamer and Rogio going to leave and live with the tribe that they've been running from their entire lives. I'm really nervous about their reactions.


I had the thought that Kargo might blame Ferah for Roamer leaving him, as it was her who convinced him to keep the truth about Ronja from him... of course, Kargo isn’t entirely blameless in this, but knowing how he is, it wouldn’t surprise me if he is now bitter toward her, and may blame her for his unhappiness (ironic, considering the bond they had, and how, only a month ago, he was ready to die when he thought he lost her). Your own idea is very interesting though, and I agree that it’s possible this could be the case... at any rate, I just can’t see their reunion going very well, to say the least. Though I do think they will be happy and relieved to see each other again (despite what happened between them, they are still all close friends, after all), I expect Kargo (and Ferah, but mostly Kargo, considering the situation) to feel betrayed and likely even angry about what Roamer has to tell them, but if this is the case, then hopefully Ferah will be more understanding, and will be the voice of reason for the (I’m assuming) resentful, jealous, and heartbroken Kargo, after everything is explained. No matter what, though, I don’t expect them to fully understand Roamer’s decision to stay at the Meteor Tribe, with the history that they have there... no matter that it’s changed drastically, since then, the bad memories still linger... and it’s understandable that the changes will be hard for them to accept. I would even go as far as to say that they may not even believe Roamer when he tells them about it, but after what Axilyah already mentioned about “positive changes”, plus the fact that Roamer is traveling with Fremja, someone who they, most likely, remember, and also know would never be allowed to wear proper Meteor Tribe rank markings, let alone be allowed to travel outside the Tribe walls, if the old ways still prevailed... it will be kinda hard for them to deny, in that aspect. But, we’ll just have to wait and see what happens. Should be interesting, at any rate. ^^




Her tail is tucked...


i think it's just the wind doing it tbh XD there's lot of wind indicator in her fur :3