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She does make a good point. It’s like a butterfly effect. The first path you take, can lead to your future and effect your ending.


Fremja you wise girl! But it would make sense. Without Kargo Roamer would probably never have met Rogio

Tora Collita

Aww Fremja. <3 And by the look on Roamer in last panel, he's definatly in love in the way that suits him more then it was before. Glad Fremja's with him and with those words. ^^


The interaction between these two is so precious <3


That is true. Your path truely never goes down a straight path. There will be zigzags and/or new openings to a new path


Butterfly effect!! Fremja has a good point!!^^ also Roamer looks so in love in last panel xD Rogip kicking in xD


Don't hate me for this lol But I don't remember Fjordor(sp) daughter's names. I've seen on another post that she was his daughter? Is she or?


She´s not, the name of his daughters are Fjara, Lika and Verja


I'm squealing on the inside. This is so great.


Seems like the Irrbloss were actually leading Roamer to Rogio the whole time.


Oh gawsh <3 To be honest I thought when they lead him to Rogio it was to lead him to a path to save Kargo and Ferah. Maybe it still was or maybe it was to show him Rogio. I love Fremja's take on it though! Also were they lead Roamer to Kargo, they actually encircled Roamer and Rogio in union so.... maybe it was a hint?


I wonder if the Irrbloss react to what the dog wants. The first time Roamer wanted to get out of the cave and away from the snake cat. Second time he wanted to find Kargo. Both times the Irrbloss lead him to someone who would help him. Also, maybe Kargo wanted something at the time that Roamer could fulfill, such as someone or something that could put an end to his loneliness, and Rogio was looking for Roamer the second time.


Now the question, considering how in love he looks like : 1 ; Understood that the Irrbloss led him to Kargo, then Rogio to find Kargo, because Kargo = what they meant for him. 2 ; Understood that the Irrbloss leg him to Kargo, so he could then meet Rogio, because Rogio = what they meant for him.


What Fremja said is very wise, and makes a lot of sense. Maybe the Irrbloss always meant to lead Roamer to Rogio, and not necessarily Kargo... but in order for Roamer to meet Rogio, it was essential for him to meet Kargo (and Ferah) first. After all, the Irrbloss never danced around Roamer and Kargo when they first met, not like they did Roamer and Rogio... Rogio even told Roamer then, “look at them dance... it’s like they’re celebrating”. Celebrating what? Was it really foreshadowing for the eventual relationship of Roamer and Rogio? At the time I thought it was merely to signify Roamer getting Kargo back, and he and Rogio liberating Kargo and Ferah from the Meteor Tribe (and Rogio gaining his own freedom), but now, after everything that’s happened, and seeing how good Roamer and Rogio are together, both, in a friendship sense, and in a romantic sense... I really think it was even more than that. The Irrbloss likely know of all beings, know of how these beings are currently living, and they saw a better, more deserving fate for both Roamer and Rogio, which was with each other; Kargo was merely part of that path to get there, as, without Kargo, Roamer and Rogio most likely wouldn’t have even met, for a number of reasons (and, besides that, maybe the Irrbloss also meant for the lives of Kargo and Ferah to be improved, as well, another reason for leading Roamer to them). At least, this is the way I see it. ^^


I just adore the atmopshere, both visually and emotionally <3


why didn't they hear night beasts in the last page?


Fremja said she was so concentrated and blown away by seeing the world that it made the noise in the background disappear


looks closely for any signs of ranach, don't hurt the sweet babe

Silver Huskey

It makes perfect sense that in order for Roamer to find Rogio, he first had to find Kargo. Even if he's meant to be with someone else, Roamer has already drastically improved Kargo and Ferah's lives. They were finally able to make a clean break from the north and find a peaceful tribe, free from fear of the Meteors. Rogio was also freed from the Meteor mindset and got a new lease on life and a chance to be loved by someone who isn't selfish and narcissistic. In addition to love, perhaps this is why the Irrbloss chose to guide Roamer? His actions ultimately had a positive outcome for those trapped by the wretchedness of the old MT. (Even down to his decision to leave the Asmundr pack which lead Ronja to Ranach, which in turn eventually led her to becoming leader of the MT and making positive changes.)