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It's here! The Gladiator Set! And by the grace of a Valar I must say this is probably my best work, as a complete package.

In this you will get:

  • Images of each gladiator, both regular sized and HD, including seperate copies of the 3 CG's of the Title image, 'Thrall Materials' and the Shortfic CG.

  • Thrallopedia Lore page pages and Thrall Profile Pages

  • A Shortfic, 'Criminal', unique to the pack!

  • 9 timelapse videos showing the art process, along with some text commentary

  • A mini-thrallopedia- a Unity menu that makes for a browseable experience of the above images!

  • Alt-outfit sketches of each of the models, as were shown to the commissioners

  • Detailed alt-colours of the Overview thrall.

  • Misc. sketches of the gladiators as their eventual Fated selves, and other little quirks.

This one, I think, is the benchmark that the other sets will be set at and otherwise raised-to...SPEAKING OF!

Praetorian Thrallopedia Set!

Praetorians are the combat thralls of Thrallworks, but fighting isn't all the do. Espionage, counter-intelligence, snnnnnooping, and a whole bunch of other stuff that sits firmly off-the-books, even for an off-the-books company...


The slots are as follows-

5 Praetorian slots

For each Praetorian slot, you get:

TWO fully-rendered images; 1 as their 'cloaked' holographic self, 1 in their actual praetorian chassis. The Thrallopedia entry will switch between these two images.

  • A Thrallopedia entry

  • A Thrallopedia profile entry

  • A pic of your thrall in both modes, and in a blend of the two

  • A code to download the completed set for freeeeeee

Each of the 5 Praetorian slots are slightly different in price and in what's on offer regarding how they are worked on.

The particular quirks of each slot are as-follows:

Stage 1 Slot: The holo-image is not of the Praetorian's own styling, and is a mandated 'default'.

You will be given 3 sketched options on the colour-set of the default look, as well as additional options on whether they are to be bald/gagged/entirely hooded/blindfolded or have their arms or legs cuffed.

Price: £55

Stage 2 Slot: Similar to Stage 1, also additional limb manipulation and raised competency will feature.

The choices given will also be the same as in Stage 1.

Price: £55

Stage 3 Slot: The Thrall will be in the process of forming their Holo camouflage.

You'll be given a choice of 3 sketched outfits along you can mix and match from, along with a colour-set, as well as additional options on whether they are to be bald/gagged/entirely hooded/blindfolded.

Price: £60

Stage 4 Slot: The Thrall will be fully confident in their abilities, likely posed or ready for duty/combat.

You'll be given a choice of 3 sketched outfits along you can mix and match from, along with 3 colour-sets, as well as additional options on whether they are to be bald/gagged/entirely hooded/blindfolded.

Price: £60

Mod Slot: This is the wildcard slot, and can be either/any of the slots before, and priced at their price.

1 Title Slot


The content of the image will display a certain stage of the thrall's instruction, alongside 1 other cultivated thrall. The particular activity will be up to me to decide, though you will be shown a rough of the process so we can tweak it.

The price for this slot is:

  • +£35 on top of your Thrallopedia entry, if you're also buying one.

  • Or £75 as a standalone image.

This slot is time-sensitive, and will default to the Overview character if not taken.

1 Licences and Contracting Slot

Price: £55

Another Thrallopedia page-splash similar to 'What is a Thrall?' and Harvested vs. Cultivated pages, with the potential for further spin-offs.

Image concept:

Prospective clients having a discussion in the foreground/background while the thrall of choice is waiting. If a Pet they're lounging around, if a Pony they're trotting, etc.

What you get for picking this slot:

  • You choose the thrall material and the model!

  • You get to decide on the circumstances of the material's attidue (whether peaceful/bored/grumpy etc.)

So a Total of 7 Slots!!

Gumroad Pack Exclusives

Gumroad Set purchasers will see all the above and also get, uniquely:

  • Speedpaintings of each Thrallopedia entry w. text commentary

  • Mini Unity Thrallopedia to browse through

  • Inclusion of the rough alt.outfits that the commissioners didn't opt for (and colour schemes)

  • Sketches of various bits of the instruction process/small moments, featuring the thrall models in the set,

  • A short story (1000+ words) featuring the thrall in the overview (in this case, WHAT CAN I SAYYYY EXCEPT YOU'RE WELCOME!)

  • A CG similar to the Azula Pet CG's featuring the Overview character, paired with the story.

So yeah, that's the pack! The slots open at 2000 BST 30th of March, but you can pay an additional £5 to pre-book a slot if you wish.

Also I apologize for the increase in prices; it's partly because each slot will actually be two versions of the model, but mostly because over here in bongland our fuel prices are going up by 54% :/

Commission/Project Calendar

Febuony got completely shafted and even the main-game stuff suffered, but this may have been due to outside circumstances, so I won't be making any firm changes to the calendar just yet. We'll see how the Praetorian Set goes.

  •  ̶J̶a̶n̶:̶ ̶C̶o̶m̶m̶i̶s̶s̶i̶o̶n̶ ̶-̶ ̶G̶l̶a̶d̶i̶a̶t̶o̶r̶ ̶T̶h̶r̶a̶l̶l̶o̶p̶e̶d̶i̶a̶ ̶S̶e̶t̶

  • ̶̷F̷e̷b̷:̷ ̷P̷r̷o̷j̷e̷c̷t̷ ̷-̷ ̷F̷e̷b̷u̷o̷n̷y̷ ̷(̷P̷o̷n̷y̷g̷a̷m̷e̷)̷

  • Mar: Commission - Praetorian Thrallopedia Set

  • Apr: Project - Volition...ril? (It's Volition)

  • May: Commission - Domine Thrallopedia Set

  • Jun: Project - Juony (Doing well with these pun names huh)

  • Jul: Commission - Dossiers and Other

  • Aug: Project - Hoovergust (Working on backlog stuff- drones etc.)

  • Sep: Commission - Noble Thrallopedia Set

  • Oct: Project - ????

  • Nov: Commission - Dancer Thrallopedia Set

  • Dec: Project - ????

Alrighty, and that's all for now! Questions below or hop on the ol' discord and ask 'em there. Ciao all, and enjoy the Set! Don't forget your codes!

OH though it seems gumroad's changed and only accepts letters and numbers in discount codes now, so I'll just quickly edit the codes that are relevant...though if you're eager to get it right now, then by all means, just remove the punctation present.




Zayn Ryzen

Ok, will you post the slots around the same time tommorow as today?


Jesus Christ your art is amazing.


Sadly not; I only posted when I posted because I resolved to stay up to get it out today. The plan's still to do it at 2000 BST, which is a little under 10 hours from now, it'd be a little flip-floppyof me to tell everyone otherwise at this point. But if you're interested, send me a message or an email and we'll see what can be arranged.


Thanks Fi! Though one can oftenone see the faults in their own work, I am quite pleased with this pack as a whole. :)