No Update Today - Gladiator Set soon and Praetorian Set opening date! (Patreon)
As you can guess from the title, I've been working full throttle on the Gladiator Set for the last two weeks so haven't been able to implement new items to the TW main game.
I could have talked about some other stuff that is being developed seperate from myself for the game, but I think I'd prefer to let that come together a little more before showcasing it. For all insensive porpoises, I think it best just to skip the update this week so we can have a more subtaintial one in another fortnight's time.
Apologies to this, to be honest this Set has lagged due to being involved last month with a number of irl things that delayed the work on this Set by about 2 weeks. It shan't be happening again.
In happier news, said Gladiator Set will be ready in a few days! The next commission set will be about the Praetorian thralls, and more information will be given on that soon, but as for a date for the commissions slots to open on, it will be on the 30th of March, at 2000 BST (British Standard Time), which will be the day or so after I make a post detailing the product. I trust that things will remain orderly. I'm also willing to take pre-orders in the window between the product post and the slot openings, with a small additional pre-order fee.
That's all for now, thanks for listening!