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Another week has come and gone, and things are definitely looking up (not that they were down in the first place, but there's a lot to be excited about from the past week).  

First, we're only two days from the release of book two of the Mistrunner series on both Kindle and Audible!  So, if you want to offer further support, head on over and check it out HERE.  Don't forget to leave a review, because those help me more than you can know!

Second, I've hired an amazing artist for a marketing project for Path of Dragons, so expect some of that to trickle down in the next month or so.  I'm super excited about it (I love to see art of my characters), and I hope you all will be too.

And third, I'm on the verge of hiring a social media manager to expand my stories' reach as much as possible.  I hope it'll bring in some new readers and help me keep in touch with current fans.  I'll probably be launching a website soon-ish (like before March, I'm hoping) to make it easier for people to find my work.

So, in a general sense, there's a ton going on.  But let's get down to how things are progressing with the individual series:

In Death: Genesis news, we're about 65% through book eight right now, so we're on the verge of hitting the climax.  It's a fun one, so I hope you'll all enjoy it.  In addition, I've spent the past few weekends writing extra chapters for the book seven edit (about 30k extra words in total), and I'm loving how they turned out.  Starting with book five, the Kindle/Audible versions of this series are going to have a ton more content, so keep an eye out for those releases (book 5 is coming March 5).  

Concerning Mistrunner, we're really ramping up with the main conflict of book four, and I'm excited about getting into it and giving the series the climax and end it deserves.  I expect to be finished with it sometime in March, but it might roll into April.  So, I hope you're all looking forward to that!

Finally, Path of Dragons is chugging along.  Monday's chapter is a real doozy, and I'm really excited for you all to read it.  Otherwise, I expect to post the end of book two by mid-February.  Also, don't forget that March will be an accelerated posting month, so we'll be getting two chapters a day for most of (if not all) that month.  I'm very excited about that, and I hope you all are too!

Anyway, that's what's going on this week.  As always, thank you for your support, and if you have any issues, comments, or questions, feel free to ask me in the comments, via Patreon's messaging function, or on Discord.  Thanks again, and happy reading!


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