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Not a lot to report this week, really.

In Mistrunner news, my publisher reached out to a potential narrator this week, and I'm very, very hopeful that she'll take the job.  She's a well-established, award-winning narrator, but even more importantly, I think her voice really fits Mira well.  But these things are delicate, and a lot goes into whether or not a narrator will take a gig.  There are schedules to think about as well whether or not the narrator gets the material.  Still, I hope it works out because I think she'd be perfect.  So, fingers crossed.

Death: Genesis 4 is plugging right along, and I've only got a couple more chapters left.  The climactic arc is turning out to be a bit longer than expected (by about 3 chapters) but I think the extra content was necessary to get everything in.  I haven't re-read it yet, but I'm pretty happy with how it felt while writing.  In any case, I should be finished with the first-ish draft my mid-week next week.  Then I get to dive back into it and edit, which for this one, is probably going to be a bit more thorough than with the other books because I need to fix some pretty big errors and add some details to make some things in later chapters fit better.  Editing is always a pain in the butt, so I can't say I'm looking forward to it, but it's a necessary evil, I suppose.

Anyway, that's what's going on on my end.  We've seen a pretty big uptick in Patrons this month, so for all you newbies, this is where you can ask questions, make comments about the overall state of my work, or complain.  I'll do my best to respond appropriately!  Thank you all for your support!


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