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This has been a pretty great week for me.  Not only did we get the cover art for Death: Genesis 3 finalized, but I made a ton of progress on both stories as well.  So, I'll just jump right into it:

Mistrunner 1 is now in the books (for most of you), and I'm really pleased with how it ended.  I hope you all area as pleased with it as I am.  This week, I really got down to the nitty-gritty of writing the second book (I'm about ten chapters in), and I'm very happy with how it's shaping up.  So, I'm eager to see how you'll all respond to it.  

With Death: Genesis, I'm currently writing the big finale of book four (and subsequently, the first major arc).  It took a little longer to get here than I expected (a LOT had to happen), but I think it's turning out even better than I thought it would.  Endings (whether we're talking about a book, a mini-arc, or something bigger like what's coming at the end of book 4) are simultaneously extremely difficult and extraordinarily fun to write.  I just hope I get this one right because it's the culmination of four books' worth of stuff.

Anyway, if you have any issues, comments, or questions, let me know!


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