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Christmas is right around the corner, so I figured why not release it then??

OR! Would you prefer that I attempt to get it done sooner and also push out a Christmas themed animation as well ??



Damn man...you all care so much about my well being... I love y’all man 😭😭😭


Quality over quantity


I would release it if it's finished. No need to delay it. Also a christmas animation would be nice. However I see most of the community disagrees with me so I guess I'll have to wait.


If it's done and you know it's done release it, and only if you have time do a Christmas themed one by all means we would all love one I'm sure, personally I'm just greedy and can't get enough bobby😂

Git Gud

I agree, take ur Time dude and one question, who is that girl?


Just take your time with CATC 3 we don't need you killing yourself over unnecessary deadlines.


Concur with most here, don't rush to finish it but don't deliberately hold it back for Christmas either. Just release it as and when it's done - if that's before Christmas, great! If it's at Christmas or later? Also great.


Take your time, or, if your feeling ambitious for dat ass do both.


Don't rush, this is your most fantastic animation yet, you want it to be well polished, and if you do have time you can add a festive video if you're feeling generous, but we'll all be pretty damn happy about this!