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These questions were asked by a patron, and I figured that I would make a post answering these questions so EVERYONE can get a better understanding of how the world works in my mind, so here goes:

I have SOME ground rules as far as the HBG universe goes, but it’s in my major plans to get it all grounded down and create an entire universe.

Yes, all HBG’s eventually gain the ability to shrink their prey, but it’s a skill only obtained by higher ranking preds.

HBG’s are immune or resistant to the power coming from preds that are close to or below their rank as preds, but if they come across a pred who extremely outranks them, they’re done for. When I say resistant, I mean they can still be shrunk, but only by a couple of feet every 30 seconds(from 5’0 to 3’0 and so forth). Higher ranking preds go straight through this resistance and make them whatever size they please instantly.

That’s basically what they use it for; to hide their prey in public settings where they aren’t supposed to be using their skills, and when they want to toy with their victims. It can be reversed any time they want to, but only by their choice. If they aren’t experienced with it yet, there’s a chance that they could accidentally release their prey from it while they’re inside.

The more powerful preds still enjoy using the ability from time to time, but they definitely prefer the bigger, fuller sized prey. The more curvy the prey, the more they gain from it both feeling wise, and asset wise.

Liz is a unique pred in the HBG universe. She is what I refer to as an Omega pred. She basically has had her vore talents from birth and has been using them since she was a child. She has been put out of almost every school and even daycares because she was always eating the other children/students. Typically, preds don’t gain their abilities until they reach puberty, and even then they don’t gain full control of them until later on in life, which explains why Liz has such an advantage over every other pred she’s come across; she’s already got full control of her abilities, while the others are still learning to control them. Small ranking preds must resort to prey smaller than them because they can’t take on full sized adults(smaller adults, sometimes children, and teenagers), because they aren’t high rank enough to use the shrinking ability. As they consume more prey, they increase their rank as an HBG; think of it as a levelling system in your typical RPG, having them gain different skills the more experienced they become. Those born without vore abilities are automatically classified as prey, but are only eligible to be eaten when they reach high school. After that, they’re fair game to ANY and ALL preds. To avoid high schools becoming completely empty, students are forced to wear pants that prevent prey from going too deep into their ass. The pants are like leggings, stretch extremely far, and are almost unbreakable; it would take an alpha pred to break through them. They also have to drink a medicine that will make them vomit out any other students they swallow orally after about an hour of swallowing them, all of this before the school day starts. Unfortunately, once students are off the school bus, they can’t control what happens. It’s not uncommon for students to go missing after school, but it’s impossible for them to find out who did what as no evidence is ever left behind.

All in all, there are SOME consistencies, but I’m also adding as I go to fill in any loopholes.

Thanks for reading!




Good explanations, however since it was the first viewing of Liz's CAT 3 (prt 2 ending) butt devouring of a pred that was ass large in size (or could be considered larger than she was even after engulfing two other smaller full size prey) that introduced me to the HBG domain, I've been spoiled ever since....only panting and longing to see other Fullsize engulfments with intense struggles. To me, the who shrinkage route capability is for wimpy wanna'be HBGs. In other words, Liz's HBG orifice is in own right an anaconda/boa'like alpha specimen. Therefore, such capabilities do not need a "shrink one's prey" ability. But rather, their superior dominance is the likes of a Liz (and similarly capable HBGs) that braggadocio'ly hail the motto...."No prey is too big to fit inside this ever hungry booty ...". So screw the ole "shrink capability" until I can level up; so keep it simple tap out nonsense. Nah, nah, nah...How about a HBG declaring "I'll make my caboose expand and enlarge ass big ass it needs to engulf my butt prey and let the shrinkage happen during digestion". See..its all about the struggle and stamina to subdue and then retain ones' captured prey during and after full engulfment that sets a mediocre wanna'be HBG from a Liz class (no prey is too big to fit inside this hungry booty) alpha HBG type. Then, (if not already produced), there should be instances in which there are successful prey "complete escapes (not partial, but complete escapes" that occure every now and then which then forces alpha HBGs to figure out alternative methods to keep a capture prey engulfed....cough, cough....BUTT BLUG'gage lol. Just my two cents.


I feel so informed!


Idea. you can do a borderlands-style intro freezeframe whenever there's a new pred that shows her level so we know who should be feared.