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hello everyone, after 10 versions, 300+ hours of designing, test printing and failing, I’m sad to say that I have to scrap the needler’s mechanism :( So what went wrong? mainly there was a lot more give in the mechanism than there was originally in the set print and the 3d model, this give meant parts would twist wiggle out of alignment meaning the mechanism would not work reliably, and the work I did to get it to work was not something I could explain to you guys. so sadly I'm gonna have to scrap this mechanism.

so where to next for this model? well! that's where the good news comes in! I'm starting from scratch on a new mechanism that will be far simpler and more reliable! now starting from scratch is not fun especially with the eye-watering amount of hours I have spent on the model so far but I am determined! come hell or high water I'm gonna get this mechanism to work!!! :D though it cant take up any more time in my work schedule, so im gonna make a few tweaks and release the model to you guys without the mechanism, in the background ill continue to work on the mechanism and when I get it right ill release a rework on the needler :D

im really sorry guys about this, I put everything I had into this one, and sadly it just didn't work out, but I have a plan! and I will make it up to you guys :D




Every "failure" helps expand what you know! How many versions of the lightbulb did Edison "fail" at before coming up with one that worked reliably? LOTS! This experience makes you a better designer! Keep up the great work! I would hope most people will be patient and be happy with the final product!


thank you man :D that is very true! hahaha even though the mechanism failed the experience I have gained from it is massive!! and you guys have been absolutely amazing! the support you guys have shone today has been absolutely amazing, my day went from pretty bad to excited to get back to it :D

spicy dodo

I’ve always been a tinkerer. You just put it on the shelf and move to the next project and the next. At some point you will come up with an idea you can transfer to the needlers design. Usually it was a simple idea


thats very true! also some times its better to step away from a project for a bit as it can help you find the solution you need :D