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HELLO EVERYONE!!!! I did a thing!!! I have in absolute record time! completed modelling for the M6C Socom pistol! with the needler obliterating my mode release schedule I decided to push it on this model and got it done in 4 days! 4!! woohoo!!! to features!!!!

now the main reason this model was so fast was thanks to the halo 5 magnums internals! as I didn't need to remodel and test all the moving parts I have been able to cut down the modelling time massively while also adding in all the features the magnum had with some massive updates! which ill get to, just quickly, that's a moving trigger, hammer that is activated by the trigger, a slider that locks the hammer in place, as well as a removable mag! sadly there was a feature the magnum had that didn't work on the SOCOM, that was the slider lock, those parts had to be scrapped due to the geometry of the SOCOM. this model also has a removable silencer! revealing the base sidearm, and if you check very closely the main body has designed queues of the original SOCOM as well as the halo 2-anniversary pistol. the next major upgrade is that this model is put together with mostly M3 bolts instead of M2.5 bolts. a lot of people had trouble getting hold of M2.5 square nuts for the magnum and sadly by the time I realised it was too late so I have made that change for this model! wooohooo!

overall I'm really happy with how this model has turned out I cant wait to get printing!!!! :D




Yay! M3 that won't drive them nuts 😂


You got my printers working overtime brother 😂 helllll yeahhh