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Its been a few eventful months but i finally have time to check in.

Pride is rounding out and I have some scheduled things and updates and ideas to share as usual but also now that its halfway thru the year I kind of want to check in with what my intentions are for this "10th anniversary" year and outline what i have planned (that knowing me will change LMAO) - also theres a special announcement at the end BUT READ THA REST SIL VOUS PLAIT.


I would like to bring back KrisPOddCasts in some capacity at some point but Id be curious what kind of topics yall would want me to cover so let me know suggestions in the comments below. For those unaware, KPod's were basically random podcasts i did on random topics related to anime/manga and/or fandom like sub vs dub, ranking wsj anime/manga and talking about anime piracy (all episodes are available in the KrisPOddCast Collection tab to all patrons). Ill take any suggestion no matter how broad or specific, top 10 anime of all time, husbandos vs waifu, BL vs GeiComi, Mappa or Anybody But Mappa, which streaming service has the best subtitles - WHATEVER i just need to get the creative juices flowing and understand what yall would be interested in.

iMovie Fuckery

As per my last post, imovie has still not fixed itself and ive tried "everything" (see that post's comment section for details, i have been updating it as developments have occurred). At this point i dont think this next video will be out in time for the end of pride cause the a in apple stands for ASS and not in a fun way cause their update fixes always take mad time. Im getting what i can of the video done and have decided ill keep working on other videos after it to build a backlog to eventually release in succession once the fix is fixed but im hoping it can be resolved before then.

For anyone curious what the specific issue is, ive posted images below. Essentially when i go to use the "Crop to Fill" option (or Ken Burns) and then try to manually crop the image, imovie freezes and not even a rainbow wheel kind of freeze just a frozen for no fuckin reason type deal. If i leave images uncropped they appear as they do in the second image so yeah its fucked and unpublishable. Again doing what i can but it is what it is, ill be contacting apple support later today but i know for a fuckin fact its not my macbook but the latest imovie update cause my macbook is up to date OS-wise so its just apple fuckin up YET AGAIN.

July Plans

July of course entirely depends on iMovie deciding to come out of a coma but i do have 2 videos somewhat planned and conceptualized. I usually try to put out 3 videos a month but i am planning to take part of july to work on youtube-related things ive put off for a while that are outside of my usual work flow like downloading clips ive bookmarked and labeling images ive screenshot which Ive put to the side for about 6 months so that will take a chunk of my time. The two planned videos are on the following topics:

Citrus, CGDCT & HimeDanshi: Teased this one in videos but for those unaware, Citrus is a yuri anime that came out in 2018 and has been unnecessarily controversial ever since even tho by controversy standards, like most "controversial" anime nowadays, its a big fat NO BIG DEAL. While obviously i am more of a BL/BoyShipping/AniMen focused channel and Yuri is not something i regularly consume, I wanted to revisit the series particularly because of how it has been labeled as "a yuri anime with yaoi tropes" ROLLS FUCKIN EYES.  Additionally, Sound Euphonium is currently airing and i came across an article in which for some fuckin reason they were bringing up up the TIRED ASS argument of that series being "queerbait" but the conversation was helmed by four MEN and it got me thinking about himedanshi and CGDCT fans (CGDCT = cute girls doing cute things - I KNOW) so i will be tying in "yuribait" discourse and fans as well.

Ai no Kusabi Revisited: the series has been on my mind for a while now after i had an epiphany about it a few videos ago and in a post-killing stalking life i feel like it deserves a revisit especially in these tiring times. Dont really have a set plan other than to tie it into the fact it's readaptation in the 2010s was cancelled like ten count and yuri on ice but in this instance... halfway thru... LMAO.

Natz Cast for the month TO BE HONEST might change but as of right now its scheduled to be Blue Giant one of THE GREATEST ANIME FILMS OF ALL TIME I HIGHLY RECOMMEND. However... Im currently rewatching Major 2nd and will be doing a Natz Cast on it... and kind of want to FOR THE SAKE OF IT BEING KOSHIENS 100TH ANNIVERSARY(?) do it in july but i think ill abstain due to the actual 100th year being 2025? so maybe next year all the natz casts will be baseball anime? LMFAO TBD

3 Episode Ruling Podcast returns for the summer season, I have a moderate/modest queue for the summer but a few series im watching that roll over started way late so ill add them to the list to talk about since i havent already.

Slow Damage continues as usual HOWEVER at the end of the month there will be a poll to vote for which love interest yall would want to see me play for the second playthru that i will likely begin in august for OTR w/Gene tier patrons and above (will likely hold a secondary poll for just those patrons after the initial one to make sure people who are paying are having a fair say in what theyre already paying for).

Intentions for rest of 2024

As ive stated many times, this year is "special" in that a lot of if not most of the content im doing, im coming up with from a creative standpoint of wanting to tie in videos with content ive made previously or actualizing concepts ive held onto for a really long time. Even with july's planned videos: citrus was the first 3ER video review i ever did and ai no kusabi was a series i reviewed for Reviewing Yaoi/Boy Loves Boys Love. This trend will continue through the rest of the year and then in 2025 i will probably pivot into a different strategy aimed at bigger growth on this godforsaken platform thats still somehow creatively sustainable, maybe ill start doing shorts HURLS.

The Following is my full currently scheduled list of videos for the rest of the year by month - dont get your hopes up for ANY of them LMFAOOOOOOOOOO.


  • What Im Shipping Summer 2024 - I said this shit would be recurring seasonally but that basically hasnt happened so here i go trying again


  • Scums Wish Video - my beloved. Sharing my love for it as a bisexual person, otherwise no clue since i still have to rewatch

  • Top X Bisexual Anime Characters - kinda like my old bi characters vid, might just remake that


  • The Yuri On Ice Effect - aiming to release on the date the first episode aired back in 2016, broadly discussing from my viewpoint how consumption of anime and fandom has changed since yuri on ice aired and the waves that came after it either by coincidence or design.


  • What Im Shipping Fall 2024 and im also planning to take the month half off to prep for december


  • BL Vlogmas - aborted the attempt for pride, might go for it during the moooost capitalist tiiiiime of the yearrrrrr. Might tweak the concept to make it more broadly rainbro/queer shit but tbd. Adsense is great during xmas and everyones looking for a distraction so who am i not to serve the people?

Unscheduled But Considering

  • Rating Twinks - nobody knows what a twink is, i blame the baby gays and the straights

  • Top X Shota Anime - Clickbait/Ragebait lmaolmao THE A IN ADSENSE IS FOR ANGERRRRR

  • Shojo Girls Who Chose The WRONG MAN - sharing my controversial opinions (probably not for most of them) on various failed love interests in shojo manga/anime and why i think the girls SHOULD have chosen them.

  • Ao Ashi Video - my fav, will likely rewatch soon, i need to think how to spin it

  • Idolish7 Video - ive mentioned it for so long i just need to find a PURPOSE

  • Major 2nd Video - no fuckin way i can do just an as-is video so ill likely trojan horse it into another video like i did with it for the titans bride back in the day - a reference

  • X Anime That Should've Been BL Visual Novels - self explanatory, should be fun

Natz Casts (For OTR w/Gene Tier Patrons and above)

  • July - Blue Giant

  • August - Initial D (probably getting pushed back cause MF Ghost S2 is likely airing in the fall)

  • September - Kagami no Kojou

  • October - Belle

  • November - Josee to Tora to Sakanatachi

  • December - The Kings Avatar

  • Undated But Planned:

    • Naruto

    • Naruto Shippuden

    • Major 2nd

    • Major

    • Young Justice maybe

    • Avatar The Last Airbender (animation) maybe 


Lastly, when it comes to the next visual novel to be played here on patreon, we wont be voting for the successor to Slow Damage until next year since Slow Damage is currently scheduled to finish at the end of January 2025


ive been thinking a lot about how fuckin dragged out the shit has been and i apologize for that but its necessary for my work flow to be efficient. I will say, the most enlightening part of this slow damage playthru has been that the entire thing is going to be available on youtube.

Yes there are uncensored sex scenes, but for yucks i uploaded the whole thing there and only got hit with age gates and limited ads (which dont matter on unlisted videos anyway) so it turns out youtube may be viable for visual novels going forward... which is especially helpful since the dumbass american government (really moreso individual states but its an election year and i hate E V E R Y O N E) has been blocking my go-to upload place pornhub for some patrons with people in the exit surveys revealing to me that they cant access pornhub videos at all (please tell me if theres issues with accessing content... id like to keep your mone- I MEAN YOUUUUU around longer if possible ;D) .

That Being Said...

with Slow Damage not being everyone's cup of tea, with me wanting to present an alternative option to play out alongside it, with it being a 10th Anniversary year for my channel, with me desiring to make content that calls back to previous content ive made and with pornhub now seemingly no longer being necessary for explicit visual novel videos which is EXTRA helpful since i had issues with keeping a certain visual novel's videos up on there...


Honestly ive thought about this for a while now and it just MAKES SENSE on so many levels to revisit it now in the year of our lord, savior and captain of CUMMIES Hiro Akiba. If yall could not tell i have felt rather UNHINGED this year and few things are more UNHINGED then bringing Camp Buddy back to relevancy after BLits has hardcore pivoted into "safer" character designs for their follow up games. Im a basic bitch and honestly am more inclined to like the bodies on display in Scoutmaster Season and Jock Studio but i will never not roll my eyes at people saying CB characters look "like minors". This harkens back to me saying that no one fuckin knows what a TWINK is anymore - theres nothing wrong with twinks but when i see people saying ICHIGO KUROSAKI is a twink it tells me the narrative is more lost than Yaoi-Danmei (did your brain make the shriek? shoutout Pavlov's dog).

Since the original playthrus went the way of positive opinions for Jujutsu Kaisen, Im open to playing ANY route this time around... with an asterisku. Basically yall have two options and there will be a poll:

  • Option 1: I play it freestyled, I end up with whoever, I do it the way I did it the first time BUT i play it more cheeky meaning I make choices not because im tryna unlock an ending or pursue a character but react how i feel. I love hiro but if hiro was like "what BL do you wanna read" and the perfect end choice is "Here U Are" im GOING to choose "Jinx" LMAO. I have played all the routes for everyone so i know all the stories and endings, nothing will surprise me and again i have played killing stalking in the years since so im basically a brand new person meaning my perceptions of characters could have changed. Will i go for Yoichi? probably not, I might even redo the Hiro Route verbatim - the end goal is just to play it more naturally and as an overall callback to the first visual novel i every played for yall.

  • Option 2: I just go for the Taiga Route, either Taiga Route. Obviously specific choices are required to unlock Taiga's route so id play with a guide to unlock them but after that Id approach it blind to get either top or bottom. Taigas my favorite route and my favorite character and my loins BECKON HIM TO CALL ME DUMMY so it will be a grand time overall LMAO. I will say its highly improbable but there IS a possibility of unlocking Taiga by accident while playing Option 1. Just putting it out there that these options are not "Taiga or Not" but again he requires specific scenarios and is hardest to unlock in that situation hence why hes his own separate option.

Either way there will be a democratic ass poll for the decision down the line where everyone will be able to vote but to be transparent, this will only be available to Devout Kris-Tien Tier patrons and above since it will not have an SFW version and that is the tier explicit playthrus are available for. If the first play goes well, Ill play the losing option of the two for OTR w/Gene Tier patrons - yall will porque no los dos but without the porque no los or whatever (no habla espanol, soy un GRINGO).


sorry this is so long, lots of shit to update yall on since its been about 2 months. Hopefully iMovie pushes its anus back inside itself soon so i can not go more bald than i already am.



So you’ve touched on it a bit in previous videos but I do think “Consent in BL/Geicomi manga and anime” could be an interesting podcast topic…..