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anyone who isnt a NaruTo-Chan patron or higher can skip this first paragraph, brief update for july for everyone is after it. Its not a SUPER long update (who am i kidding) but I do want to let yall know about some things coming this month as ill be more active on patreon than usual and need patron feedback & participation.

Discord Maintenance

Currently doing my annual-ish Discord purge so if NaruTo-Chan and above patrons who use the discord wonder why they dont have access - that is why. I am actually in the process of making a new server because in the old one the patreon bot would not do its job of kicking people out when they unpledged and Ive wanted to make a new one for this purpose for a long while. After putting it off im finally doing it now so discord will be down for a few hours maybe even a day as i migrate channels and reassess/rewrite channel rules, apologies for the inconvenience. If youre someone who finds themselves accidentally added to discords because of your account settings and want to avoid manually leaving (again) now you have time to see if you can adjust that in your settings if its an inconvenience - if you dont care then know youll probably be automatically added later lmao.

July Update

This month is going to be light on the public side of things, the only for sure video is the How Gay Is Your Favorite Anime? video that was supposed to be out at the end of pride month. Unfortunately iMovie hasnt gotten its shit together but i have found a way to work with the glitch so the video WILL be done within the next few days. After that I will try to get the Citrus video out by the end of the month but if not that'll be august since im prioritizing other things this month related to my channel/patreon. Aiming to do an Ai no Kusabi video after that but as im typing i realize i did say i wanted to bring back What Im Shipping and Tasogare Out Focus is airing this season so maybe that will be next depending on timing lmao.

Half Year Reassessment

Ive decided since im halfway thru the year that im going to take july to reassess the rest of the year and what i want to do as well as brainstorm new things to attract subscribers to my patreon. My patreon hasnt been pulling the money that it was even last year when I was barely posting one video a month so I really need to contemplate new draws for people to subscribe.

Potential New Tier

I imagine part of the income decrease is due to my "eliminating" the $1 USD tier and people being apprehensive to pledge $3 USD so im considering adding a $2 USD tier that would have all the same benefits as those currently pledged to the legacy SousBae tier. I will not bring back the SousBae tier for the public because as ive outlined before theres a lot of content on this patreon that ive made in the past 6 years and im at a point where offering $1 a month for how much is available feels like giving content away for free and im not thrilled with the idea of a $2 tier but I'll see how things go. If it gets implemented itll be some time next year after i try some new patreon perks during these next 6 months.

Camp Buddy Reboot

I believe part of the lack of people pledging is due to either a lack of interest in Slow Damage (either not for them or having already played themselves - im always late to shit) or waiting for it to be done to binge it all at once. The playthru is indeed long and will finish early next year so thats understandable but I dont want to wait all that time and just not make money when I could be so that is partly why im gunna test out my rebooted Camp Buddy Playthru. Obviously that's a perk that was lost to time so I want to bring it back and see if there's interest in seeing the new me LMAO play it all over again. Ill be having the poll for what approach yall want me to take (play it blind or taiga route) in the next few days but more on polls in a second.

July Feedback Polls 

As im reassessing my channel and patreon this month, I will likely be posting several polls over the course of the month in order to get feedback, gauge interest as well as to ask for contributions to content I will be making so I hope you all will keep your eyes out either here on patreon or wherever you get patreon notifications because I would like to hear from as many of you as possible on the things I ask about.

Shipping Wars

In addition to Camp Buddy, I will be doing a soft launch of the "Shipping Wars" concept i tested last year/early this year (i dont remember, what is time?) exclusively for patreon. The initial public format was live streams but ive decided to put that on the back burner until i get my livestream competence up in favor of a prerecorded video format - specifically a bracket. How im conceptualizing it as of right now: for the last 17 weeks of the year i will be uploading a weekly video exclusively here on patreon where i take 16 ships each video (canon or not, anime, non anime, live action even - we're gunna GO PLACES except with platonic ships) and determine the "best" ship out of all of them. Then on the 17th week i will take the 16 winners from the previous 16 weeks and have the "finals" where the best of the best is decided. ADDITIONALLY I will be having a patron participation component to each video where i will have a patreon poll with the same 16 ships i will be bracket-ing in the video to see who the patron voted best ship of each batch is just to compare - of course for the finals there will be a "patrons finals" - and i will announce each winner in each video. This is gunna be real INTERACTIVE and im hoping it goes over well with yall as well as entices some subscribers to pledge. I will be asking not only for ships but for categories as well fairly soon, I wanna be real broad yet mostly-anime/manga/related but also wanna do categories most people will actually care about and contribute to, like im not gunna ask for CW ships if yall dont have any LMAOOO

In Conclusion

Apologies for the lack of content this coming month but you can for sure expect 3 Episode Ruling podcast in a few weeks and OTR w/Gene Patrons can expect a Natz Cast on Blue Giant in a few days.

This patreon is likely going to get a little crowded towards the end of the year. Between Slow Damage, Camp Buddy, Shipping Wars Videos, Shipping Wars polls and then my regularly scheduled videos along with DK's and podcasts its gunna be PAWPIN in here (maybe to my detriment but we will see LMAO).



Looks like you missed your Pride Month window, so no more of this “bisexual” nonsense.🤡 (Kidding, obviously.🥴) Always work at your own pace.


LMAO i still cant believe in the twilight hours imovie was being HOMOPHOBIC


Thought I had reached my threshold for sharing dumb ass tiktoks for like 30 sec before checking Patreon