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We've had a lot of fun during the last five years of TalKing of the Hill, but one subject isn't funny: gout. It affects literally thousands of organ meat lovers every year, and in 1999, King of the Hill was brave enough to tell the story of a young gout survivor. It's all happening on this month's installment, which kindly reminds you that eating liver is a privilege, not a right. 



Anna Mansager

The hack modern art kinda reminds me of when I was 14 I got paints and an easel for my birthday and the first thing I painted was a picture of a toilet with the word “racism” on it. I thought it was so deep lol

Andrew Bryson

I came here to warn Henry not to get a sword cane, even as a gag, because they are super-duper-illegal to carry, sell, and maybe even own basically everywhere (even in the United States of Armsbearica)