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Another queer-themed episode of Simpsons means we again called upon two experts, Drew Mackie and Glen Lakin from the excellent Gayest Episode Ever Podcast! After Homer gets mad at Marge for reasons he thinks are defensible (they aren't), he moves in with two gay characters who both become key parts of Springfield. We deconstruct this 2003 approach to gay sitcom characters and their legacy that Drew & Glen are connected to. Plus we detail how Harvey Fierstein wasn't in this while Weird Al was, with tons more trivia in this week's queer podcast!



Riley Jessett

Bob please go look up Michael Cera’s Super Bowl commercial from this year

Stupid Sexy Spencer Flanders

The Poodle Hat tour was actually my first concert, ever! I was twelve, in sixth grade, and saw him in Akron, Ohio in the third row. I know I loved that album because of who I was at the time, but you're right in that it doesn't have any real lasting singles, although I WILL argue that it has the best polka, and Genius in France is a love letter to Albuquerque. Hardware Store is a fun original too! All of this to say- even I didn't understand why Weird Al was in this episode at all.

Harry Thornton

The story with Poodle Hat is that the lead single was a parody of Eminem's Lose Yourself about TV shows, but while the parody was approved a planned big-budget music video was scrapped. Why? Because Eminem thought the video would hurt his reputation/image somehow, and hurt its success so badly that it was his least successful album in years. And as for Lady Gaga, there was a weird miscommunication with her manager that made Al think she rejected his parody of Born this Way, but luckily it was cleared up and she approved of it.

Dan Vincent

And Al wound up dunking on Eminem pretty hard in an Al TV fake interview segment. He took a video clip where Eminem was going on about artistic freedom and freedom of speech, etc. and Al responded with "So you think, for example if somebody wanted to do, oh, I don't know, a parody of somebody else's video, they should be able to... artistically express themselves and just do it?" He burned Eminem so hard that Eminem admitted in his book that Al got one over on him and he needed to lighten up. Weird Al: better at dissing than Eminem! Not having a video except for the hastily made "Bob" really hurt Poodle Hat, and every album since had multiple videos, many of which were produced outside of Al's normal video production team. Lynwood came out right at the time Youtube was getting popular and that really helped its popularity, and Al basically pivoted to internet video to promote his music. But Poodle Hat itself has a lot of great material. eBay is an S-tier song and Hardware Store is the most complex and deep arrangement Al's ever written.

Patrick McClafferty

*points to self as another gay guy who loves Weird Al*

nina matsumoto

Since I don't want to just leave a Canadian Correction, I want to add I love Gayest Episode Ever and especially when there's a crossover with this pod! And now I'm realizing both Bob and Henry need to guest on the same GEE ep together so I have an excuse to draw fanart.

Drew Mackie

We will *pay* you to draw fan art that we are in any way involved in


I was impressed the Simpsons writers knew what a 'bear' meant in gay parlance. I'd only learned the term a few years earlier as a closeted gay guy. Learning they consulted with a gay friend makes sense.