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It's time for an episode inspired by the most notable thing to happen during the George W. Bush administration in 2001: tax rebates! History repeats itself 1000 years later as each member of the Planet Express crew gets a whopping $300 from President Nixon; and how they choose to spend this money results in Futurama's own version of 22 Short Films About Springfield. So listen in to learn prudent financial advice and how drinking 100 cups of coffee will give you super powers!




I know the "roof is on fire" line best from the 1996 Bloodhound Gang song "Fire Water Burn".

Eric Schuman

new theory for a 20+ year old episode: roseanne barr was absent from the spotlight for a few years in the early 2000s because she was busy recording her guide to the the world of facts! after all, she’s depicted in this episode as having a body rather than being a head in a jar.

brian bonelli

I take the "more closely related to elephants" line to be a reference to how the names of some animals are inaccurate from a classification standpoint. Honey badgers, for example, are closer to weasels than they are other badgers. Red pandas are also closer to weasels and skunks than they are to panda bears. To address Henry's complaint about how hard it is to depict super-fast characters in movies, one film that does this well is Terry Gilliam's "The Adventures of Baron Munchausen." It's by no means a perfect movie, but Eric Idle's running sequences still hold up pretty well, nearly 40 years later.

Evelyn Schlick

It's me, the local Starbucks barista to clear up some stuff about the sizes! Originally, there were two sizes: short (8oz) and tall (12oz). Self explanatory really, a short cup and a tall cup. But, GOD BLESS AMERICAN CONSUMERISM we needed MORE, so GRANDE (16oz), Italian for big/large, came to be. But still, 16 ounces could not quell the beast that is the American need for excess, so eventually we hit venti (20oz), which is Italian for 20 because it's 20 ounces big. That also explains the eventually trenta (30oz) iced cup size as it's a 30 ounce cup. Sure the size names mean pretty much nothing these days, but looking at it in a long enough timeline they at one point made sense. I'm pretty sure this is all mostly correct, though idk I'm a barista, not a full on Starbucks sicko lifer