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We've reached the end of the month, which means it's once again time for another installment of our community podcast! Join us as we ring in the Pacific Northwest era of Talking Simpsons by catching you up on Simpsons news, as well as our very busy last few months.  And, as always, we read and respond to your questions and comments from the most recent round of episodes. Here's a tip from us you won't regret: a podcast host's just a friend you haven't met!



Blake R.

so great to have TttA back! and that Bob and Henry have made it to their new homes! a long time coming for both of you. I would be all over a future What a Cartoon episode on Recess. it was an underlooked favorite of mine growing up and I still remember that being the very first thing I wanted to watch when Disney+ launched. Had a lot of fun revisiting it and it holds up remarkably well. it's no surprise considering Paul Germain was one of the creators, so it taps into a lot of the humor of adult mannerisms that made the early seasons of Rugrats stand out. If you do touch on the show at some point, I strongly recommend 'The Economics of Recess' where a series of stickers become playground currency that taught me from a young age that money (and its rules) are all made up.


Dave the Diver is also one of those games that really opens up after the credits roll. Lots of the achievements on steam can’t even be unlocked until after the story is over. I didn’t really dig too much into that because the story got gimmicky and fetch quest heavy at the end so I kind of burned out but it definitely seems like there’s much more sushi min-maxing to be done.

Rob MacBride

Aww GDAY AGAIN, GUYS! I'm super stoked you got a yuk out of my Danny story. I myself have never had the pleasure of getting drunk with him, but I bet he'd still drink me under the table despite being almost 80. Do Androids Dream is actually a full length novel. Easy mistake to make though considering the multitude of feature films adapted from Dick's short novellas. I'd struggle to name another full length Dick novel off the top of my head. Its worth reading but be warned, it is VERY different to the film. Blade Runner takes a number of liberties in its adaptation, the biggest of which is the erasure of the protagonist's pet sheep. While I do enjoy the films of Wes Anderson, I do think the most cherished ones are often the most boring. Everyone worships Tennanbaums & Life Aquatic, but I found these really hard to get through. Didn't even manage to finish Darjeeling. Having said that I do think he's an amazing film maker. Bottle Rocket & Rushmore are primo! If you ever wanna record a revisit ep for Bart vs. Australia (1995) including the perspective of a flesh n blood Australian person who watched it on tv in Australia at the time it first aired, please please please get in touch! robmacb@gmail.com (or leme know if I've breached forum standards & I'll omit this part).


That's funny you say you thought Corpse Bride was made to sell Hot Topic merch. I saw Coraline Remastered in theaters last night and the Hot Topic ads beforehand reminded me a lot of how the mall goths movie of choice was Nightmare Before Christmas, and maybe Coraline is that for the following generation.

Marcy Coral

Third time the Flash has been brought up and one of you misgenders Ezra Miller in like a month. Its a bad movie and a bad situation, we get it! this ground has been covered! I know they're a piece of shit but it pains me to hear the two of you misgender someone constantly.

Steve D

I’d watch an Oppenheimer style movie about the dork who invented the wedge robot.


Henry, have you ever heard of the Tae Kim Guide to Japanese? it’s a website that essentially a free Japanese textbook that has helped me more with my Japanese learning than college classes. Also the updates to the Duolingo Japanese course are great imo.


Glad you bought Theatrhythm FInal Bar Line. I bought the $100 Ultimate edition, and I'm glad I did. Kuon-Memories of Light and Waves from X-2 has become my favorite FF song.


Late to comment here but wanted to chime in about Seth Rogan being legit comic book nerd/producer. I used to work at Golden Apple Comic in Hollywood back in 2010 and Seth and his creative partner Evan Goldberg were regulars. They were absolutely the real deal and love comic books and the whole thing. I interacted with Evan more and he was a really good guy. They really wanted to make adaptations that didn’t suck and it’s been pretty gratifying to see them not just succeed (the boys) but also see them learn from past mistakes (Sausage Party work culture vs. TMNT Mutant Mayhem).