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The world can never get enough Sam and Max. Despite existing in fits and starts—an indie comic here, an adventure game there—Steve Purcell's dog and rabbit duo have never truly left us over the past 35 years. Heck, they just starred in a 2021 adventure game! But the characters' biggest brush with fame came in the form of a one-season Fox Kids' cartoon that, despite its budget and intended audience, nailed the iconic and verbose patter and antics of these beloved dirty (freelance) cops. So of course it wasn't long for this world.

This month on What A Cartoon, join us as we examine two Purcell-penned episodes of Sam and Max's short-lived existence on TV. Slap on your penny-conscious moon gear and get ready to laugh until you run out of precious oxygen!



Devin Hoffarth

Fun Fact: Bill Farmer voices Detective Date in the dub of the original Yakuza game for the PS2 and he just uses his Sam voice. It was surreal listening to him while playing that game and wondering where the hell I heard that voice before I realized it was Sam from my Hitting the Road days. Won't spoil too much either but Bill Farmer DOES return to the Yakuza series at some point and it was a treat hearing him again even if it wasn't that many lines.


Steve Purcell was the voice of the funny crow in Brave!

Joe Hodgson

There can never be too much Christmas content in December, though I do confess I wasn't high on indulging in Mr. Magoo. I would have gone with it, if selected, but I'm no fan of Magoo. Sam and Max is better. I will also add that I have the newish Sam and Max action figures from Boss Fight Studio (local to me in Massachusetts). They're pretty fun, though the joints on the ones I got were very stiff to the point where Sam's legs snapped at the knee when I tried to bend them. The company that makes them sent me replacement legs for free, no questions asked, so it wasn't a big deal. They may have done another production run at this point (these came out in December 2020) that fixed that issue. Swapping their expressions was also harder than it should be, but I like Sam's big, dopey, grin so that was good enough. They have some fun stuff, like a paper bag hand puppet of Max and a rotary phone, and can probably be found for cheaper now too. I think they were 40 each when they came out. Are we sure the "Do Not Open Until X-Mas" made it to air on Fox Kids? I did a write-up on this special 3 years ago myself and I did not remember that gag (and I didn't note it) making me think I watched a rip of the Fox broadcast (or another network). Maybe I just wasn't feeling the prison rape thing since it's so overplayed, but it does feel noteworthy for a kid's show. I couldn't find a TV rip online though to confirm nor was I smart enough to note what video I watched. A victim of my own poor documentation. My very Italian aunt makes a damn fine tea ring so I'm guessing it's not Canadian. And when I as a boy moved from New Hampshire to Virginia it was a big deal to suddenly hear the word "ya'll" in everyday conversation. It would make me giggle for some reason and it never did work it's way into my regular vocabulary. I also only lived down there for some 9 months before moving back to New Hampshire.

Devin Hoffarth

When Bob brought up the 90's having both Power Rangers spinoff crap and spooky kids crap I'm shocked he failed to mention the one time they intersected. Big Bad Beetle Borgs! A Saban made Power Rangers clone with footage from the metal heroes series that inexplicably had Universal Monsters hanging around the teens as comic relief. For no better reason than it was the style at the time. Credit to that bastard Saban: he always knew where trends were heading and seemed eager to pounce.

Christmas Ape

I really liked this show when I was a kid, but I remember being at least a little confused by “Bad Day on the Moon” specifically, probably because I had rarely seen anything on TV so doggedly devoted to nonsense. Having no access to PC games at the time, I also had absolutely no idea that this was based on anything until much later. It's good that Nadia was able to explain Harvey Atkin's ubiquity in Canada, and I can say that his voice was just as well known and well loved outside of Ontario. He was like the entire country's fun uncle.

Bradford A Barker

Wasn't a big fan or anything, but I always appreciated Big Bad Beetleborgs for at least being bizarre. One episode ends with a Church-Lady rip of, "Well, isn't that special?" The writers seemed to have fun with their bad toy show.

Andrew Grieve

I digitized my recorded copy of that episode from an original fox kids broadcast earlier this year; and I can totally confirm the ‘do not open until x-mas’ sign is there. I didn’t remember that gag at all, until I listened to this week’s episode and re-watched my broadcast for the first time in probably two decades. For what it’s worth, I’ll try and see if I can float my copy onto the internet for festivities’ sake.

Dylan (batmanboy11) Freitag

I missed out on Sam and Max pretty much up until this episode, but have heard lots of good things about the games, so I did pick up the remastered season 1 release on sale a while back, and I think now is the perfect time for me to finally play it

Joe Hodgson

Thanks for the confirmation! I have to chalk my faulty memory up to just finding a prison rape joke in a kid's show distasteful.

Talbert J.

Great ep, I'm going to be extra-protective of my copy of Surfin' The Highway from now on! I really hope Rock & Rule is covered some day for the movie pod, it's such a weird, fun film and the history of its development unlocks a lot of background for Nelvana & Canadian animation in general.

Talbert J.

("Cartoon Capers" by Karen Mazurkewich is a great resource for this & other Cdn animation history nuggets -- Bob, next time you're in Vancouver search some used book stores for a copy! I swear I see it often enough here in Toronto that it shouldn't be hard to come by)