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We've reached the season finale of Blabbin 'Bout Batman: The Animated Series! (Thanks for sticking with us.) And to close out the year, we're looking at an episode featuring three distinct Batman stories from three distinct eras of Batman. Plus, some light, late '90s Joel Schumacher bashing! It's a fun trip back to a time when comic book deep cuts were relegated to Saturday mornings and not the basis for all mainstream entertainment. So listen in and prepare to ring in the new year with your noggin full of Batman wisdom!

Thanks so much for supporting us throughout 2022; we hope you'll stay on board for all the great stuff we've got planned for next year. And special thanks go out to our editor for these podcasts, Alan. We seriously couldn't release so many episodes without his great work!




Am I going crazy didn't they do this episode already??


It never dawned on me until hearing the clip in this podcast, but when the first kid says that his uncle met Batman while working as security guard at the Walker Music Center, I felt so dumb that I never realized that this was a nod to series composer Shirley Walker.


Great episode! I hate to critique, but at one point Henry wishes Bob Kane was in pain as he was dying. Bob Kane is a total awful shit. I just don’t think the existential dread of dying equalizes w comic book IP copyrights? I just don’t like when ppl wish harm or pain on ppl flippantly. Bob Kane was awful but I don’t know, Henry does tend to make hyperbolic, violent comments about cancel culture types who do admittedly suck socially, & ; I usually take it just as his way of saying it pisses him off. But I don’t like the pull to either wish violence or call the offenders physically ugly. I don’t know why a valid critique of shitty behavior needs to progress into wishing physical harm? Why not take the high ground instead of tabloid level crap? I just don’t like when ppl wish harm on other ppl. I dont think it’s a good look. Maybe I’m a prude but I don’t like that violent cruel talk, whoever it’s about. I agree w henrys take on Kane, I just don’t like that kinda offhanded cruelty. I love the podcast but I just don’t like those sorta comments which Henry occasionally makes. It’s a very online thing to wish bad ppl pain online, but would those same ppl be ok personally hurting those individuals?


Apologies if I go too far sometimes in my anger, but with every new detail I learn about Bob Kane, the more I view his career as destructive to not just every artist he interacted with, but to the medium of comics in general. His rich and influential lifestyle was at the direct expense of the income, careers, and lives of many people far more talented than him, and his cruel treatment of others created a destructive blueprint for other terrible people in the business of comics. And he felt no repercussions in life, to his last day getting sole credit as Batman’s creator and intentionally obfuscating the contributions of the actual artists who gave the characters life. An unrepentant bad man who faced no consequences for those actions that hurt many people in material ways for many decades. I do not like that type of person who never felt guilty for what they did. - Henry


Thanks for responding Henry! Honestly I agree w everything you wrote! You & bob make one of my favorite podcasts (tho you could have more Thad komorowski…)


I care a lot about batman too & blabbin has been excellent!!

Tashmon Dimps

What a pleasant surprise it was to recognize Michael McKean's voice in the clips of Sprang Joker. I like to think that this is the alternate universe where Chuck is the slimy criminal huckster instead of Jimmy. It's my headcanon


Thank you bob for explaining why I never liked the animation type of the straight to Video Batman films from the 2010s! The animation always bothered me.


McKean did a fantastic job as the Joker. I don't know if he was familiar with how Hamill had been portraying him, but it sounds somewhat similar, unlike Gary Owens' Batman (who was also great). Also wanted to say that I was the perfect age to appreciate Batman Forever when it came out. I had seen Burton's Batman because it aired on TV all the time, but had never seen Batman Returns. So I didn't have a huge attachment to Keaton. But the spectacle of Forever was really perfect for elementary age kids who loved Batman. I rewatched it recently and enjoyed it for its goofery. It's not a fantastic film overall, but I'd take that movie every day over the animated adaptations of the Miller and Moore Batman stories or the Snyderverse interpretation.


Already excited for next year’s season. My favorite part of the year!

Burt Stanton

Hopefully you can join the rest of us in the real world at some point.

Burt Stanton

Bob. When talking about Firefly in Batman video games I'm surprised you didn't mention the battle on the bridge in Arkham Origins. 8 thought that was one of the more memorable battles in that game even though I wouldn't call it enjoyable.


If anyone is interested in reading the Dark Knight Returns, the Kindle edition is only $2 right now. DC's Kingdom Come is also $2 at the moment.


The dialogue in the first section is an untinentional reminder that the day the clown cried will be legally released next year, speaking of public domain


Please don’t be snarky or mean Burt Stanton! You don’t even patronize Talking Simpsons so don’t insult me.