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We've reached the final episode of Blabbin 'Bout Batman: The Animated Series—for now, at least—and fittingly, we're wrapping things up by covering the final episode of our subject matter. And B:TAS really goes out on top with its adaptation of the Eisner-Award-winning 1993 comic that detailed Harley Quinn's origins long before  she was DC's character du jour. So listen in and get ready to bring this year to a close with our discussion of this absolute classic!

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David Thomson

These comments are about the overall mini-series than this episode, as I thought it was best to wait until the mini-series was over. My history with B:TAS is kind of similar to how this mini-series was presented, as I didn't watch it every week and just caught episodes when I could. In the UK it was part of a Saturday morning entertainment block called "What's Up Doc?" and the B:TAS start time kind of changed week to week, so sometimes I'd miss the episode if I was doing other stuff on the Saturday morning. I do think this mini-series has identified something about myself, in that I really like to consume things in their chronological order. I think I've always know it but since I've had the ability to watch or play stuff in their chronological order (like box-sets and retro game compilations), I've never tried not to consume media in this manner. I original voted for Daria in the min-series poll, as it was the only chronological order option. I think I feel like I'm missing out on something, like during the "His Silicon Soul" episode you mentioned it was a follow-up to another 2-parter or call backs in "Trial" to Poison Ivy and Two Face. I might just start watching B:TAS from the start, although I think I'd feel like I'd miss the post-Blabbin 'Bout Batman episode.


B:TAS has no real chronological order outside of the handful of episodes that are slightly reliant on previous episodes, so it's pretty safe to watch in any order. And as we explained on the podcast, production order on these is REALLY wacky. - Bob

Guy Incognito

Thank you both for another fantastic episode, but for shame, Mr. Gilbert: you and Bob both said that The Dark Knight lifted the changing Joker origin shtick from this episode, but both of those are obviously riffs on the Joker's famous "One Bad Day" monologue from The Killing Joke ("Something like that happened to me, you know. I... I'm not exactly sure what it was. Sometimes I remember it one way, sometimes another... if I'm going to have a past, I prefer it to be multiple choice!"). Bob is understandable, but Henry needs to turn in his Batfan card immediately.

Eyal Shachar

I hope you guys do a static shock podcast one day because that was one of my favorite animated Saturday morning cartoons.

Joe Hodgson

Joker's origin seems to clearly be the same, or same enough, as the Burton film. They reference his real name, Jack, on more than one occasion as well. I'm actually surprised that Timm/Dini didn't retcon that (similar to how they retconned the film out of Penguin) with the Kids WB era. They could have very easily tacked on the "One Bad Day" monologue to him in this one.