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While The Simpsons news wasn't as busy as the real news this month, there's still a ton to catch up on in the July edition of our monthly community podcast. Not only that, but we had a month full of cool podcast guest appearances mixed with personal annoyances that took up more than a week of our lives. Then we catch up on all the movies/TV/games we experienced in July, tease some special upcoming podcasts, and (as always) respond to our favorite Patreon comments!



Josh Dietz

Blue Eye Samurai should win the Emmy but I wouldn't be upset if Bob's Burgers won since it was a very heartfelt episode about a secondary character dealing with his parent's divorce

Bryan Field

Bob, the Twilight Zone episode "Five Characters in Search of an Exit," (with the clown, hobo, ballerina, bagpiper, and army man) is one of my favorites. It is essentially a retelling of Jean-Paul Sartre's existential play, "No Exit," the source of the phrase, "hell is other people."