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Side Story Poll (for November 2023)

  • Continuation of Winter Soldier AU 16
  • Skylar discussing Ruthless Superhero MC with Yvette 1
  • Drunk Tsundere MC accidentally confesses to Skylar 3
  • Luka's/Grandpa's POV of watching MC grow up 7
  • Skylar's POV of meeting MC in Chapter 4 18
  • Ash's POV - What if they were there when MC first met Yvette in Chapter 1 8
  • 2023-11-11
  • —2023-11-18
  • 53 votes
{'title': 'Side Story Poll (for November 2023)', 'choices': [{'text': 'Continuation of Winter Soldier AU', 'votes': 16}, {'text': 'Skylar discussing Ruthless Superhero MC with Yvette', 'votes': 1}, {'text': 'Drunk Tsundere MC accidentally confesses to Skylar', 'votes': 3}, {'text': "Luka's/Grandpa's POV of watching MC grow up", 'votes': 7}, {'text': "Skylar's POV of meeting MC in Chapter 4", 'votes': 18}, {'text': "Ash's POV - What if they were there when MC first met Yvette in Chapter 1", 'votes': 8}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 11, 18, 17, 5, 8, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 11, 11, 19, 12, 31, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 53}


Hey guys! 👋 The time has come to vote on ideas for this month's side story.

I'll list out the ideas below and then you guys can vote on which one you want to see for next month. There are quite a lot of new suggestions made, so all of the options for this month would be different ones than from the previous ones. 😁

1.) Continuation of Winter Soldier AU story. Last time, we left off with Viktor finally finding MC. The next part will continue with Viktor bringing MC to the family compound and him, Ash, Luka, and Grandpa trying to see how much MC remembers of their past. It might be written in MC's POV this time.

2.) Skylar discussing Ruthless Superhero MC with Yvette. Ooh this one's interesting 👀 Basically, Skylar who's dating a ruthless Superhero MC having discussion with Yvette after MC kills one or more villains during an altercation.

3.) Drunk Tsundere MC accidentally confesses to Skylar. This one would be funny to write for sure 😆

4.) Luka's or Grandpa's POV of watching MC grow up over the years. Specifically, MC who grows to be taller than both of them. It would be bittersweet, seeing MC grow up but Viktor is not there to see it himself 😢 I'll decide whether I'll do Luka's or Grandpa's POV once I get to write it.

5.) Skylar's POV of meeting MC. See what Skylar is thinking about when meeting MC for the first time in Chapter 4 🤭

6.) Ash's POV of being with MC when MC first met Yvette in the comic store. A what-if where Ash didn't get grounded and actually got to join MC and Viktor to the comic book store.

The poll will be open for around a week 😁 (around 19th November) Let me know which one you guys are most interested in with the polls, and feel free to leave some comments on them below if you want to 💕


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