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Hey guys 👋 Here's the spicy side story for October. It is the longest one I've written so far at around 3.8K words and this is probably the spiciest as well, in my opinion 😳 The pairing is Female Ash x Male MC x Female Rin. I hope you guys enjoy it! 💖

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Tonight is a good night. You just had a dinner date with your two very special and dear ladies in one of the fanciest restaurants in the city--and it’s not just any fancy restaurant, it’s Rin’s favourite. The past month has been a very busy and tense one for the three of you as you work together behind the scenes to get rid of another gang that has been growing too big and bold, nipping it in the bud before it can become a real threat.

You’re proud to say that it’s a success. Simply cut off the head and those loyal to him with surgical and precise hit jobs, the vacuum of power will handle the rest. The remaining ones have already started to bicker and compete against each other on who will be the new head.

So, you decide to take everyone for a night of celebration and winding down. Of course, the night doesn’t just end with the dinner. The three of you are now just continuing to your ‘dessert’ part of the course… in the bedroom.

You’re helping Rin get out of her dress by unzipping the back zipper while Ash is sheepishly getting herself out of her suit in the corner of your shared bedroom. Since the place you went to was pretty fancy, Rin had insisted on Ash putting on at least a shirt, dress pants, and a suit--the bare minimum for a formal outfit, according to Rin. It still amuses you greatly how Ash is still so shy in the bedroom, even after the three of you have been together for quite some time.

Rin, on the other hand, is the complete opposite. As soon as her beautiful white dress is off, she turns around, grabs your tie, and pulls you in for a passionate kiss. Her deft hands swiftly unravel your tie and unbutton the front of your shirt. You feel another pair of hands--Ash--grabbing your suit and pulling it off you gently. Rin breaks off from the kiss first, hand traveling from your chest down to your crotch and groping the front of your dress pants excitedly.

You growl lowly as you feel your blood rush south at the touch. Ash circles her arms around your torso, pulling you back towards the bed. The back of your knees hit the bed and Ash pushes you down, forcing you to sit at the edge of the bed. You feel the mattress behind you dip as Ash kneels on it. Rin walks--or more like stalks--towards you, a hungry and devilish grin on her face; it sends a shiver down your spine. Tonight is going to be a long night, is it?

Rin plants her hands on your knees before spreading them open as she gets on her knees--thankfully, Rin had the foresight to install a plush and warm rug right under the super king-size bed you had to custom order. Her dainty fingers unbutton and unzip your trousers in one swift movement.

She pulls down the waistband of your boxer just low enough to free your member, giving it a few strokes. You hiss at the sudden sensation and Rin shushes you, patting your left thigh soothingly. At first, you expected a long night filled with edging--as is usually Rin’s favourite thing to do--but it seems she’s just as pent up as you tonight.

Leaning down, she glances up at you. The hungry grin on her beautiful face is the only warning you get before she takes all of you into her mouth. You moan in surprise, bucking your hips up reflexively. Rin gags a bit before planting her palms on your hips, pushing down almost irritatedly as she sends you a glare.

“Sorry, love,” you chuckle, reaching out to run your hand through her silky smooth hair.

That seems to pacify her a bit, but she still holds your hips down hard. That’s the Rin you know, alright, always the one to set the pace as she pleases. She doesn’t start slow like normal, instead, she begins to bob up and down your quickly hardening cock almost at a punishing pace and it makes you wonder whether this is some kind of little payback from you accidentally gagging her before.

Throwing your head back, you sigh and lean further into Ash’s embrace as you feel Rin’s tongue swirl around your shaft eagerly. Ash wastes no time peppering your jaw and throat with kisses, nibbling on your sensitive skin. You might need to wear some turtlenecks for the next few days, it seems.

Ash’s warm and calloused hands roam all over the planes of your chest and abdomen, sending shivers down your spine as she caresses your pecs and abs. With all of these stimulations going on at the same time, it doesn’t take long for you to go over the edge with a groan. Rin hums as she greedily gulps down what you offer.

She gives another suck, her tongue pressing down against your still-sensitive glans. “Fuck--” you gasp out loud, writhing from the overstimulation and probably trying to get away from Rin at the same time.

Alas, Rin is not finished with you yet as you feel her tightening her grip on your hips, forcing you to stay in place as she laps up and down your length. After what feels like an hour of overloaded senses, Rin finally lets go of your still-hard dick from her mouth with an almost obscene pop.

“Sorry, about that, dear,” she hums with a smirk on her face that clearly says she’s not remorseful even a bit. “Can’t have you go soft just yet. You still owe us some… ‘mind-blowing orgasms’, right?”

Oh, she’s using your own words against you.

Before you can even gather your thoughts to answer her, she pats your thigh playfully before standing up. She saunters over to one of the nightstands, opening the drawer, and grabbing a bottle of lube.

“Yeah, and I will deliver,” you answer defiantly, watching her make her way back to where she left off.

“Well, who do you want to go for first, hm? Me or Ash?” she asks casually.

It’s true that most of the time, you have to take turns when making love to your lovely girlfriend--and to-be fiancées. But this time, you’ve got an idea on how to please both ladies at once, and you tell them so.

“This time, I’ll try to please both of you at the same time, how about that?” you grin.

Rin raises an eyebrow amusedly at your proposition before glancing at Ash, whose expression you can’t see.

“You don’t need to force yourself, you know?” Ash mutters behind you. “I can wait after Rin--or even tomorrow if you’re too tired.”

Oh, sweet Ash, as considerate as ever. Turning your head to the side slightly, you look up at her before bringing your hand up to pull her face down to give her a passionate kiss, which she happily reciprocates.

You pull away first and tell her, “Don’t worry, love, I have an idea in mind that I want to try.”

“Okay, if you say so…” she replies adorably; you can’t help but lean forward and give her a peck on the lips.

“You can get out of your underwear now,” you grin at her teasingly.

Her face goes red and you can feel the heat literally emanating as she sputters and moves to the edge of the bed to get out of her bra and underwear. Unlike Rin, who’s always confident enough to prance around the bedroom fully naked, the more shy Ash usually prefers to keep her bra and underwear on unless she needs to take them off, like right now.

“Confident, are we?” Rin chuckles as she looks down at you from where she’s standing. “I think I know what you’re going for. Now, be a good boy and make some space, will you?” she commands.

You do so until you are no longer seated at the foot of the bed and your legs are no longer dangling. Rin climbs after you, parting your legs apart slightly so she can get in between them. She opens the cap of the lube bottle in her hand before squirting it generously on your member. You can’t help but hiss as the cold liquid touches your still-sensitive dick. Rin slathers it evenly, stroking your length at the same time to get it back to full hardness.

The bed dips behind you, signaling Ash’s return. “W--What do you need me to do next?” she asks bashfully.

Laying your head down on the bed fully, you look up at her. “I need you to sit on my face,” you tell her with as much seriousness as you can muster.

She blinks before she realizes you’re being serious. “B--But Sasha, I’m not exactly small and I don’t want to accidentally hurt you.”

It’s true that the position might be less awkward with smaller women than Ash, but you don’t care. “Ash, I’m going to be honest with you right now. If I were to die suffocated between your thighs, I’d die a happy man,” you tell her in a deadpan manner to show her that you’re serious.

Her face goes tomato-red again and you half-expect to see smoke rising from her head, but there isn’t, thankfully. “Sasha!” she gasps. “Don’t say such a ridiculous thing!”

“Ha!” Rin laughs. “I believe he’s being genuine when he said that.”

“See, Rin gets it,” you smirk. “Now, come.”

She hesitates for a moment before finally doing so, carefully planting her knees right beside your right and left ear respectively. But she’s still kind of hovering a bit too high; how are you supposed to eat her out like this without straining your neck? Clicking your tongue, you bring both hands to her hips and pull her down closer.

She barely has time to gasp before you immediately get into it, lapping up and down her slit but purposefully leaving her clit for now--you don’t want to immediately overwhelm her like that. She squeaks out loud from the sensation. You’ve eaten out Rin a lot of times before, but this is Ash’s first, so the surprise is to be expected.

You continue your ministration to help Ash get accustomed to the feeling and while you do so, you can feel Rin busy with her own stuff. After making sure you’re properly hard, she climbs on top of you, and without any fanfare--possibly because she doesn’t want to drag your attention away from Ash right now--she slowly lowers herself onto your dick, letting out breathless moans as she sinks lower and lower until she bottoms out.

The feeling of the tight warmth enveloping you makes you hum in pleasure. After a few seconds of relishing the feeling of having you inside of her, Rin starts to move, putting her hands on your abdomen as support. Thankfully, this time, she starts out at a languid pace for now.

But unfortunately--or maybe fortunately--for Ash, you choose this time to start ramping it up. You flick your tongue on her clit, and she gasps, instinctively trying to close her legs from the sudden burst of pleasure. You lick one more time before finally taking the sensitive nub into your mouth, swirling your tongue around it, and sucking on it mercilessly.

Ash whimpers and you feel her quiver under your hands, skin hot to the touch. That seems to get Rin worked up as well because you notice her starting to pick up the pace as she continues to ride you.

It doesn’t take long for Ash to finally reach her orgasm, shrieking in ecstasy as the overpowering ecstasy runs through her body. You feel her bud pulses against your tongue and her juice leaking down onto your chin and neck. To give her a break, you release her clit from your mouth before diving a bit further down to delve back into her folds, darting your tongue and lapping up some remaining juices.

Even though you’re sparing her bud from further teasing, what you’re doing right now seems to still be too much for Ash to handle right now. “N--No, please, no more,” she breathes out shakily, dislodging your hands from her hips and getting off you. She rolls to the side, trying to catch her breath. Getting on your elbows, you raise your head and turns to the side to plant a kiss on Ash’s lips. Ash barely reacts, probably still too-dazed from her intense orgasm.

After pulling away from Ash, you focus on Rin, who’s bouncing up and down your shaft, obsidian eyes filled with hunger and lust locking with yours. You break the eye contact frist as your eyes involuntarily wander down her neck, following the glistening bead of sweat trailing down in between her ample breasts as you admire her figure.

You reach out your hands to touch her moving hips, your fingertips gliding up across her supple skin until you reach her tits. Cradling them in your palms, you enjoy the feeling of them jiggling as she moves. You can’t help but circle your thumbs around her nipples teasingly.

Oh, how you’re tempted to just take control, reverse your position, and pin her down on the bed as you continue thrusting into her and take her nipples into your mouth as you do so. Well, maybe you can try…

Taking your hands off her chest, you surreptitiously slide your arms down and around her hips as you start to sit up and lean forward. Alas, Rin seems catch up to what you’re up to. She plants her palms on your chest and pushes you back until your back hits the mattress and you’re back lying on the bed.

She stops for a second to rebuke you, leaning down until her face is mere inches away from yours. “Didn’t think I’d notice?” she tuts, a smirk plastered on her face. “Such a naughty boy,” she purrs before starting to move again, hands still keep you pinned to the bed.

This time, she immediately sets a punishing pace, her hips slapping against yours hard. You take in a sharp breath at the sudden increase in intensity. All you can focus on right now is the feeling of your length scraping against her walls over and over again, the lube and her slick making the process painless--there’s only pleasure.

Without even realizing, you’re starting to buck up in rhythm, thrusting up every time her hips come down, plunging in even further into the all-enveloping warmth. She’s now moaning out loud as she keeps bouncing up and down your length even faster, chasing that sweet, sweet orgasm.

Your own peak is approaching and you can feel the pleasure building up. Soon, your own grunts join Rin’s breathless moans, the sound of flesh hitting flesh filling the room. After a few more strokes, Rin suddenly comes. She throws her head back, leaning on her hands, which has moved to your legs behind her. She lets out a keening whine and shuts her eyes as the pleasure runs the course through her quivering body, grinding her hips down and moving them in little circles.

The sensation of her walls tightening and pulsing around you is enough to bring you over the edge. You groan as you come, hands gripping her hips hard to keep her in place as you shoot deep into her. After you finish filling her, you drop your head back onto the soft mattress, closing your eyes as you try to calm your racing heart and ragged breaths.

You feel a hand running through your hair gently, you crack an eye open and see that it’s Ash stroking your head soothingly. Rin’s hands glide back to your chest, and you look down to see that she is leaning in closer slowly, a satisfied grin on her face, reminiscent of a cat that got the cream. As she does so, you feel a little bit of your own cum trickling down your member, which, you realize, is still in her.

She kisses you passionately, both of your tongues dancing with each other. After a minute, she pulls away to catch some breath. She lies her head on your chest and you feel her soft chest pressing against your torso. You bring a hand to stroke her back.

“Can you uh… get up a bit for a second so I can pull out?” you ask her.

She hums questioningly, still not moving an inch. “Why? Surely, you don’t think we’re finished yet for tonight, right?”

You gulp, “W-We are not?”

“Jesus, Rin, would you let poor Sasha rest? Didn’t he already cum twice earlier?” Ash frowns in concern, still patting your head softly.

Rin pouts, lifting her head up slightly to send you a pleading look--it reminds you a bit of a cute kitten. “One more, please?”

How can you say no to that? You sigh, “Alright, alright… But give me like a few minutes to catch my breath, okay?”



Really out here feeding us, 10/10, eating good with this post (just like Mc and Rin 😏)