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Hey guys 👋 This is Part 2 of this month's Q&A session and it will focus on all the ROs' answers. Once again, I hope you guys enjoy it đŸ„°

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Interviewer: “Whew! There are a lot of questions for you guys here. Let’s start with the individual questions first and then move to the group ones! Ash, you’re up first. Very first question—or more like a comment I guess
 It says, and once again, I quote verbatim: ‘Have you maybe
 hear me out before you kill me
 possibly just maybe, considered anger management classes?’”

Ash: [scoffs] “No. Why don’t the idiots who speak and do stupid things that have to take some extra credit classes instead?”

Interviewer: “Okay, just to make sure we’re clear
 I’m only the messenger here. I think you’ll like this next question more. It says: ‘Ash, can we get matching bestie tattoos? What should we get?’”

Ash: “B—Bestie? But MC is my only bestie right now
” [mutters]

Rin: [clicks tongue] “You should really learn to be more ambitious and aim higher, you know

Ash: [glares at Rin] “And you should really learn to mind your own business.”

Interviewer: “Ahem
 Ash, would you please answer what kind of tattoo you would get with your bestie?”

Ash: “I think small, matching ones would be perfect. Putting them somewhere we’ll always be able to look at easily. Preferably, the design will be something that only the two of us understand. Kinda like an inside joke or something like that?”

Skylar: “Ooh, nice! That sounds adorable!”

Interviewer: “Oh, Skylar, there’s one question for you. It’s
 risquĂ© in nature to say the least. Just giving you a heads-up.”

Skylar: [grins] “Don’t worry, I’m far from being a prude. Send it!”

Interviewer: “Uh
 What are your views on pegging?”

Skylar: [grins wider] “I am very open to that idea. If you are interested in it or don’t mind, then I would be more than happy to educate you on it and blow your mind.”

Interviewer: [dabs away a trickle of sweat] “Okay, that’s one of those questions down. There are more but for now, let’s focus on the solo questions for Rin. This one says, ‘Do you or anyone in your family know how to play musical instruments, or is good at singing?’“

Rin: “Yes. My mom is a classically trained musician and she can play koto, piano, and violin. She’s a pretty good singer as well. Last time I heard, my little brother is interested in learning how to play cello while my little sister has no patience for anything other than drums.” [chuckles lowly]

Interviewer: “Next question for you Rin is, ‘Where does that confidence come from?’”

Rin: “From knowing that I am better and smarter.” [flash of a mischievous smirk] “But in all seriousness, when you’re in my position, surrounded by hyenas all around, confidence is almost a must. It’s not exactly a shield but it’s a deterrent from being pounced on by them and to gain their respect
 or fear.”

Interviewer: “Moving on from the grave topic, this one is for both Ash and Rin. Who falls asleep on who? And what is your reaction when MC falls asleep on you?”

Ash: “What the hell is that first question?! Is that supposed to be between me and Rin?”

Rin: “Duh
 I, for sure, won’t fall asleep on Ash.”

Ash: “Yeah, I won’t fall asleep on them too. So, the answer is none of us will fall asleep on each other.”

Rin: [smirks] “Remember that one time you fell asleep on my shoulder and you thought I was—”

Ash: “Rin. Respectfully, shut the fuck up.”

Interviewer: “That still leaves the second question, what if it’s MC who falls asleep on you?”

Ash: “Then, I’ll let them. I won’t wake them up unless I really need to move. Or I’ll carry them to a more comfortable place to sleep if I need to go.”

Rin: “Well, I’m not that much of a simp like you. As soon as my limb goes numb from the lack of blood circulation, I’ll be waking them up. Gently, of course.”

Ash: “A what?!” [blushes]

Interviewer: “Okaay! Finally, we get to do the group questions now. So, I heard all of you and MC had a karaoke night last week, right? The asker wants to know how did you react or maybe what did you guys think when you hear how good MC was singing?”

Skylar: “I cheered before joining MC singing. Although, I’m afraid I was outshined and how could I not when MC has the voice of an angel.”

Santana: [chuckles lowly] “Well, that’s one way to put it, I guess. But really, it’s a pleasant surprise. I didn’t expect that at all.”

Ash: “Well, I expected that. MC has always had a talent for singing. I still remember the first time I clearly heard it was when they sang the PokĂ©mon’s intro song. A hundred times better than my own attempts, that’s for sure.”

Skylar: “Aww
 Do you have a video of it somewhere? That sounds adorable.”

Ash: “No. And even if I had it, I probably wouldn’t want to show it to you anyway. That was my—and maybe MC’s—personal memory.”

Skylar: [pouts] “You’re such a meanie.”

Rin: “I think MC has what it takes to become a pretty successful pop star, don’t you think so? The voice, good looks, and connections.”

Interviewer: “Huh, MC has a hidden talent it seems. Next question, if MC wants a dog, how would you guys react?”

Ash: [chuckles] “Did MC secretly send this one? But, sure. I wouldn’t mind. Maybe it can be my jogging companion.”

Skylar: “Yes! Do they wanna buy or adopt one? They have a specific breed in mind, maybe? Ask MC whether they don’t mind getting more than one.”

Santana: “I would love a dog, but I feel like I should let MC know that since I’ll be pretty busy with my work during most weekdays, they’ll need to take care of it more often.”

Rin: “I share our dear detective’s sentiment here. I wouldn’t mind MC getting a dog, as long as MC understands and keeps in mind that I’ll also be pretty busy and wouldn’t be able to help them take care of it on some particularly hectic days.”

Interviewer: “So, all of you don’t mind dogs. Good to know. The next question is what perfume or cologne do you wear?”

Skylar: “I have a lot of different brands. Armani, Christian Dior, Chanel, and even Clive Christian. But, lately, I’m in love with Louis Vuitton’s Sun Song!”

Rin: “Clive Christian No. 1.”

Skylar: “Ooh. That’s a pricey one. I’ve bought it once, but it does smell good.” [nods approvingly]

Ash: “I think mine is called Tom Ford OmbrĂ© Leather. I kinda remember it because the name sounds cool. Uncle Luka was the one who bought it for me the first time and I’ve never tried other brands or types since then.”

Santana: “Uhh
 I think it’s called Nautica Voyage. I’ve also used Calvin Klein Everyone too.”

Interviewer: “I don’t even know half of the stuff you guys just said. Moving on. Since Christmas is approaching, what would your perfect birthday or Christmas presents be?”

Ash: “Weapons or motorcycle equipment, like helmets, driving gloves, leather jackets, and stuff.”

Rin: “Well, mine can go from those luxurious watches to jewelry to books or even sweets.”

Santana: “Uh
 I don’t really have any? Maybe just simple everyday stuff that is also useful, like a coffee mug, coffee machine, or some exotic coffee blend maybe? Okay, I might have a thing for caffeine

Skylar: “Clothes, art equipment, journal book, or outdoor hiking or traveling stuff.”

Interviewer: “Okay, so aside from Ash’s and Rin’s, all of you would love some pretty mundane stuff.”

Ash: “Hey!”

Interviewer: “Last innocent question for you guys

Santana: “Wait, what?”

Interviewer: “How do you guys feel about being bridal carried?”

Skylar: “Romantic as hell, yeah? It’s literally sweeping someone off their feet.” [laughs at their own lame joke]

Rin: “I suppose it’s kinda hot to have someone strong enough to carry you in their arms like that. But I wouldn’t want to be caught being bridal carried in public, though. Kinda ruins the image I’m going for.”

Santana: “Wait, do we just ignore what the Interviewer said about this being the ‘last innocent question’?”

Ash: “It’s embarrassing and I would certainly fight to get put down quickly.”

Rin: “Oh, yeah? Was that what you thought and did when MC bridal carried you that one time?”

Ash: [face tomato-red] “I—I
 It’s different when MC did it, okay?!”

Rin: “Enlighten me on how it’s different from other people doing that to you. Other than it’s because they are not MC.”

Ash: [stammers incoherently]

Interviewer: [turns to Santana] “Santana, you haven’t answered yet.”

Santana: [sighs] “I agree with Skylar that it’s a romantic gesture, but I also can see that it can be embarrassing when done in public, although, I suppose I wouldn’t mind.”

Interviewer: [claps hands] “Okay, time for the spicy questions. Let’s just get the answers quickly!”

Ash: “Whoa! I didn’t sign up for this!”

Interviewer: “How often do you have wet dreams?”

Rin: [shrugs] “I don’t exactly keep track of it. Feels like a long time ago since I last had it, if my memory is correct.”

Ash: “Yeah. What kind of question is this? I don’t count as well, but maybe once a month?”

Skylar: “Once every two to three weeks or so?”

Santana: “I’m already having a hard time falling asleep sometimes. And believe me, I would rather have wet dreams than the nightmares I’ve had

Interviewer: “Damn. That answer just takes down the horniness vibe by a notch. Next one, what are your favorite actions during sex?”

Skylar: “Pinning, for sure. Maybe a bit of hair-pulling as well. Oh, and eye contact, even through mirror reflection.”

Rin: “Straddling and riding. Also, just teasing.”

Santana: “Kissing, making out, and oral.”

Ash: “Umm
 Body worshiping, giving and getting hickeys, and just touching everywhere, learning each other’s body intimately.” [coughs and turns away to hide their flushed cheeks]

Interviewer: “Next, the asker asks for a sample line of your dirty talk.”

Skylar: “Hehe, here, let me give them two samples. ‘Lay back. Just relax. I want to make  you scream for me.’ And, ‘I’m gonna make you cum so hard, babe.’”

Rin: “Well, it’s kind of hard to think of one without being in the mood or in the middle of action. But sure, I can give you two as well. ‘Yes. Just like that. You’re such a good boy/girl
.’ And ‘More. Don’t stop.’”

Santana: “There’s no escaping this, isn’t it
 ‘You like it when I do that, don’t you?’, ‘I’ve been thinking about this all day

Ash: [sighs] “Fine
 ‘Tell me what you want me to do.’”

Rin: “That’s just what you always say when you’re given a mission.”

Santana: [barks out a laugh before coughing awkwardly] “Sorry

Skylar: [grins widely] “C’mon, Ash. Surely you have
 hotter ones stored in there somewhere.”

Ash: [scowls before looking away] “‘Do you know how much I want you? How I want to kiss and touch every inch of your body, to leave marks so everyone will know you are mine?’ There
Happy now?” [mumbles]

Skylar: [nods approvingly] “See! That’s way better!”

Interviewer: “Good news! Last question: What do you like seeing your partner in when they ‘dress-up’?”

Skylar: “Either in sexy lingeries or skin-tight superhero or supervillain costumes.” [winks]

Rin: “Formal and/or fancy clothes, collars, and wrapped up in ropes.” [smirks]

Santana: “Formal clothes, uniforms, garters and suspenders, gloves.”

Ash: “Um
 I’m not sure. Wearing nothing but a jacket or overcoat? Sexy lingeries work as well. Maybe gloves, occasionally.”

Interviewer: [claps hands again] “Alright! Whew! Those are all the questions and comments for you guys! Thank you for answering them!”


All the interviewees are suddenly called back into the room. The Interviewer said that they have a last-minute surprise for all of them.

Luka and Jackal are sitting on the loveseat, while Rin, Takashi, Skylar, and Santana are seated on the long sofa. Viktor is making himself comfortable in the armchair and Ash is leaning on the armchair’s right-hand rest.

After a few minutes of waiting, the door opens, and steps in the Interviewer, holding only a small card in their hands.

Interviewer: “Ahem
 Thank you once again everyone for gathering here on short notice. We just received one last comment that requires all of your attention. It says, verbatim, ‘What’s everyone’s opinion on me wanting to bang Takashi?’ And then they add the crying face emoji.”

Takashi: “WHAAT?! OH MY GOD!”

Viktor: [chuckles] “Well, I’m willing to bet it’s the same person who commented on you being a DILF.”

Takashi: “I don’t know whether to be flattered or worried

Viktor: “Maybe a mix of both.”

Rin: “Whoever it is, I want them far away from my father, right now.”

Jackal: [cackles]

Luka: [laughs] “I want to send a flower bouquet for that person.”

Takashi: [turns to Jackal] “Why are you laughing? You’re technically dating a DILF too!” [points at Luka] “Me and him are almost the same age!”

Luka: [stops laughing] “Hey! You take that back.”

Jackal: “Then, I salute that person’s taste.” [pecks a kiss on Luka’s cheek] “Don’t worry, you’re still very handsome.”

Luka: [pouts, cheeks reddening]

Skylar: “Everyone, relax! Surely, everyone here has at least found someone more
 mature than them to be attractive?”

Ash: [scoffs] “Speak for yourself!”

Santana: “What the hell is happening right now?”

Interviewer: “Well, with that bombshell, this month’s Q&A is a wrap! The next time we are gathered here together again is for another Q&A session. Thank you everyone for your time and your willingness to answer the questions!”

The Interviewer walks over to the door and hold it open. The occupants of the room stand up and start walking out of the room, still talking with each other about that last comment.


Skippy Hugo

Should definitely do a couple where the characters ask each other questions, like a "pick a random question from a hat"


Yay matching mc and ash tattoos 😁


Trust me, Takashi, I feel exactly as you do about the person who asked that question.