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Hey guys 👋 This is the very first explicit spicy side story I've ever written. Actually, this is the very first smut I've ever written in my life! 😆 Let me know if you guys like the more explicit descriptions like in this story or whether you guys like the more suggestive tone like the previous month's spicy side story

For this month, the poll winner is Male Santana and Heir Female MC pair with the scenario being MC visiting Santana in his office and some steamy shenanigans ensue 😳 

* * * * *

It’s 1:30 PM in the afternoon and you’ve just finished having lunch on your lonesome. You’re supposed to have a lunch date with your boyfriend today, but he called you a couple of hours before the lunch to let you know that he won’t be able to come since he has suddenly been given a bunch of paperwork to deal with.

You huff in annoyance; your boyfriend’s colleagues and boss have always treated him like shit, seeing him as the black sheep of the whole ECPD. Even though lately he admits that some have been trying to suddenly befriend him, while the rest mostly just leave him alone now ever since they found out that he’s been dating you. Most likely because they know your family or are in your family's pockets anyway. Fucking shallow bastards.

Parking by the sidewalk in front of the police station, you shut down your car’s engine and pull down the sun visor, using the mirror there to make sure your make-up is perfect and tidy your hair a bit. Satisfied, you close the mirror and the sun visor before turning to the front passenger seat to grab the packaged lunch you ordered for your boyfriend earlier. You open the door and step out of your ivory Aston Martin Rapide before closing it with one hand and locking it.

You open one of the glass double doors and are about to walk past the receptionist when she calls out to you and stops you.

“Excuse me, ma’am! That area is off-limits to guests. Anything I can help you with today? Maybe starting with your name?” she offers amicably, her smile strained.

You turn to her and send her a charming and superficial smile. “Oh, hi! My name is Aleksandra Viktorovna Morozova and I’m just visiting my boyfriend, Detective Santana Valdez. He is expecting me in his office,” you tell her. Well, you haven’t actually told Santana that you’re coming. It’s supposed to be a surprise visit!

“M—Morozova?” she stammers, eyes widening as recognition dawns on her face. “Uh
 You said that he’s been expecting you?”

“Yes. So, can I go meet him now?” You arch a perfect eyebrow at her.

“Um, yes. Sorry for the inconvenience,” she says, rubbing the back of her head awkwardly. “You know, safety protocol and stuff,” she chuckles nervously.

You don’t return her laugh, just send her a small smile that doesn’t reach your eyes before opening the door and stepping into the bullpen. A lot of police officers are milling around in their black uniforms and you feel so out of place with your fancy and light white chiffon dress. Mustering all of your confidence, you stride down the bullpen, making a beeline straight to the direction of Santana’s office. Your skin prickles a bit as gazes fall on you but you don’t let them rattle you. One day, when you’ve finally fully stepped up as the head of your family, most of them would answer to you, including the police chief himself.

You make your way to your boyfriend’s newly-assigned office. It’s a bit farther and separated from the other offices. You remember being upset that his ‘office’ is located right beside the evidence locker room and is small and cramped with not even a window. But your boyfriend seemed satisfied enough to finally have his own personal space instead of being put in the bullpen with the junior officers. You arrive in front of his office and you see his name hung on the door. You knock on the door and almost immediately you hear him telling you to come in.

Opening the door with a flourish, you beam at your boyfriend. “Surprise, babe!” you exclaim as you close the door behind you. He jolts in his seat behind the desk before raising his head to look at you, his pretty hazel eyes widening in surprise.

“Sasha! What are you doing here?” he asks, setting down the pen in his hand.

“Just visiting and checking in on you! I bet you haven’t even had lunch yet!” you tsk in disapproval as you walk toward him.

Santana glances at the clock on the wall and smiles guiltily. “Yeah
 Sorry, I didn’t notice the time. Maybe this is a good time to take a lunch break,” he sighs, standing up from his office chair and stretching his body.

“That’s why I’m here! I ordered you a
” You take a quick peek at the receipt taped on the brown paper bag. “A lobster tagliatelle! The waiter said it was their specialty and best-selling dish. So
 I hope you like it!” You thrust out the bag to him.

He takes a step closer to you and accepts it gratefully, smiling softly. Circling his free arm around your hip, he pulls you and kisses you deeply on the lips. After a minute or so, he pulls away a bit. “Thank you, my love. I don’t know what I did to deserve such a loving and caring girlfriend.” He sends you a soft smile that makes your heart flutter.

“Aww,” you coo as you give him a peck on the cheek. “If I’m not here to take care of you, who would? Because you certainly don’t
” you frown disapprovingly.

He hangs his head in shame as he saunters back behind his desk, setting down the brown bag on the table before throwing himself back into the plush and expensive office chair you bought for him. You hope it can at least lessen the risk of back pain from sitting too long.

“I know
 I’m sorry, baby. I’ll really try to be more conscious of the time next time. For now, I’m just glad you’re here,” he says, arms crossed behind his head as he gazes down at the stack of papers in front of him in despair.

You wonder if this task is another of the petty things that his boss makes him do sometimes. The thought of it makes your blood boil inside and you scowl as you walk up behind him. Taking a peek at the topmost sheet, you can see that it’s a case’s written report. Ah, you see; so, your boyfriend has to type up these written reports on the computer to be filed into the digital database. This is more of a job for interns and junior officers, not detectives, surely?

 Did your boss make you do this again? I swear
 Either I’ll talk to him or I’ll ask Uncle Luka to speak to him about this unfair treatment!” you hiss vehemently.

Santana turns around, grabbing your hands placatingly. “No need for that now, love. Sooner or later I’ll have to do this anyway, and I’d rather finish it as quickly as possible. Like ripping a band-aid,” he sighs, rubbing his eyes to relieve them from the strain of staring at the texts for too long.

Deciding to help him relieve some stress, you settle your hands onto his broad shoulders and start giving him a shoulder massage. You feel his tense muscles unwinding bit by bit under your palms and he groans quietly.

After a few minutes, you bend down and embrace him from behind, trailing your hands down and tracing the contours of his torso underneath the white shirt. “Let me help you blow off some steam, hm, darling?” you whisper sultrily right into his right ear. He shivers under your touch.

You lean in and pepper kisses on his cheek before trailing downwards to his neck and throat, nibbling lightly, the very light stubble tickling your lips and you can still smell a hint of his aftershave.

Feeling annoyed by the back of the chair getting in the way, you move to the front and slide onto his lap, separating him from his paperwork on the desk. He leans back to give you more space before bringing his hand behind your head and pulling you in for a passionate kiss that soon devolves into a make-out session.

While both of your lips are preoccupied, Santana’s hands are also busy roaming all over your body, paying special attention to your chest area. His bare fingertips and palms dip under the plunging neckline of your chiffon dress. Your skin tingles as he fondles your breasts gently, caressing over the sensitive nubs which send a jolt of electricity down your spine; you whine softly into the kiss.

After what feels like forever, the two of you part, pulling away a bit to catch your breaths. “You like what you’re touching?” you giggle.

Santana seems to just now fully realize that his hands are still on your chest, kneading absentmindedly. He pulls out his hands, grinning sheepishly. “Of course. Your boobs never fail to make my day better.” He leans in and plants a chaste kiss on your collarbone. “I already feel less stressed,’ he chuckles lowly.

You shift a bit on his lap to fix your bra and dress when you feel his bulge straining against your thigh. It makes you grin flirtatiously. “I can make it even better,” you purr before sliding down from your perch on his lap.

He seems to catch your drift since he instinctively spreads his legs open. Making yourself comfortable on the carpeted floor, you try not to think about how dusty it must’ve been. You reach for his belt and unbuckle it before moving to his fly. Your fingertips brush the bulge in his briefs, tracing its shape lightly and delighting in the fact that he’s already half-hard!

Wasting no time, you drag down the waistband of his briefs and pull out his cock, making him hiss softly. You bite your lower lip as you begin stroking his member with one hand, relishing in the heat on your palm.

You start slow at first, almost teasing, before you start to pick up the pace, your other hand joining the other in its endeavor. This manages to draw a sharp gasp from him and you hum in approval at his more audible response. You feel him getting stiffer every second under your care and you smirk, glancing up at him and meeting his half-lidded gaze.

Suddenly, sharp knocks on the door break the spell, and both of your eyes widen in surprise and panic. The series of knocks ring out again, and this time, you can hear the muffled gruff, male voice calling out to Santana.

Without another word, you quickly scoot back and duck under the wooden old-fashioned desk, Santana only has enough time to move forward until his lower half is covered under the desk as well before whoever the visitor is, invites himself in.

You groan internally at the uncomfortable, cramped position, Santana’s knees crowding your already minimal space even more. Although, you’re now thankful that Santana declined your offer to buy him a new, sleek, glass desk, claiming that this old desk is still in good condition.

“Chief Anand,” Santana says in surprise. “Anything I can help you with, sir?” he asks amicably, but you can detect the slightest hint of annoyance underneath his tone.

The Police Chief is silent for a few seconds before he says, “I heard that the Morozov heiress is visiting you. I’ve been meaning to talk to her
” Oh, so he’s looking for you?

 Yeah, she went to the bathroom just like, a minute ago,” Santana answers. “I can pass on whatever message you want to tell her, sir.”

“Hmm, my wife invites her and you to have dinner together with us next Saturday. The details will get sorted out in the next few days. Just make sure she agrees to the dinner in the first place, okay?”

The way he speaks—or more like orders—your boyfriend like that makes you bristle. If it’s not for Santana’s knees being right in front of your face, you’d probably burst out of your hiding place in righteous fury.

“I’ll let her know about it, sir. Is that all?” Santana says, but his voice is clearly strained as he tries to keep acting friendly in front of his boss despite his own irritation. Maybe you should speak with him again about your offer tonight

“I hope you find your office to be satisfactory?” the Chief asks and you want to groan out loud. Why won’t he just leave? What a cock-blocking prick. Santana seems to share your sentiment as he starts to unconsciously bounce his right knee restlessly.

Fuck this, you don’t have the time nor the patience to be waiting around for him to leave. By then, your boyfriend would most likely go soft already. You set your hands on his knees, stilling the bouncing, before trailing up towards his crotch and taking hold of his—thankfully—still half-hard dick, pulling back the foreskin to reveal the weeping head. You can practically see him tense up a bit and you smirk mischievously. Leaning forward, your tongue darts out to give his tip an experimental lick and he jolts in his seat.

You hear the Police Chief stops in the middle of whatever he’s talking about—you have honestly checked out—and asks, “Detective Valdez, are you

“Uh, yes, sir. Just getting twitchy from sitting for too long, I guess,” he chuckles, trying to pass it off as nothing serious and the Chief seems to accept it. Or maybe he just doesn’t care much before he continues talking your boyfriend’s ear off. You hope what you are about to do will provide an enjoyable distraction for Santana.

This time, you close your mouth around the tip and swirl your tongue around the sensitive head, almost as if you’re licking a lollipop. You almost giggle when you hear Santana covering his gasp with a light cough.

You dip even lower, taking more of him in your mouth until it almost hits the back of your throat before you start lapping the underside of his shaft teasingly; your tongue tracing the ridges and the veins. Already, you can feel him hardening again far quicker than last time. You continue your ministrations and keep his cock warm in your mouth, just suckling and licking and tuning out the boring talk going on above you.

To be honest, the precarious position kinda excites you a bit and you wonder if Santana feels the same as well. Maybe you should ask him later on how he feels about getting a blowjob right under his (annoying) boss’ nose.

“You look pretty distracted, Detective Valdez
” you hear the Chief say.

“Sorry, Chief Anand
” Santana sighs and shifts a bit. “I’m just feeling tired. I think I’ll have my lunch break here now if you don’t mind.”

Fine. Just make sure to finish it by the end of the week. Oh, and don’t forget about the dinner,” he says sternly. You listen to the heavy footsteps followed by the door opening and then closing.

The two of you wait for a few more seconds and after you’re sure the coast is clear, Santana leans back and slides his office chair backward to give you more space. You let him out of your mouth before scooting out from under the desk and closer to him.

He reaches out to touch your cheek. “Jesus, Sasha,” he says softly. “I couldn’t even focus on what he was talking about, but honestly, I don’t give a damn.”

You giggle. “Well, you're welcome! Now, let me help you get off, hm?” You send him a smirk before diving right back in, wrapping your lips around his erection, and immediately begin bobbing up and down his length earnestly, sucking and slurping.

Santana can’t hold back his moan this time and he throws his head back from the sudden onslaught of pleasure. You take off your hands off his quivering thighs and use them to stroke and rub the part of his member that you can’t take into your mouth. His right hand settles behind your head gently, making sure to not mess up your hair too much, as he starts to lightly thrust into your mouth, which definitely takes quite the self-restraint that you’re grateful for and respect.

Glancing up, you meet his gaze, hazy with lust. His mouth is slightly hung open as he breathes heavily, occasionally letting out quiet groans. This goes on for another minute or so as his breath turns to pants, until he finally gasps, “Sasha, I’m—” He doesn’t even have enough time to finish his warning before he spills into your mouth.

You pull back until only the tip is wrapped securely in between your lips. His cock throbs and twitches and you feel hot spurts hitting your tongue and the roof of your mouth. You swallow his load as he finishes before releasing his quickly softening member from your mouth with a playful ‘pop’. You kiss the still-sensitive head teasingly and you hear him take in a sharp breath.

Santana is still getting down from his orgasm, muscles slack as he slumps and leans against the backrest of the office chair. You decide to help tuck his now-flaccid dick back into his briefs. Getting back onto your feet, you grab your designer purse and reach into it to pull out your foldable purse mirror and check your appearance. Thankfully, your makeup still looks perfect enough and you’re grateful for the smudge-proof lipstick you bought. Your hair though needs a little bit of tidying up, which you easily do with the help of the little hairbrush you carry around in your purse.

From the corner of your eye, you see Santana finally moves, buttoning and zipping his fly shut before buckling his belt again. “Thank you, my love. I think I really needed that today,” he chuckles lowly. He moves his chair closer to the desk and shuffles the paper to the side. He then grabs the pasta you bought for him, gets it out of the brown bag, and settles it down in front of him on the cleared space.

You beam brightly as you see him start eating. Packing away your stuff, you saunter over to him. “How about repaying me by having a dinner date with me tonight, hm? And no takesy-backsies again, okay?” you huff, pouting and puffing your cheeks.

He smiles apologetically. “Alright, alright. No more canceling. I’ll make it up to you tonight, I promise.”

You perk up. “Ooh, I’ll be holding you to your words
” you purr coquettishly before walking toward the door. However, you stop and turn around to face him. “Also, it’s a date. I’ll pick you up at 6 PM sharp, so you better get ready by that time or I’ll be dragging your ass out of that goddamn chair myself, you understand?” you warn him playfully.

He barks out a laugh, shaking his head lightly. “Loud and clear, ma’am.” He sends you a mock salute.

Giggling lightly, you open the door and step out, swiftly making your way through the bullpen area again and out of the police station before the Police Chief notices and stops you for a chat.



10/10 ;)


Glad you like it! 😁 I was a bit nervous about posting it, but I'm glad it turned out pretty good for a first time writing it 😊