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Ok guys, this week's project has actually been in the works for about a month! If any of y'all have been in our streams when my alarm went off and I had to quickly pop out to go "do a thing for the project," it was this project. You also may have noticed blurred pumpkins in the background of our transparent screen video...

We conducted an experiment to see what would happen if we covered a carved pumpkin entirely in resin - how long would it last, how does it compare to a normal carved pumpkin, would there be any unexpected findings? So we carved 2, resin-covered one of them, and took pictures 3x a day for the duration of the project (that's what I was leaving the streams to go do!)

We don't want to give away the results to you guys toooo early but I'm really glad we can finally share this project!

<3 Katelyn



Olaf Zmit

Omg that was the funniest horror halloween movie I have ever seen. Thank you for making this experiment on behalf of the world 😂😍😍😂


Oh my lord I don't think I've laughed so much at a video in months 🤣🤣🤣🤣