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Hey guys! Got distracted replying to comments and somehow 30 minutes passed by before I posted the Aftershow. Here it is! https://youtu.be/Di6QObr9tk8

But on the plus side, I can answer something we speculate about in the Aftershow:  we talk about not knowing if this will do well or poorly because tech-based builds are kinda new for our channel, but 30 minutes in it's #1 of our past 10 so that's pretty exciting! Who knows how long it'll stay at number 1 (videos often shift around in the first few days) but still, it's exciting! Anyway, in this Aftershow we cover:

- Other ideas we considered for the frame
- Why?!
- Additional scenes we cut
- Challenges of doing a tech-based build
- Last minute backwards issue
- Will we actually use this??

<3 Katelyn



Michael Kessler

What if y'all put LED's on the sides of the glass to light up the glass to see if it will light the display more? We made the screen for the glass on the side of a PC tower so you could have cool graphics going while gaming.