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This post is made early to Patreon patrons as early access!

This month I have been hard at work dusting off an old animation editor I created back in 2015 for RpgLegend.  The animation editor needed a few usability tune-ups, and after a few days of work it was good enough to increment its version number from 1.0 to 2.0!

The animation editor allows us to create spell effects for both combat and cutscenes. Attached to this post an animation that were quickly created using the tool in under 5 minutes.  The tool allows us to not only render image effects, such as the beam, but it can also render particles using emitters, and it can manipulate the screen and the target itself.  The manipulations range from color filters, blurring, scaling, rotation, to shaking, flashing, and even dissolve effects.

Please see the attached images to this post to see what the Animation Editor looks like, and to get an idea as to how it works.  It all works with the click of the mouse, with no coding necessary.

On the left side of the editor is a list of frames. Key frames are marked with how many commands they contain.  Selecting a frame will allow you to preview the animation at that point in time, but also allow you to edit the commands used on that key frame.  Clicking a command allows you to edit its properties using the property inspector on the right side of the editor.  It may not look pretty but its very functional!

Let me know below with any ideas you have for animations!



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