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Hello everyone! I hope you have all had happy holidays and that you all enjoyed Christmas for those who celebrate ^^

At last here is what I've come up with for the winning theme that you patrons voted for! The theme in question was to be some good ol' feral on feral smut <3

2 Dressed dragons in one image ended up being quite the challenge I will say but I really wanted to make this a fun picture for you all! Got a really classy background idea planned as well.

Dragons featured are my character Amyth and my wife's dragoness Felicia~

Hope you all enjoy and are excited to see this in color, I know I am :3c




I am SHOokEtH! Ohhhh mah gurd. Didn't even show me till now. It was damn well worth the wait! Looks amazing with all the detail. I absolutely looooooooooooooooooove the pull look you got going on!&lt;3 very well done as usual hun!&lt;3


Yeah you got to wait just like the rest of the patrons! ^__~ So glad to hear you dig the idea! Still might refine somethings but I felt this was presentable enough. Thanks dear &lt;3


Looks like Amyth finally gets to use his knot on someone! Looking forward to seeing this in colour!


This is so nice! And even the characters in it are just what I was hoping for! Love it!~♥


Cant wait to see this in color. Amazing work my friend.