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Hi all,

Below are some of the bigger changes I've made while going through GG6 again -- these are the mostly ones required for Game / System consistency and/or story consistency.

1. No mention of sealing a Pact - when binding Ghost as a familiar. Now refers only to a familiar bond. (Pacts can only be formed between Powers and players).

2. Ghost gets a Class point, too, when Michael gets the The First of Many feat.

3. Michael doesn't store the darkness bolt in the mage's surprise ring in chapter 388. Seeking storm stored in ring instead (castor's spell) and used in ritual combat.

4. Ghost's Born Again trait updated to describe that familiars are resurrected in their spirit vessels.

5. When Michael accepts Ceruvax's oath in chapter 425, he also makes him a member of the Forerunners faction.

6. Quaker description in book 5 altered (governing attribute is perception, not dexterity).

7. Ghost's free spirit trait edited to change restriction to staying in same sector as Michael to staying in the same sector as Cloak of the Reach.

The list will be updated as I go along.




Harley Dalton Jr.

I can't stop thinking about the finger bones. It seems like the transition to a flesh golem would have to be done quickly after passing through the ring of astral walking and Michael wouldn't be able to handle that. Plus they are supposed to serve New Haven so the transition should be done in the dungeon. Why weren't they left with Ferren?

Alexander C Hyde

In chapter 417, void thief didn’t activate when it should. It’s supposed to be 30%, not 40%.


this one almost confused me too :) It's not straight 30% damage that triggers void thief, though. Its 30% against a particular spell. In chapter 417, he takes damage from two spells - the shadow orb and embrace of shadows. That's why it didn't trigger at 70%. It only triggered after he suffered 30% damage from embrace of shadows.


they could have been left with Farren true, and possibly they would be safer in his keeping too, but it's Michael who made the commitment to the possessed, so it's up to him to keep his word to them. And yes, ideally, the possessed should be rehomed only when they get back to Draven's reach. But things almost work out ideally :P

Alexander C Hyde

Chapter 432 Secret blood (champion variant): Where ordinarily, secret blood conceals only your Wolf Marks, Classes, [skills], and traits, shouldn’t it be [abilities].

Alexander C Hyde

Chapter 433. Ceruvax nodded slowly. “I thought I knew every powerful epic Class variant the House had to offer, but I’ve never heard of the sire wolf Class.” He bowed his. He bowed his what?