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Hello Everyone! Weekly report is back!

Seems like Patreon Posting system is still broken! I have to post first then write something still. this is really uncomfortable but well, let's hope the Patreon support team fix this problem asap!

anyway, here's the works I've done this week :

1. Low stamina animations :

100% armor


75% armor


50% armor


25% armor


0 armor


If MC's stamina is below 30%, her idle animation will change into this one. :P

Adding MC's motion consumes lot of time since I have to draw the all costume.

But hey, I did it! >:3

2. When Female zombie caught joke monsters :

Male joke monster :


Male joke monster restore the female zombie's "Mood" gage by.... sacrifice himself :P

(Not finished) Female joke monster :


It's not 100% finished, but when Female zombie caught female joke monster, she will find something good for you :D


...something like this >:3

3. Making Female zombie progress :

All basic move is done. Need some testing, but basic motion is done anyway.

now I need to work on the H animations...

Explain about Female zombie :

Female zombie is companion type monster that you can drag her around. she will follow you as long as her mood gage is stable :

Mood gage :


Since the female zombie is H addicted zombie, You must take care her mood, If her mood is too low, the female zombie will not follow the protagonist and she will stick with other random male zombies. If there's no male zombies around, Female zombie will attack the protagonist to fill her desire.

How to restore the female zombie's mood?

- Lure the Male joke monster to female zombie :

If female zombie catches the joke monster, her mood gage will restore to 100%

- Have H with female zombie :

Yuri Yes, I know. Fun time :D

What else she got?

- If you throw the glow stick, she will go grab that glow stick and become glowing female zombie (lol) this will help you to light up more space. Plus, this is how you control the female zombie. keep the female zombie's mood low, then throw the glow stick to the horde of the male zombies. then She will take care the male zombies.

- If female zombie catches female joke monster, she will find something good from joke monster.

Well that's all for now! I'll bring more stuff on next week.

And the next monthly report will be the August 9th, which is next week Sunday :D

I'll keep work on the female zombie to add at least one H animation of normal zombie and H animation for the [Female zombie X The Protagonist] scene.

until then, Have a great weekend!




Wooow!! Amazing improvements, thanks for implementing low stamina animations!! *__*


Hah! I kinda laughed from the female zaambeh ''Choking'' the male flower monster, also the last pitchure made me think'' HOW!?!?!? You must learn me how to pull a rabbit out of that hole'' Great work so far, SJ you deserve another strawberry pie ^^


And the vote is over, 1 vote over quick release


Question: How long before the next demo version?


Well, vote is over now, and it's tied...wwww

Sourjelly (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-09 10:25:49 Yeah ><;; now I'm discussing with my teammate about it
2015-08-05 02:47:16 Yeah ><;; now I'm discussing with my teammate about it

Yeah ><;; now I'm discussing with my teammate about it