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Hello Everyone! Weekly report is back!

it seems like Partreon system team messed up the page creator again!

This looks messy, gah, I need send a ticket to them.

Anyway, Since the patreon page hide the privacy level bar by unknown reason, Now I have to write the page first then Edit it to adjust the privacy level, and add more contents then!

This week, I saw Milestone goal reached $900.

I did want celebrate, but I decided to save this feeling for the better use.

I would rather not waste my time on celebrating, I'll show more works.

alright, here's the list I've been doing this week.

1. Hire the voice actor for the female zombie :

Early this month until this week, I was trying to contact with voice actors to find a voice actor who can give a life to the female zombie. and I managed to make a contract with voice actor, Megamoeka. She will act as a female zombie!

Her voice is Mega cute. I'm sure you will love it!

2. New GUI bar for the protagonist's HP/SP


I received many reports that saying "GUI is too messy, hard to recognize" So I made new GUI for the HP and SP. Simple, smaller. 

My programmer saying "Meh" about this new version of GUI. I'm not sure.

what do you think? Please leave a comment if you like it or not.

3. Armored bull's running cycle animation :


He runs like a horse >:3

4. Imposter's walking cycle animation :


This guy will try to mix himself in the background.

It'll going to be hard to recognize this guy. >:D

5. Female zombie's Jump motion :


Now she can jump! >:3

6. Female zombie's Grab animation(not finished) :


This is how she react when she catches joke monsters(lol)

Let the female zombie catch the joke monsters, this will make the female zombie satisfied for while.

That's all for this week, I hope you enjoyed it!

I'll bring more stuff on next weekend.

until then, have a great weekend!




New GUI bar for the protagonist's HP/SP < look like a dead . but she not dead . dizzy faint i thing is ok


The new GUI is sexy clean! But, will the portrait change depending on the heroine's condition?


No, unfortunately. The protagonist's portrait is nothing more than a decoration. If I wanted to add facial reaction, I should've plan that from the beginning. If I try add this now, It'll cost much more time If I try to add them. and it will cause bugs too. I'm saving that idea for the sequel.