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Hello everyone, weekly report is here!

I'm really sorry for the late post X_X;; 

I've been working on making pixel dead bodies during this week, and I didn't want show unfinished images.

so, here's the pixel images I've been working :

  #Following images are prototype, the final version might be different.  

1. Dead body for Tenma Futageki :

I haven't finished on animating it. so far there's only still image X_X;;

This is first futanari characters that infected by parasite type zombie.

2. Dead body for Butlerino bob : 

Regular edition

XX large edition 

Another parasite type plant zombie >:3

...and that would be all. 

I'm sorry it's not animated version X_X;;

I'll bring the animated version on next week.

I hope you enjoyed it, and I'll see you on next week! 



Parasite <3

Jason Bill

I didn't realize you were adding futa to the game. I'm sure some people like that. Not a fan myself though. Bit of a turnoff. Not really excited to see it. :/ I really like the game up to this point though. Definitely quality compared to a lot of other games in the genre.


Having the plants that bind and gag are one of my personal favorites!


Is this futa parasite plant gonna be added to the game as an enemy? It would be very cool if you did.


Don't worry, this game is full of fetish, and I'll not focus on single fetish tho ;P


so far I don't have any plan to add it as monster. Originally futa was planned as sequel contents.

Jason Bill

Right, i get that it wont be a huge focus. It'll just be a surprise though when I come across it in game. Could be pretty sucky depending on timing. Any chance of an option to hide it? They're just the background dead bodies, right? Maybe they could just not show if you toggled them off?


Hmmmm... I can't guarantee it, but I'll try to find a way to solve this problem. X_X;