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Hello everyone! Whoa, It's July already! My, it's been already two weeks since the V1.50 release. I wish I can stop the time. X_X;;

Anyway, weekly report is here!

Here's the pixel images I've been working during a week. 

1. G. female zombie idle mode :

[Click this link to view image]

I added some fluid XD

2. G. female zombie's minion :

[Click this link to view image]

Remember that some of zombies copying themselves? 

Lion seeds, Giant flowers

Those zombies are rare type of zombies. 

When zombies couldn't find their partner, There's very, very rare chance that zombie can be evolve to Parthenogenesis zombie. 

That's right. A zombie that can reproduce without mating partner.

Actually, They can reproduce by mating with proper partner too. It's just not necessary.

Giant female zombie is those kind zombie. She will keep lay an eggs(or seed?) on the ground, and these eggs(seed?) will turn into smaller(but size of protagonist) version of giant female zombie. 

and these minions will protect the protagonist and giant female zombie by finding their own mating partner ;)

And yes, She will react to EVERY type of monsters(except bosses and floral mine ;)

3. Giant zombie's egg laying animation(Working in progress):

*warning* unfinished image

[Click this link to view image] 

(Actually there's no egg laying scene yet. only two frames are done right now X_X;;)

Since G.female zombie is huge, it takes some time for finish the animation 

I'm sorry If I disappointed you ;_;

4. Working on 4th stage map right now...:

I'll finish it up the map before the WIP build release. 

This is my main priority right now.

5. WIP build release date :

I really wish to release it on July 9th, but I'm not sure If I can make it X_X;;;

I might need to delay the release date to July 16th.

6. Detail about Gold card :

- Do I need to keep my pledge to $60? : No, you don't need to. 

- After the pledge processed, What do I need to do? : 

I'll send you a message about gold card. 

There will be few question. 

Nothing need to be worry.

- How long will it take for my reward become a real? :

It'll take quite long since I work on gold cards and project parallel. ;_;


- slot statues ? : 

12/16 (4 slots left)

- Regarding Citizen ID card :

I'll open the citizen ID card claim page soon. 

I don't have plan  to set the deadline yet.... not yet.

.... and that would be all for this week! 

I hope you enjoyed it, and I'll see you all next week! 

Have a great day everyone! 



Pretty cool stuff! I think I will spend hours observing the G. female zombie once it's done....