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Happy Friday to you! 

I hope you've had a good week so far? 

Come and join us for Day 3 of the trial, we can do this together! It's a very tough case, but this coward needs to be held accountable 🤬 When will he show face in court? If Kayla is in court today, do you think he will show up to intimidate her? I think he might! 


Oooh UPDATE guess what? Tomorrow we will have SUNNY SLAUGHTER on the show to talk about this trial! Here's the link: https://youtube.com/live/tx8CMv_JNBU?feature=share 






I just want to say, as a woman who went through DV, the abuser put my daughter in the hospital… when I finally left for good, it was years before I was over him… didn’t think about him, didn’t hope that things were different. Years. I’m not excusing or justifying her at all, because what she aided in was disgusting and she should own that. It’s something I personally live with for the rest of my life. I’ve been away for 13 years, my child is an adult now and we both went through massive amounts of therapy to heal. I can feel empathy in that part for her, but I also think with all the drugs and abuse she couldn’t even make good choices. Not an excuse, it’s a lesson she had to learn and has live with that for her entire life. I do believe she needs consequences for her part, but I can understand it as well. I made better choices, when it came to my daughter or him… I chose my daughter. Thank you G for giving me an opportunity to think about what I’ve been through and try to question what my own motivation is for feeling empathy for Kayla. You do great work G! 💜

Wild Mustang

I was really getting annoyed by her testimony, kept saying she was scared, Scared of what? Also all the crying, I wasn’t having any empathy for her. (( I was in a relationship where I was a step mom to two young girls, 5 & 7 and I took care of them, loved and cared for them. If anyone ever layed a hand on them I would go grizzly momma Grrrrr growl at who ever did that to them,, Even towards their dad when he spanked their butts.)). Then when she kept saying she don’t remember, to the Public defender I was pretty much fed up with her, because she answered the prosecutor in the same question. I’m pretty sure she’s done perjury again giving different answers to same question.