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Happy Monday!

I have a premiere coming up to discuss Jessy Kurczewski's Probable cause affidavit here: https://youtu.be/CpI0hQN3KnQ?si=teh64Sdd_BEIFQaH

And whoah, Richard Allen and his attorneys begged for things to stay the same on OCTOBER 11TH, and Judge Gull decided to make this private! This case has gotten HECTIC! I hope you checked out yesterday's Delphi livestream, plenty was discussed together there!

I will be putting together some BLOOPERS for you soon! They always happen when I pre-film videos for you, hehe!

I have re-attached the probable cause affidavit for Jessy for you.





Kay Music Taylor

The judge is right. That memorabdum named names. I would want them barred if they put my name there

Teresa Moyer

Everyone deserves a fair trial. Guilty or not Richard Allen deserves a fair trial we are all guaranteed to in the USA. Secrets are surfacing it seems and now we need to discover who are the puppets and who are the puppeteers holding the strings and who is not involved at all.

Vic B

The memorandum did not name names, where did you get that idea? I agree with you, if it were the truth. But its not.