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Hi Grizzlies, 

YouTube is a busy little place! hehe. It's a lot of work to run a channel- more than I ever really knew it could be! When creators said it took about 8 hours of editing per video they put out, I thought... really? 

But oh my word, yes, really! It takes hours of research, filming, and preparing everything before the hard work really even begins! Having a platform to share my love of true crime with a passion for fighting for justice for victims, sharing information to help find missing persons, and to sometimes snark while we're at it (because gross killers and idiots deserve no less and they are not cool or hot) is a dream come true, and moments like this, where I get to brighten someone's day and show how much we all care makes it all so worth it too! 

I have shared the video on the top tier here as early access, and this weekend (latest Monday) the video will go out into the YouTube world, edited and refined for maximum impact in the search for Daniel Robinson. It is his 25th birthday today and it was wonderful to have 90 minutes with his father, David, learning more about what Daniel was like as a person and hearing some case updates. 

Thank you for your support! I hope you're enjoying Patreon! I am definitely enjoying sharing more writing, podcasts and art with you here! 

Happy weekend!
Love, Gisela. 



Amy Bauer

Not everyone could do such a special YouTube / Patreon compilation of sorts, with such meaning and heart within it all!

Amy Bauer

What a special way you made possible to celebrate Daniel's 25th birthday AND spend several hours with David, in the Arizona desert, searching for his son the next day. Thank you for making those activities possible, Gisela! My positive, hopeful thoughts continue to both Daniel and David. ❤️