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You heard me. This Friday, January 1st at 7:00 PM Pacific Time, I will be adding a new sketch tier to my Patreon. Joining the existing tiers of 'CRINKLE CRAWLER', 'SUPER SOAKER', and "PAMPER PACKER', the newest tier will be called 'HYPER HERO'.

There will be 10 slots costing $10 per month each. Unlike any of the previous tiers, the sketch tier will include one GUARANTEED single-color sketch of one character of your choice PER MONTH. It will function the same as the current fan art poll. If you can provide me with a visual reference for the character, along with a basic scenario (no background, basic props are ok) I will draw it. If the idea is something I am not comfortable drawing for whatever reason, I will work with you to workshop it into something we are both ok with. I will be adding a section for the new tier where pledged patrons can submit their monthly sketch requests.

I'm starting with 10 slots because I want to make sure I'm able to maintain the increase in output. I'm going to try to start getting more commissions done simultaneously, so time will be in short supply. I may add more slots in the future if I'm able to comfortably handle these initial 10. I will also rebalance my commission prices so that a commissioned sketch will be the same price as a Patreon monthly sketch.

See you all Friday at 7. May the odds be ever in your favor.







Oh that's 3am for me. Something tells me I won't be able to nab a slot 😭


Sorry. I tried to pick a time when the maximum number of my patrons would be likely to be unoccupied so everyone could try for it.


1am for me… looks like I'm gonna stay up a little later this morning before I head for bed.