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For the final pic of 2020, I'm following up on the situation we left little Vanessa in all the way back in May. Santa has finally delivered her freedom from that padded prison - and not a moment too soon  (those fumes next to that fire would make me pretty nervous).

I can't say 2020 has been a great year in general, but it has certainly been a great year for my artistic journey! Thank you all for joining me for the first year of my Patreon. I look forward to seeing where 2021 takes me artistically, and I hope to have all of you join me along the way! 'Til next time, happy holidays everyone!




Amazing job I was hoping she was gonna say something


She was going to be thanking Santa but I decided to leave her dialogue to the viewer's imagination


Haha, amazing!


The little buttons that could. Respect. Seriously tho maybe we should back off and wait till they pop on their own. These are just waiting to shoot your eyes out.


If family isn't coming over for Christmas you might as well stink up the house