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Hey all.

I wanted to get this news out there now so I that I wouldn't blindside people with it the month-of, but due to several factors, the video will NOT be releasing this October nor likely this year.

I had originally stated that October was something of an ideal goal point in releasing the video since that October time frame is pretty significant for us historically.  I did not want to hard confirm that date until I had some better idea when things would be ready.  

While progress is still being made on our end, it is not at the pace that would likely make it in time for an October release.  Part of that is due to people we have lined up to assist us in production are busy on other projects and until they are freed up there isn't much we can do until they are available.

Since this will likely be our last big project for a while, we did not want to have people rushed on things just to get it out the door.  This combined with the fact that we still don't quite have all of the animatic pieces in place makes it tough to nail down what a hard release date looks like at the moment.  As such it is likely best to assume that production will go into next year.

Apologies that the August update here is a bit of a bummer.  Should anything come up in the meantime or if we need to make a call out to people for additional help, I will be sure to let everyone know.  While I would like to have SOMETHING meaty to show off in October, I don't quite know what that will consist of at the moment.

As usual, I want to thank everyone for your continued support and patience.  I'm hoping we can get something a bit more exciting out to ya'll next month.




Not a bummer at all! Take your time, don't rush, and take care of yourself!

Turin Swift

Heck! But an understandable heck!


Another comic could be neat for October!


Completely understandable! More animation time means a better result! (WE AINT DISNEY)


Was more or less expecting this personally, considering it's sounding like the biggest video in the series. Not at all a let down, more like an inevitability in my eyes with the way each video has been pushing the scope of the project. I have no doubt this wait will be worth it considering the quality of each video to date, and eagerly look forward to the release regardless of when it drops.


A lil sad but we understand! Animation takes time and this seems to be the big one! Make sure you all rest and take care of yourselves as well!

Dotty Davis

Aww, but it's completely ok, I completely understand! Animation takes time and effort and taking the time required will be worth it in the end. I can't wait to see the finished project regardless when it arrives! :D


Honestly just thrilled that I can support you and the team to bring these masterpieces to the world, whenever that happens. I'll be waiting patiently knowing it's worth it.


Ok yes bummer. Even tho I'm a patron, I don't keep up-to-date with the blog too much.. I was starting to do a lil bouncy dance thinking the vid was right around the corner. THAT BEING SAID - I rather wait for something you can be happy with instead of a rushed bit-off-more-than-could-handle mess. So I'm still here and still cheering for ya