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Every time Frost thrusts, Hermes gets pushed further inside Mavis who is currently showering his lips with kisses.

"Hermes...! Harder...!"

"Shít, Mavis!" He can feel Frost tearing him from behind with sharp, harsh thrusts that keep him distracted. "Mavis, I can't...!"

He can hear Mavis' moans, happy and satisfied yet also yearning for more. He keeps Hermes close to the point where Mavis' díck is pressing on his stomach, then the young man whispers right in his ear, "Seeing you... get fúcked... turns me on so much..."

Mavis tightens up and Hermes curses once again. The sight of the teacher squirming and moaning out loud delights Mavis so much.

"Frans..." Mavis calls out with a breathless smile, "F-f... fúck him... ha... harder."

Upon that request, Frost did rams his díck harder inside Hermes' hole that he screams out with a husky voice, more pain than pleasure yet Mavis is fueling the latter emotion. Because of Frost's strong thrusts, Hermes gets deep inside Mavis with every push.

"Fúck, y-yes! Yes! Ohh, this is... the best..." Mavis sighs out, breathless and red, holding Hermes against him. "Y-you're so deep... l... look at you... y-you're liking it... right...?"

Frost is railing me to bleed, but... "Mavis... you... feel so good..."

At that validation, Mavis grins before setting his tired eyes at Frost. "Hear that... Frans...? He's... he likes me more... Hermes... is mine..."

Shít, I don't belong to any of you!

"Cúm in me... f-fill me up, H-Hermes... I... I love you... so much..."  Mavis gasps out, breath running thin.

"Shít, Mavis! Hermes gasps out, "T... tell Frost to slow down...! Ahhh, shít! Shít, Frost!”

“Is h-he hurting you…?” Mavis asks while seducing his lips, pecking him for every breath he releases. “Mmm… mnnhh! Uhhnnn…!”

“Mavis, I… annghh!

Hermes’ mouth is open, free for Mavis to go and play with his tongue. Hermes is being railed from behind while also fùcking a sweet virgin hole that only he has tasted. Mavis moans blissfully as he smiles, trying to keep up with his breath. Frost is glaring at him because he’s taking Hermes all for himself. But, Mavis’ smile fades away when Hermes starts to produce tears even while moaning in pleasure.

"Frans..." Mavis says while holding Hermes in concern. Meanwhile, Frost is starting to lose himself, gripping hands leaking red marks on Hermes' àss. "F... Frans...! He's crying...!"

He feels good... too good, Frost can't help but block out Mavis' call. He wants to cúm, he doesn't want to stop fúcking Hermes. His husky moans sound so sexy, coming from the bottom of his throat.

Mavis couldn't even enjoy Hermes' orgasm because he's going in and out of consciousness.

"Frans, st-" Mavis was cut off by Frost cursing too loud as he releases himself in the condom, protecting Hermes' walls from getting stained by the King. Frost was breathing deeply, now staring at Mavis whose lips are so pale and tears slipping out of his eyes as well.

After a deep sigh, Frost fixes his hair to get it out of his face. "Oh please, he's just overwhelmed with pleasure, he's not hurt."

Hermes closes his eyes to rest since the fatigue caught up with him, barely conscious in Mavis’ arms. He protectively held him tight, pale trembling hands caressing his head.

"I... I don't... want him to c-cry, too..." Mavis sobs, pushing Hermes to lie on the sofa. But, he doesn't have the strength to, so he tells Frost, "M-make him rest in my... room..."


"Do it." Mavis' eyes glared intensely and demanded his cousin to do as he's told. While glaring at Frost, he cooes to the sleeping teacher, "Shhh... it's o... kay Hermes.... n-nothing will... happen to you...

Frost stares at him, eyes unchanging and cruel on both ends. The tension thickens as Frost's stare wavers, and he has no choice but to dress up and carry the naked Hermes to Mavis' room.

the next day at Carvalle,

i couldnt find Au :(( they said he'd walk to his dorm around this time ???

Sent, 10:56am

His light hasnt opened yet, dont lose hope !

Recieved, 10:57

A young freshman girl is currently trying to catch her idol walking to the dorm, with no other intentions than to spot him. Au is such a rare creature to find in Carvalle, since he is taught by teachers in person and doesn't attend classes. No social media, no photos taken by himself. Yet his beauty and talent are known all over Carvalle, his fans can't help but try to hunt him down solely to get a look at him.

"Au's so handsome..." she whispers to herself as she stares at the photograph captured by one of the students. Au's side profile is so strong and attractive; his prominent nose anything but small or dainty, his skin deeply tanned from genetics instead of the sun which he actively avoids. And his black hair, silky and untouched except for a few blue strands.

The young girl squeals in excitement at her fantasies of being his girlfriend and waking up to that handsome face everyday, or even have a song written for her.

She's so happy, a wide set of smiles also appears behind her. All the CCTV sees is a silent man looming behind the girl, before a gloved hand pushed the button that controls the camera. While the hand goes to a Frappe to be drunk by its owner, the camera turns to the other side, unable to witness the man holding a handkerchief against the shocked girl's mouth,

Shh, he wanted to say, in order to comfort the drifting girl, but he's not allowed to speak a word. As another deletes the footage, he nonchalantly throws the coffee to the keyboards, the processor, and the server itself before exiting the room.

All while the other guy drags the girl into a storage room, razor blade in his pockets.

"You shouldn't have sawed Evelyn Constantino's neck. It was too obvious that she didn't do it to herself," the man from the CCTV says, calmly walking in while the other one is a little too happy. They're allowed to talk now that the CCTVs are destroyed.

"Yeah yeah, Peter Patter sucked my fúcking díck, shut the fúck up," the other male said, pulling out a razor blade and grinning, "Haha... aww, she was so young, we could've talked about it more, you'd never know which happy person is SO FÚCKING DEPRESSED INSIDE!"

The other male turned his head and refused to watch as he enjoyed slashing the girls' wrists so hard, bone can be seen at the first five aggressive slashes. His face got splashed, while the spectator's pants are now stained with the blood of a bleeding girl who will never get a chance to wake up.


The other male grabbed his wrist to prevent him from hacking her arm any further. "Don't chop it off. Enough."

The crazy male glares at his companion, but seeing the exposed bone on the bloody girl's arm made him bite his lip and angrily stand up in compliance.

"Fine. But the fúck you acting like my Dad for?"

"Why are you acting like a kid?" The other one says back with a glare.

"Why are you acting like a kid? Nye," he mocks with a tone of a child. "Man shut up, I'm gonna go clean up."

While the bloody young man exits, the other one stays and stares at the girl. He kneels down to sanitize the blade and put it in her hands, making sure to press her fingers on it.

"Thank you for your blood," he whispers to the corpse as if it's still alive, taking out a blood bag kit and injecting her to absorb it. Let's hope he'll be happy this time.

that morning,

Hermes woke up feeling someone warm wrapped around him, the pressure of someone's delicate skin hugging his own. He looks down to see the angelic face of a sleeping Mavis. He is so soft because of his lack of muscle, but his slim frame allowed his features to be much more prominent like his collarbone, shoulder, jaw, and long fingers. Mavis is so cute sleeping on me like this...

In contrast to Frost who is currently reading a book while standing in front of the window, seemingly waiting for them to be awake. He's only wearing a white shirt that casually hugs his body. Although he's pale and his muscles aren't contoured, he still looks intimidating with those purple and blue veins lining up his hands, neck, and a little bit on his abdomen area. Hermes was caught staring by the blonde man, so he looks away.

Frost smirks, "Good luck getting out of there. Mavis has a mean grip when asleep."

Hermes awkwardly cleared his throat, attempting to sit up but instead, Mavis squeezes tighter when he moves, discouraging him from leaving. Ow, goddámn! "Wait, how do you know that, Frost?"

"We used to cuddle together as kids, and Mavis isn't one to grow up from old habits," Frost mumbles while putting on a necktie. He then finger combs his hair while staring at Hermes with his half-lidded eyes.

"Are you happy now? Fúcking a teacher... did that tickle your dictator balls?" Hermes coldly glares at him while Mavis is happily cuddling, still asleep.

"Why, yes," Frost slowly approaches the bed and kneels on it, Hermes trying to move away but Mavis is keeping him in place. Frost leans in to lift Hermes' stubborn chin with his two fingers, sharing his expensive Givenchy scent. "You know-"

Hermes pulls his head away from him, but Frost harshly grabs his cheeks to keep him in place, now scowling. "Don't be rude, darling. As I was about to say... don't hurt Mavis. I'll do to you double what you do to him. I just did it last night; sleep with him, and I'll fúck you tenfold."

Hermes once again tears his head away from the White King, looking up at him in defiance. "You act as if you care about Mavis so much, but you let the twins bully him?!"

"Oh, I punish them as well, my darling Hersheys," Frost says with a smirk, "And they're willing to take anything in exchange for a little bonding time with Mavis. My cousin just doesn't know how to play along, he likes to think he's a victim."

Hermes forces himself to sit up despite Mavis still clinging to him. "Frost, you shouldn't even tolerate them bullyi-"

"Oooh, passionate..." the blonde mocks him, eyes glancing from Hermes' body to his eyes, amused by the sudden emotion he's displaying.  For someone so cold and dismissive of others, it sounds like he grew a soft spot for Mavis. His eyes turn from amused to spiteful. "How lovely... the second person to display concern for that little shít. Oh well, I can tell the twins to leave him alone, but they have a will of their own and might still do it behind my back. I can't do anything about what they do that I don't know.

"You're such a little-"

"Massage behind his earlobe, it'll relax him enough so you can move," Frost blurts out the instruction without a second to spare, fixing his tie like the sophisticated gentleman he is.

He knows a lot about his cousin... a suspicious lot... Hermes did as he had said, and Mavis surprisingly softens up with a smile, giving the teacher an image of pure innocence in the morning. It's like he's giggling in his sleep, pale and tired face more rested.

You like me so much, but I'm just using you... Hermes kisses him on the earlobe before lifting himself out of bed, Don't worry Mavis, I will make sure you won't get hurt. I swear on my sister.

later on,


Before class, Hermes snuck onto this particular library, at the same floor Thena had died. His gut is wrenching every time he had to go up these stairs, but he has to, for Thena. She's the only reason he's in this place and betrayed his own conscience to sleep with possible suspects.

The twins are friends with Frost.

The twins are friends with Frost.

They're friends with the King of the School!

And they're creepy as hell, definitely suspects.

However, when he checked the library computer containing the archived CCTV videos on that particular day, he saw something eerily shocking.

10:26 was our last call... His precious sister's voice heard on that particular number he memorized. He has even kept the phone untouched, unused since that day so he’ll never forget that number. However, there was no footage from 10 to 12pm of the incident. You definitely didn't commit suicide, someone planned this!

Hermes ignored the pain in his back, carefully looking at each student entering before the cut-off, and crossing his notebook whenever they exit. He doesn't know their name, but he can write something that is associated with them.

F Red scrunchie

F Blonde ponytail

M short hair, Black

M casual, loose tie

M blonde, Asian

F emo, pink hair

F blonde, twin tails

F tall heels, Black

M ginger, tall

No twins, Mavis, or Frost. And he did that for every student passing through for the next few hours. He didn't even realize he missed his class.

M black ponyt Hermes' hands froze from writing, his breath hitched. That's Au. A familiar young man, tan and tall with the same hairstyle. Hermes' eyes widen, pausing at the familiar and potential suspect who entered by 8:21 when there was no one in the hallways because of class.

And yet this latest footage, with the last student seen on the floor before the cut-off scratched Hermes' brain. Black hair, tall... blue streaks...

Hermes leans onto the backrest, breathing heavily at the data.. Au was the last to be seen, but he left at 9:48. Thena died at 10:26. He was the last one to exit, but she died way later...

Hermes decides to follow Au's exit at the 9:50 mark. He is located at one of the gardens when Hermes saw someone meet him in the hallways.

The twins. So the Masked twins know Au? The potential suspects interact one-sidedly in the west hallway of the third floor, Ray acting hyperactive as usual with Rain always pulling him back by the collar whenever he goes to hug the indifferent, frozen Au. He’s silent, unmoving...

No audio... what are they talking about? Hermes looks at their grainy image. Au wasn't talking at all and it's impossible to read the masked twins' lips. But, they were definitely very high up on Hermes' list now that they're interacting with each other.

The twins and Au... they had major crushes on my sister. They both give me a bad feeling. I need to investiga-

His phone rang, startling him enough for his bones to even rattle.


Mr. Quinn you did not come to class ? :((

Are you ok ? Are you sick ?

Recieved, 10:14

Is it because of what happened last night ?


I am sorry...

Recieved, 10:15

Don't worry Mavis, I'm fine.

I'll talk to you later.

Sent, 10:15

Yes, please... I also want to talk to you about something ʕ´• ᴥ•̥'ʔ

Recieved, 10:16

Hermes broke out a tiny smile at the little emoticon. Mavis is so cute... And Hermes can feel the tiniest bit of attraction for that strange young man. The way he tries to protect Hermes from Frost, even if he can't do much, is admirable at least.

later on, the two of them met with Mavis being unable to meet Hermes' eyes. It's also very awkward for the teacher, but as usual, he is calm and composed, refusing to show animated emotion.

"Mavis, I need to ask you about some people..." Hermes was about to open his case for some stuff he is documenting, but Mavis spoke up with a small voice.

"I... also want to ask you of something," Mavis says, holding his hands against his chest.

Hermes suddenly feels nervous despite his stoic face, merely blinking and waiting for Mavis to continue. Oh no, please not anything-

"I... I'm sorry..." Mavis breaths out, hands fidgeting because he is nervous as well. When his tired, red eyes look up at Hermes he shocked the teacher with, "I did... some... bad stuff... I'm... sorry. I saw... h-how Frost... f-f... forced you... and... I realized... that I may have been... forcing you, too..."

"Mavis..." Hermes doesn't know what to feel, nor say. Indeed, forcing someone to consent is far from mutual intimacy. Hermes did that for his sister.

However Mavis forced out a smile, "I'll... still help y-you... but... we... don't need to sleep together... that... that night was enough... th-the first time, I mean... I hope... I can still help you... and we would remain friends. I... I made this butterfly o... Ori... gami... as a sorry..."

Hermes feels bad for Mavis, the boy who has zero friends in the entire school. The boy with almost no life to live for, living on oxygen tanks and medicinal drugs. A real burden to his family, where his own inheritance will be handled by his cousin instead of him. He truly did just want someone to make him feel like a normal person.

Hermes does his best to smile, even if his face doesn't know how to. His heart does, however, feel love, and it loves Mavis the same way Thena might've loved him.

"I'd love to stay as friends with you, Mavis..." Hermes pets the young man on the neck, something he observes Mavis really likes. He even comfortingly strokes his soft spot behind the earlobe, making Mavis less nervous and sad. "Just stick with me, and we'll take care of each other, okay?"

Mavis' genuine smile, one so wide his tired eyes can't help but close, blush evident despite it being an illness too. Hermes' heart is beating a little faster than he's expected, seeing him like this.

"I'm so... h-happy... you... are so nice..." Mavis weakly laughs as Hermes accepts his origami. In reality, he's a little sad that he's allowing Hermes to be with someone he truly likes. But Father Daniel... should I tell Hermes about him...?

Instead, Mavis just answers his question as they have lunch together at the cafeteria.

"The moment Fra... Frost... became the Student Council Pr... president at his... Freshman year... he dis... mantled Carvalle's election process. Instead of... of public voting... the school will uhm... hold a game that w-will filter out the smartest... and... the strongest of students... to become one of the council..."

The first game, within Classrooms. One must organize a plan to be the only one to stay until class time is over. Which means, any prank or scheme to kick classmates out of the classroom until one is left.

The twins excelled at this on their first game, planning ahead from one week. They planned to do it at the same time 6 of their female classmates had periods, and be absent from class. Then they poisoned the lunches enough for a quarter of their classmates to run to the clinic. A quarter was willing to do what they said because of their attraction to the twins. Four girls stayed at home because the twins railed them the night before. The rest...

"The twins... finished the games..." Mavis says, "... and Au as well... they won at the classroom... then, the floor..."

Where one has to find a single Ace card hidden by the President himself. Those who won in their classrooms must win on their floor. The twins had to beat the others up in order to have the card. Because of them also stealing the other floors' cards, nobody else won in that stage.

All except for Au, who they couldn't beat for some reason.

"So that's why they're the only student councils?" Hermes asks, shocked and in disbelief that those twins are in charge of disciplining students when they’re delinquents themselves. They're student councils... that's why they know each other...

Mavis nods, "And... they're the on-... only ones who... who passed the third game..."

The King's Game. Where nobody ever knows the mechanics of, but everyone who ever loses gets kicked out of school. This is why becoming Student Council is such a risk not everyone can participate. For two years, Frost has reign over the school alone because nobody had ever beaten the King's Game. The losing participants never say what it is, so the only way to find out is to play the game and risk getting kicked out of Carvalle once they lost.

Frost wanted the strongest and smartest, but he kicked out the fools who thought they were. However, he found the strongest and smartest ones in the Masked Twins, and Au. Here, they work together to keep Carvalle as clean as it is right now, with the support of the school itself.

The King, the Bishops, and the Knight.

"So that's why they're close," Hermes murmurs to himself after Mavis explained the whole thing. He looks all over the table to look for any of them, only to spot the Twins trying to whip each other with gummy worms. Frost is glaring at them, looking like he's planning their murder. But, no Au.

"Their... their power together is... s-so strong... students... dub them..."

The Equestrians, the four horsemen of the Lady of Carnations, her knights.

"This whole school is bullshìt," Hermes mutters to himself after dismissing the last of his class, Mavis and Frost absent. Equestrians... games... hierarchy... now where are my students?

After he gave in to Frost, however, the students have been more cooperative and silent in his classes, although he still sees the girls rolling their eyes at his lectures. They are still against him even if the King approves.

Now that they are gone, Hermes is left alone with his thoughts. Thena... why do you associate with these kinds of people? A spoiled brat, a sickly kid, a quiet wall, and two rascals? Can't you be friends with an ordinary person or something...

"Hermes," a deep voice calls out from the door, and Hermes turns around with wide eyes, looking at the first who claimed him inside this school.

Shìt... last night... "Father Daniel."

"How was your trip last night?" The man smiles at him, approaching to wrap a gentle arm around Hermes' waist. The smile made him more guilty, and more so when Daniel leans in to peck him in the lips.

"It was fine," Hermes forces out a smile. "Just tutoring for Mavis. I'll go again next weekend. What about you, do you have any plans later?"

"It's time for the first years' monthly confessions, I'm gonna be a bit busy at the school Cathedral," Father Daniel cheerfully says, suspicious at the trembling eyes of his lover. "Is something the matter, my darling?"

"Nothing," Hermes breathes out, heart fluttering at the name. "I'll see you later. Wait for me."

I have to tell the truth.

"I will," the Priest smirks, kissing him fully on the lips before they go separate ways.


Anna Michelle

Oh shit! Do you guys remember when Mavis was arguing with Frost right before Hermes got to their room....and Mavis said "Im not a kid" then Frost said "Then dont act like one" . Its giving me deja vu for the crazied murder and his accomplice. OHHHHHH Ashley you got me F-ed up! Good job hon! Keep it up. Im liking this alot!