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Loud and amused laughs from two boys echoed throughout an empty library as the Masked Twins flip over a book featuring medieval paintings. They laugh and snicker at the tiny genitalia of men in these paintings.

"Face '85 but his díck '8!" Ray burst out laughing and slapped his knees, raising his mask for a bit in order to get more air.

Rain was wheezing as he tries to keep silent, "It would be messed up to fúck this guy because  necrophilia waist up and pedophilia waist do--!"

Suddenly, someone entered the library which halted their díck shaming fun. Ray's exposed grin widens as he approaches the giant man who is sitting on a chair and lazily opening a book.

"Au, our Golden Child, kamumasta?" He snorts jokingly before Rain slaps his head.

"That's not how you say it."

"Como estas?"

"Nahh, that's Spanish. Kombucha?"

Au rolls his eyes and pulls himself away from the twins who then chase after him. He could only sit at another table hoping they'd leave him alone.

"Au, Au! Have we told you about Thena's brother? AH-" Ray's mouth was slapped closed by Rain who wraps an arm around Au's shoulder.

"He smells so good, yeah? If only he'd stop putting on perfume, ahhhhh...." Rain swoons exaggeratingly, laying himself on the table and smiling at a dead-faced Au while fantasizing about that teacher's scent.

"You need to see him bro," Ray giggles, nudging a very serious Au. "Thena never told us about a cute younger brother... shame he's a little older but hey, they have the same eyes!"

Just then, a blonde-haired individual quietly enters the library, effectively silencing the twins. Au merely offered a side glance at their comrade.

"What are you idiots talking about," Frost slowly says with the silkiest of voices, dancing around the room in an eerie wave. He sits on one of the library office desks, which actually contains the map of the school itself.

"We're talking about Hermes Quinn to Au!" They excitedly say.

Frost rolls his eyes. "Stupid subject. Also, you fúcking failed. I told you to intimidate him, yet you killed Evelyn Constan--"

"Heyyy hey, we didn't kill her the fúck!" The twins defended themselves, looking at each other worriedly. "Why do you always think it's us when something bad happens?"

You boys used to drown people in toilets and hang them in flagpoles, of course I'll assume...

"Then where were you that day?" Frost emotionlessly says, staring up at the twins with one raised eyebrow. Au is just peacefully reading at a table, not even listening to them.

"Uhmm... I... uhm..." They stumble on their words until Rain shyly mumbled, "We were Eiffel Towering Gina from our class..."

"I doubt that," Frost clicks his teeth. "Are you sure you weren't the one who killed her?"

"Nah, she's not our type."

"We are children of God."


Frost stares at Au for a bit, but then again his old friend is always quiet and peaceful. No reason to suspect this man who hates the sight of people. He takes out a small 3D printed plastic the side of a thumbnail, before placing it on the map in front of him. Specifically, the Teachers' Dorm.

"Boys," he says, "Find where Hermes Quinn is located and follow him. Make sure he keeps his end of our deal. If successful, I'll reward you with one of his shirts."

Ray's hidden eyes widen and he grabs his brother in excitement, bouncing on his knees. He is looking at Rain like a child silently asking Mom to buy a toy from the store. He's even grinning, shown in the crack of his mask.

Rain sighs out, "Fine. We'll keep an eye on him."

"Yes! Aww, Mr. Quinn smells the best!" Before Rain could drag his twin out of the door, Ray begs Frost, "Make sure it's unwashed, Frostphate!"

Frost rolls his eyes before they snap to where Au is silently reading. Calmly he asked, "You didn't kill the girl, did you?"


"Have you met the new teacher?" Frost sighs, tapping his hand on the table because he dislikes being ignored.

Au has no choice but to say, "Yes."

"What do you think of him? Stubborn and..." Frost inhales sharply and exhales, feeling his díck tingle at the mention of that guy. "... interesting... isn't he?"

Au didn't say a word, but he can hear Frost through his music.

Frost smirks, taking the 3D printed model of someone from the rooftop of the Johnson Building, colored black. He then tells Au, "Be sure to be patient with him, my friend. He's not gonna like it if we hurt this guy."

Au stares at his hands, music blaring in his ears. He saw his hands bearing the delicate hands of the beautiful Thena before he had to close his eyes upon hearing her screams. When opening them, he couldn't feel her anymore; only the rough yet warm hands of a handsome Hermes, looking up at him scared.

I'm sorry... Thena...

later on, 10:27 pm

Hermes finally escaped the lair of that sexy priest, his áss a little sore and a little wet after those ointments and oils massaged into it. He even made aftercare sexy, what does he eat for breakfast, Viagra?

Yet he is no longer single after that... successfully claimed by a Priest, plugged and screwed by a tall, dark and handsome motherfúcker. I agreed to be his lover now... let's just hope that...

He saw the car waiting for him, and he hesitates on going forth. ... Frost.

After taking a reluctant Hermes Quinn to the Mansion an hour away,

He was escorted into the familiar place alone. Left there by the guards, the lone teacher confused and wary. Wait what, that's it?! Where am I supposed to go?! I... He looks upstairs, and just assumed that would be where Frost is.

So, he starts climbing the grand staircase, making sure to hold on tight to the railing because stairs make him nervous in general. Always eyes on the front and back, never trusting the absence of man. Thena... the things I would do to know what happened to you...

His thoughts were cut off when someone, or two, turned and revealed themselves on top of the stairs, meeting Hermes' eyes.

The teacher gasps, stepping back and panicking over the presence of two dangerous Masked Twins, one grinning in delight while the other's eye is dead set upon him.

"What the-?!"

"Oooh, we scared him..."

"Careful, sweetheart!" Rain grabs him by the wrist and pulls him to the top before he can back away, then pushes him towards Ray who immediately wraps an arm around his shoulders as if they are the best of friends. Hermes is terrified and angry.

"Ahhh, Frost is expecting you!" Ray happily giggles while they walk a squirming Hermes through the hallways. Not only is he uncomfortable at their presence but, Ray's nose is on my neck again!

"Get off of me!" Hermes successfully pushed the strange boy again, but his back lands on Rain who puts his long fingers on either side of his shoulder. "Argh, get off! What are you even doing here?!"

"Frosty the Snowman is our best buddy, of course," Rain calmly says from behind him while Hermes tries slapping Ray's grabby fingers away.

Wait... they're friends? Hermes pauses and calms down, tension from his limbs disappearing upon knowing the twins' relationship with Carvalle's White King. He's still trying to defend himself from Ray but, "Are you guys close with Frost?"

"The closest," Rain answers, noticing Hermes' breathing slow down. Mainly because he's trying to calm his panicking heart. "We're gonna take you to him."

Hermes just allows Rain to push him through the hallways, Ray stalking from behind and trying to get a little sniff. All while Hermes is caught in his own thought, They know a lot about Frost. They might be the ones who did the dirty work...

"I can walk by myself, please don't touch me." The twins carry useful information about Frost, and hopefully his sister. Hermes thinks maybe it's not a bad idea to pretend to be civil with the boys, so during their walk he calmly asks, "How long have you guys been friends?"

Curious, are we? Rain smiles under his mask. "Elementary. The rich kids stay together."

Ray pushes his brother away so he is right behind Hermes, able to inhale his perfume from this distance.

To make it less awkward, Hermes asks, "Where are Frost and Mavis' parents? Nobody got to discipline any of you?"

Ray laughed loudly behind him, taking this laughing opportunity to drape himself over the sweet-smelling teacher. "HAHAHAHA! Working parents have no time for their kids! Where do you think all this money came from, just out of our ásses?! HAHAHAHA!"

As Hermes cringes away from him, Rain more calmly answers, "Frost is set to inherit Mavis' fortune, that is why he lives here despite his parents being far away."

"What? Why?" Hermes asks, completely giving up on throwing this kid off of him. He does slap his hand away whenever it pulls on his clothes.

"Mavis will die soon," Rain shrugs, his answer causing a huge drop in Hermes' stomach. Then he adds, "Well not really, but his bloodline ends with him. No interest in the business, too sick to run it... definitely unfit to handle a billion-dollar fortune. Can't get a wife for shít, so heirs are impossible. Frost will inherit everything including Mavis."

"Poor Frozone!" Ray mockingly sobs, "Forever a caretaker of Mavis!"

Hermes thought to himself, Is that why Frost is protective of Mavis, but also a little bitter? He's stuck with a disabled cousin for his entire life... but, he's still doing his best to take care of Mavis.

Mavis... Hermes' heart bleeds for the poor guy, basically a floating burden because he can't do anything. An angel without wings; in distress. It makes him feel less guilty about giving him what he had always wanted; a lover for a night. Mavis didn't choose to be sick.

"Do they not mind you telling me this?" Hermes asks once more before they arrive in a single yet huge door.

It cannot be seen, but Rain has noticed the sudden change in attitude behind his mask. Ray's head is empty because he's filling it up with Hermes' scent. Rain answers, "It's common knowledge, everyone knows. Why, which one of them are you crushing on for you to be so curious?"

"None of them, I'm just..." Hermes ignores a happy smiling Ray perched on his shoulder to go glare at Rain, whose one exposed eye caught him off guard. It looks so eerie; hooded, mysterious, suspicious. "... I'm just curious. Thanks for bringing me here."

"Aww, we have to go? But we had something special!" Ray pouts, before pressing his face against Hermes' hair. Rain grabs him by the shirt and pulls him away, before winking at the teacher with his uncovered eye.

"See you anytime, Sweets..."

"Don't wear perfume next time!" Ray yells out, creeping Hermes enough for goosebumps.

What's with him and my scents? The twins disappear down the corner of the hallway, Hermes still hearing Ray's whines about leaving him here. Hermes cringes, One acts like a whole puppy while the other acts like a serial killer... strange twins.

Sucking in a breath, Hermes opens the door in front of him.

"... I'm not a kid... !"

"Then act like it."

"... I don't n-need your permission to do anything... I'm... I'm older!"

"And I'm in charge, sit the fúck down."

Hermes gasps at the sight of Mavis in pajamas, Frost still in his uniform. Muffling Mavis' speech is a mask connected to a defibrillator, cleaning his lungs. The young man heard Hermes and immediately drops the mask to show a happy, unexpected smile.

"Mr. Quinn?! Y-you're here!" Mavis wipes his tears and rushes to the door, but Frost tightly holds him by the arm. "No, let me--!"

"Frost, what is this?" Hermes firmly asks, both confused and shocked. He stares at the blonde man with a hard glare, just as Mavis goes right in front of him and even hugs his favorite teacher.

Frost looks significantly annoyed. "He wasn't supposed to know you are here..."

"Wh-whatever you're p... planning with Hermes.... Y-you'll have to go through me...!" Mavis scowls at his cousin and protectively held Hermes, arms tensing up even though he cannot apply pressure. Hermes still admires how Mavis is trying to protect him.

"Hersheys here agreed to become my dog in exchange for looking past your séxual encounter the other day," Frost calmly says, then offers a hand to Hermes. "Isn't that what you're here for, darling? To become my little dog, as punishment for sleeping with my cousin?"

He just wants special treatment too, huh... Hermes glares at Frost's handsome yet challenging eyes, blue as the shallow ocean that turned out to have swallowed a ship. Hermes hates that idea, but he has to keep his job. He's starting to get dizzy from the pressure, Please don't tell me Frost really wants me that way...

Meanwhile, Hermes can almost hear Mavis' heart break.

"Hermes... don't be with Frost... I... I can t-take care of you!" Mavis holds onto his arm and presses himself against the teacher, before scowling at Frost. "I saw him first! Frost... please l... leave him alone...! I want him... please, he makes me happy..."

Mavis is starting to cry, so Hermes is starting to get frustrated. Although, he can't really push Mavis away because that would 100% harm the weak boy. "Guys, hold on! What the fúck, I'm not an object! You can't pass me around, shít..."

Hermes' vertigo got triggered because of the alcohol he consumed earlier, making him curse. This concerned Mavis who immediately pulls him to sit on the couch.

"Hermes, are you okay...?! Hermes..." Mavis held his head with his cold, bandaged fingers, face so close to Hermes that he is unfocused in the teacher's vision. Mavis whispers, "Tell me... you like me... right... ? M-more than Frost...?"

Mavis' voice broke, his cousin watching from behind him. Hermes once again feels bad for Mavis, whose eyes rival that of a poor animal. Not only his appearance improving to make himself more appealing to Hermes, but he's acting more boldly, too.

"Mavis... I shouldn't... even be having a relationship with any of you..." Hermes tells him, despite his conscience hating this rejection. "And I don't... please, I don't want to have relationships with any student."

"Then I... I'll drop out," Mavis seriously says, kneeling on the sofa and facing Hermes. His tone is hard, determined, and his words made Frost's eyebrow rise. "If I drop out, I won't be a student then we can be together!"

"You'll what?! No, I-" … am dating someone, he wanted to say, but was cut off.

"No need Mavis," Frost puts a hand on his cousin's shoulder, making the boy flinch. Hermes is keeping an eye on the blonde because he doesn't want Mavis hurt as well. Frost then calmly says, "You took his virginity. Take responsibility for your actions and take care of Mavis. Or else..."

"Or else what?" Hermes almost stood up in defiance but is held down by Mavis' touchy hands. The teacher also got intimidated because Frost is acting kind of scary.

"You said you were gonna be my bítch," Frost's hand goes up to pat the terrified Mavis' head. "So, my precious dog, come play with Mavis for a little."

How did it come to this? All I wanted was to find my sister's killer. "Frost-"

"We had a deal," the blonde glares at him. "If you walk out of this house without fulfilling your end of the promise, I'm calling the school, my little Hershey's Kisses."

However, Mavis slaps his hand away and scolds him, "You don't n... need to scare him... ! H-he likes playing with me... right?"

Mavis looks at him with poor upturned eyes, also filled with desire and lust for this particular teacher. Mavis slowly unbuttons his own shirt as if to offer himself seductively to Hermes. "You like me, right...? B-because you think I'm pretty... you'll sleep with me, right?"

I only slept with you for information, but…

Mavis was getting closer and closer to Hermes' lips as he is still thinking about the answer, with Frost staring at him. The brunette whispers right by his lips, "You give me the will to live... make me so happy... I... I want to make you happy, too... use me all you want... please... my body... is yours..."

"Mavis, I don't know..."

"Please...?" Mavis' eyes are wet, looking up and begging Hermes to accept him. "Please Hermes, I want you right now..."

I have a boyfriend... But he's getting enticed by Mavis' innocent yet seductive voice. Was it the alcohol? Was it because he's also attracted to Mavis, getting haunted by the pleasures of séx with him days before? Or is it because, In Carvalle, nobody is pure. Have I been corrupted, tempted by sin?

Frost is watching him intently, daring to refuse since they just sealed a deal. Those blue eyes of his are terrifying. They have something against him. Damned if he does, damned if he doesn't.

"We can blame it on the alcohol." Is Daniel gonna punish him for this? What will he do if Hermes confesses that he did? Fight and break up, and leave Hermes alone for the investigation? Isn't that what he wants, no commitment?

It's the alcohol. Eventually, Hermes was too stuck in his own dilemma that Mavis was able to kiss him on the lips. Hermes was uncertain at first, but remembering that night with him pushed away his guilt like a recovering addict who failed rehab.

He tastes so nice, Hermes says, the slight buzz inside him helping him kiss back eagerly. Mavis keeps enjoying his lips while lifting Hermes' hand to put it on his waist. The teacher has no choice but to go along, making out with Mavis while tasting like chocolate and alcohol.

Mavis giggles when Hermes accepts his hungry kiss, feeding into his lust. Slightly pulling away, he whispers against his lips, "I... can do whatever I want... right...?"

Hermes is once again troubled, but when he looks toward Frost, the man is squinting his eyes at him, so he had no choice but to say, "Fine. Go ahead." This is only for Thena.

Mavis has the widest smile as he kneels on the floor between Hermes' legs, excitedly unboxing his favorite toy, which is secured with a belt and pants. The next thing Hermes knows, Mavis is pulling his díck out and making him hard with his soft and hot mouth. Not even warm, the temperature hot.

"Fúck, Mavi--" Hermes just remembered there's a third person merely observing with alcohol in his glass. "I'm uncomfortable with Frost watching..."

"Ignore him!" Mavis squeezes the cóck in his hand, taking away Hermes' attention. "F-focus on me... please..."

He snuggles into the hard cóck, licking sensually to keep Hermes' eyes. Mavis is starting to look sexier than cute, and it's dangerous. His voice cracks and bratty demands are making Hermes want to dominate him, and he knows he shouldn't. Hermes is lusting for him too, and it feels so wrong. Mavis, please...

"Now now Mavis, don't be selfish now..." Frost slowly approaches them, and Mavis reacted by possessively covering Hermes' díck from Frost's vision. "Tch. Don't forget I was the one who brought him here. He never would've agreed to this if I didn't strike up a deal."

Indeed, Mavis and Hermes only agreed to a one-time thing. This made the brunette bitter while jerking off Hermes.

"Deal? You blackmailed me, Frost..." Hermes spits at him angrily, but Frost grabs his jaw for that disrespectful tone.

"You're my whóre right now and I'm just letting Mavis borrow, don't forget that I can get you fired!"

Mavis elbows his legs away, "Don't hurt Hermes! H-he doesn't like you! You're mean... nobody likes you!"

"Hermes doesn't like you too, the twins saw him walking with the priest hand in hand on the way to the Teachers Dorm, do you really think you're special Mavis?" At that revelation, both Hermes and Mavis gasps, the latter staring up at the teacher with teary doe eyes full of heartbreak and shock.

Shīt, they saw... this is what I get for being a whóre. While Hermes is too overwhelmed by their shít, Mavis is starting to cry. "N-no... but..."

"He's fúcking around with Father Daniel Mavis, you're nothing to him," Frost said, stepping on the sofa before bending to intimidate Hermes with a sneer, "But I want to taste what that Priest had for dinner, too. Surely if you don't want to be exposed, you'll be a good little bítch."

"Guys, enough—” Hermes attempts to move away, but Frost held him down while Mavis is kneeling, crying silently at the thought of Hermes being in a relationship with someone else.

"He doesn't like you, Mavis, get over it..."

"Mavis don't listen to him, of course I like you!" Hermes yells back, "I'm just not supposed to sleep with you! Any of you students! I'm not that type of-"

"You told me you'll take care of me," Mavis sniffs, "W-why don't you do it? T... take care of me. Right now. I... I don't care that you have s-someone else... y-you... as long as.... you're in my walls, my house... I'll take care of you too, Hermes..."

Mavis had an entire breakdown, only that it isn't the crying type. He goes up to kiss Hermes harshly on the lips while his hand rubs him quicker, as if trying to convince him to stay.

"Mavis," Hermes moans out, triggering a wave of pleasure inside Mavis from how hot he's saying the name. He then moves down to service Hermes with his mouth, making sure to shove it in his cheeks to drive the man crazy.

With breathy moans escaping Hermes' lips, Frost couldn't help but grab his hair to manipulate the angle of his head, before kissing the confused teacher with lips that taste like expensive wine.

What... ? Mavis... blowing me... Frost is kissing me... And why is Hermes enjoying this? He's supposed to be against this, they're students. But the way Frost's tongue challenges him to fight like angry lovers, it was too hot to pass up. It was like procrastinating morality; feels so good, that he can't abstain.

Hermes meets Frost's eyes, both cold and unyielding before Frost starts unbuttoning Hermes' shirt. Mavis looks up and sees them making out, slightly scowling. But, he owes this opportunity to Frost, and as long as he isn't hurting Hermes, and he likes it too, then it wouldn't matter to him.

Watching Hermes kiss and get stripped... looks so hot... He finds himself wanting Frost to do more as Mavis eats up Hermes' cóck like it belongs to him.

"Liking this, Hersheys?" Frost whispers with a smile because Hermes isn't resisting at all.

"I still don't like you," Hermes replied with a slight sigh because Mavis is having too much fun with his balls down there.

"But you liked being fúcked too, do you? Let me give you the pleasure..." Frost says, amused by his new toy. Hermes is a little scared, but didn't show it on his face. Frost then tells his cousin, "Did it feel good when Hersheys fúcked you, Mavis?"

"Mmm... so f-fúcking good..." Mavis moans against Hermes' díck.

"Want him to feel the same way you did?" Frost grabs Hermes' hair and starts to unbuckle his own belt with one hand, looking down on the teacher. "You can look at his little bítch face while he takes my díck."

That... sounds hot but... Mavis slaps off Frost's hand, "Stop hurting him!"

"Tch, whatever," Frost releases his hair but then presents his half-hard díck to an uncertain Hermes, rubbing it twice before it grows even stiffer. Hermes stares at it, a little intimidated by how nice its shape is; curved and perfect for attacking a prostate, textured like Frosts’ hands. Frost then demands him to, "Suck."

Hermes does as he's told, sucking the pretty pale díck of a pale devil. Frost throws his head back and loudly moans at the first feel of Hermes' mouth. "Shít... this is why I like experienced slúts... whores like you always know what to do. Mavis, take a seat."

"What...? I... I'm busy here," Mavis scowls at him because he loves sucking Hermes' tasty cóck.

"Don't you want him to suck you?" Frost smirks at Hermes, "Don't worry Hersheys, I'll take care of you if you make sure Mavis feels good."

Hermes is pulled out of the sofa as Mavis hungrily eyes the shirtless teacher, pants hanging off his hips as his head is being pushed towards Mavis by a merciless Frost.

"Don't... hurt him," Mavis breathlessly sighs, gently weaving his hands through Hermes' dark hair. "I'll... never forgive myself if... if something happens to y-you... I already failed... w-with Miss Thena... s-so... Frost... please protect him..."

Behind Hermes, Frost squints his eyes at how desperately in love Mavis is for this teacher. It seems like he had trauma when Thena died, and now he's holding onto 'her replacement' as a last resort. Mavis never really had romantic feelings for Ms. Thena, but he grew an attachment to her brother after she died. If Hermes is gone, then nobody would show him kindness in this world.

"I will Mavis... if he acts like a good little snowflake..." Frost says, caressing Hermes' waist from behind and admiring the soft and silky tanned skin, only textured with moles and the contours of muscle. "You don't want to be the next one to die, right Hermes?"

Hermes, now in front of Mavis' hard and expecting cóck, constantly feels threatened so he does his best to please Mavis with a gag-less blow job that drove the younger man to moan uncontrollably.

"Yes, oh that... feels so good...! Hermes...! Y-you're the best..." Mavis whimpers.

Meanwhile, Frost is slowly hooking his thumb on the waistband of Hermes' pants, ever so slowly stripping it down to where his áss is now exposed for the White King to observe. Hermes may be a little comfortable with Mavis, but he squirms at the cold touch of Frost whose rings leave an icy sensation on his bare áss.

Hermes pulls away from Mavis and looks back, "Frost-"

"Shh... I'm just curious..." He whispers, looking right at Mavis with hooded eyes while slowly licking two of his fingers, making sure his tongue coats each digit with saliva.

Hermes wants to die because, Why am I finding that so hot?!

Frost smirks as if he read his mind before slowly pushing those two fingers inside, making Hermes curse and face Mavis once more. There, Mavis kisses him with the gentleness of dandelions, treating Hermes like a delicate lover all while his cousin is harassing him from behind.

Hermes starts to moan because of Frost's fingers.

"Y-you sound so... sexy..." Mavis whispers to him in between kisses, stroking his own díck too. He doesn't want Hermes to get hurt, but the sight and sound of him moaning at Frost's fingers turns him on so much, he jerks himself to Hermes' face. "A-are you gonna feel good if... if Frost goes inside you...?"

Hermes grunts, "Mavis-"

"It felt... so good when you were inside me... you should... feel good too..." Mavis looks at Frost before softly requesting, "Frans? C... can you m-make him feel good... while he fúcks me, please... ?"

"Mavis, what—"

"My pleasure," Frost slaps Hermes' áss to shut him up. Then, he caresses it with his rough and warm hand as the other applies a condom on his cóck. "It's nice that you're not being selfish anymore, Mavis. Mr. Quinn is such a good influence..."

Mavis kisses Hermes while holding onto his cóck, putting it in his entrance before gasping at the gentle intrusion. Hermes can't deny it, Mavis feels good... It's so nice and warm inside, he can't help but move. His lips also taste nice; the flavor of temptation. They make out like lovers in denial, Mavis' throat creating sounds of pleasure everytime Hermes moves inside of him.

"Hermes...! Y-you... ahh, you're the best... ! You're the best, I... I love it... so much...!" Mavis moans out, holding onto Hermes' díck with the motive of milking him and taking his babies.

"AHH-!" While he's distracted, Frost suddenly shoves himself inside of Hermes' well-prepped áss, a little dry to intentionally hurt him. But, the lubrication from the condom avoided burning friction at least. He was just fúcked hours ago, so he’s not as virgin as before.

Frost is a suspect, Mavis is an important informant… Hermes moans out loud as Frost thrusts inside him, forcing him to thrust inside Mavis, too. He’s feeling so good from either side, the devil perched on his shoulder and telling him to enjoy it. So what if he did?

It’s Carvalle.


Vegan Vixen

Nuuu it ended to soon 🦋🦋
