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Warning: Themes of somnophilia.

"You better watch your back, woman..." Kino sneers at the female Mafia Boss, while they both follow behind Farlan.

"Watch your front, those balls are so tempting to kick right now..." She scoffs, head held high against the Shinji.

"You know who else has balls I can squeeze?" Kino stares right at her cleavage, to which Lei gasps and covers them up.

"Farlan, your ally has no manners!"

The Schliemann sighs, "He's the youngest out of all of us. It is expected."

"The fúck you mean? You all die first before me!" The offended Kino pouts. "That doesn't make sense either; if Navi became the Master of the Shabdkoshi, he'd be the youngest. And he babysat Lei in high school so he's way more mature."

"Ahh, what happened to Navi? Did Varma never pass the position?" Lei questions.

"Navi... ran away," Farlan sighs. If he had become Master, the Shabdkoshi could've been our allies. But no; Old Man Varma hates the Unholy Trinity and the new generation that leads it. "As the only child with no other cousins, Varma cannot pass the title without their family loosing reign over the Mafia."

"Man, what the fúck? Where is Navi now? He never contacted any of us..."

"Friends drift apart... also, you pranked him by deleting his entire thesis back then, Kino. I don't think he likes you," Farlan deadpans as they all enter a helicopter pad, surrounded by security and waiting for their vehicle.

Lei snorts as Kino punches her shoulder, to which she punched him in the guts back.

"Ow! Act like a woman, will you?!"

Before they enter a helicopter, Lei kicked him in the legs to prevent him from entering. "There. Ladies first, am I right?"

"Bítch," Kino grumbles, entering the helicopter to join Farlan and Lei. They are on their way to Austria, paying Járed Levough's parents a visit.

Lei sat in the helicopter, thinking deeply about their past, especially with Járed. Farlan stares at her, while Kino beside him is struggling with the seatbelts because they got twisted. Lei noticed Farlan's emotionless stare and turns on her headset.

"What? Am I pretty enough for you now?" She teased.

Farlan scoffs humorlessly. "You know, the Mafias aren't the only reason I'm forcing you two to get along."

This time it was Lei's turns to scoff, rolling her eyes at Kino. "I can't believe you, out of all people, would hold on to our high school promises. We were kids, and kids grow up."

"I can't believe you, out of all people, would not care about us drifting apart," Farlan sighs, looking down at the scenery of islands and fishing ponds of Vietnam, while they exit the country.

"Drift apart?" She chuckles, "Miroh Llorona tried to kill you. Shinji Kino broke our territory rules and exploited my people. Navi Sharma... well, he disappeared. And Járed Levough..."

Farlan looks away, not paying attention. However, her voice is unavoidable. "Farlan... when his brother died, I thought you'd be the first one to be there for him. But you no longer spoke with any of us. Until three years ago when you negotiated with me and Kino."

"There was a transfer in power between families, I was busy," Farlan says. "Let's not dwell on the past. We have to find Járed, and maybe even Navi if he wishes to resurface."

"And Miroh?"

"I will forgive him for his betrayal only if he asks for it," Farlan dismisses her, "Right now my focus is to find the Levough Master. I don't want Old Man Varma to be one of the Unholy Trinity."

It is all connected; their group has more to it than just Rival Mafias. They used to be inseparable; the three of them, children of the most powerful. Schliemann of the North, Shinji of the East, Hien ro as the blood in the center, Shabdkoshi of the South, Llorona of the West, and the Levough at the top. They were the best of friends.

Until, the heir of the Shabdkoshi ran away, and his father blamed his friends for it, causing the tense rivalry between the Indian Mafia and the Levough. Llorona went against all of them, a cold act of betrayal. The Schliemann distanced himself from the alliance, and the Shinji and Hien ro grew to be enemies.

That lead to the torment of three innocent men who had nothing to do with the underground world.


Vanya is currently staring at his younger brother, who is fidgeting with the large ring on his thumb. They are both guarding the Master bedroom, with Miles Taylor in side the bathroom. Vanya was staring for far too long.

"What," spits the gang leader, truly bothered. The white haired man didn't speak as usual, and just calmly blinks. Misha can feel the pressure, and he is feeling strange things. "Brother. Don't you think he's... too seductive?"

'Miles cute,' was what Vanya replies in sign language.

"No, no... like, not just what he looks like... the guy is so strange. It's like..."

The bathroom door finally opens and a freshly showered Miles happily steps out in a lilac wooly sweater with a cartoon of a chocolate chip cookie printed at the front. "Tada! Vanya picked this out for me, it's really cute!"

"It doesn't suit you, you're too old for that," Misha sneers at him, leaning back into the chair with his knees lazily spread.

"Well, Vanya picked this, so only his opinion matters," Miles holds his hand out to the silent man who accepts it and pulls him closer to smell the newly bought clothes, infected with lovely baby powder. Vanya pressed his face against Miles' chest, making him laugh. "See, he likes it."

"Since when were you friends?" Misha grumbles.

Miles raised an eyebrow, feeling Vanya's gentle hands squeeze the area where his thigh met his áss. He looks at Misha and boasts, "I think Vanya likes me a lot..."

"He's just deprived, you're nothing but an unpaid whóre to him," Misha retaliates.

"Am I, Vanya?" Miles teases the younger brother by taking the silver haired man's head and pulling it up to face him, lips hovering onto his. "Hey... do you want to play with me...?"

That scent... Vanya replies by pressing his head against Miles' neck, hands on his thigh and hips. The sweater was really large, the type to be worn as winter pajamas and stopped in the middle of Miles' thighs. However, this sweater was the only thing he's wearing. 

"Vanya doesn't play with prostitutes and other people you force on him, doesn't he Misha?" Miles says to the deeply concentrated Gangster who is watching the sensual scene of Miles getting groped by his brother. The concubine moans when Vanya touches his bareness underneath the sweater, seductively smiling to tease the other. "But he chooses to play with me... aren't I special?"

"You're not special, bítchy-slút. Just another good áss to fúck."

"You should know how my áss feels, you've tried it," Miles plays along, getting pulled into the sofa where he straddles the seated Vanya, allowing the man to lift the sweater up to his lower back.

Misha has never inhaled such trembling breaths before; his pride wants to bully Miles to no end, but the man doesn't seem to be affected. So the Gang leader has to settle on watching his brother finger the Master's property in his very room.

"Mmmnnn!" Miles moans against Vanya's hair, eyes peeking in to witness Misha staring at the both of them. Miles then reaches down to slowly and sensually undo Vanya's belt, staring right at the Gang leader with hooded eyes to seduce him as well. "Oh, how does the inside feel, Vanya...? Do you want to put it in? It's too bad that your brother got to touch me first. But, it's your game so this time... I'm all yours..."

Misha's breaths deepens, watching Miles kiss Vanya in a way that made him impatient. How dare Miles Taylor tongue his brother while looking at Misha. It made the man lean forwards to light a cigarette, but actually hiding an erection.


The man snaps put of his sinful thoughts when Miles calls out to him with the sweetest and most inviting voice. But that voice requests, "Can you hand me that lotion right there, please...?"

When I fúcked him, he looked like he was forced. But with my brother.... tsk, Misha threw him the bottle, to which Miles giggles at. Tsk, why am I angry.

"Oh fúck, Vanya!" Miles winces when he decided to put three in, because the softness of his entrance is enough to accommodate them. His voice made Misha even harder, and he's trying to hide it. He just keeps staring at them with the intent to protect his brother from this succubus.

"Go on baby, don't worry... I won't get hurt..." Miles helps Vanya align his díck with a séxual body part for the first time in years, and then he stares at Misha while saying, "It doesn't hurt anymore. I've taken two."


Vanya was overwhelmed with the absolute warm heaven that is Miles' insides; and he thought the mouth felt good. This hole with no teeth is way better. Miles moved onto him with the rhythm of a dancer, seducing both brothers with his hips and husky moan.

"Do you like that, Vanya? Ohhh fúck, that really feels good...!" Miles whispers loud enough for Misha to hear, "I like you so much, Vanya... I'm very happy that... mmhh... you're fúcking me... yeah, harder, please... ohhhnn...!"

Slút. Misha leans back and unbuckles his belt, unable to resist the urge to masturbate while watching the beautiful Miles Taylor bounce on his brother with the most sexiest of sounds.

Miles bites his lip to stop a smile from surfacing, once he saw Misha jerking himself off while smoking. Miles didn't stop encouraging Vanya as if he's also commanding Misha. He hugs his precious Jihun, keeping him close while wholeheartedly offering himself to him; to them.

"Feels...! Good...nnghh! Vanya...!" Miles moans, then yelps when the man pushes him down onto the sofa, both of their heads facing Misha, in full view of their connection. The older brother even pushes Miles' sweater up his chest, exposing his erection and torso.

"Fúck!" This virgin was indeed deprived for too long, he started piston-fúcking his first official sexual encounter in three years. Seeing Miles' hole suddenly get bullied by the usual gentle Vanya turns on Misha even more.

"Fúck him harder brother," Misha encourages, jerking himself off while watching Miles stretch his throat where it chokes everytime Vanya plunges inside. Miles met the voyeur's inverted face, but instead of showing him how Vanya's violent thrust is affecting him, Miles instead licks his teeth while moaning with his mouth open.

This bítch.

Vanya even reached up to touch his chest, then down to a male genitalia that he is very attracted to, after years of not being attracted to anything at all.

Miles tears his eyes away from Misha and grins at Vanya, "You want it...? You can play with me all you want..."

He's really testing me, thinks Misha, wanting so much to shove his díck down that teasing throat.

"Vanya," the gangster calls out, which he responds with merely eye contact. And with eyes, Misha tells him something.

All of a sudden, Miles was confused as to why Vanya pulls him up by the arm and twists him to kneel on the sofa. With a hand against his hair, Miles is forced to look up at Misha who couldn't take the temptation any longer.

Miles smiles in victory. "Don't you have to pay me, Misha?"

"I'll pay you with cúm down your throat," the man sneers while shoving his díck inside, even making Miles' Adam's apple bulge even more until he chokes out.

Miles tears up, but not for anything sad, it's only because his mouth and áss is being stuffed beyond his comfort. Not that he dislikes it, in fact he obediently follows whichever direction Vanya is pulling his hair in.

"Ugh, y.... you..." Misha grunts as Miles licks his shaft from base to tip in order to breathe. "You seem to like this a lot, don't you? You... have a thing for brothers?"

Miles whines and moans especially when Vanya releases his hair to spread his hole wide open, and then fúcking the gape produced. "I... I have a thing for... men who want to kill me... ahhhnnn!"

Why is he so addicting.

"Vanya, not too much! You're gonna make m... me cúm too fast!"

Misha tells his brother, "Make him cúm. Then it's my turn and we can milk him all night."


"Make him pass out in exhaustion..."


"Then fúck him while asleep..."

"What, no! That's--" hot... what the fúck, Taewon?

"We're going to drain you out of semen, you'll turn into a sissy bítch..." Misha smirks with his velvet deep voice, and just imagining Miles being desired and tormented by them all night made him cúm.

Misha watches as his brother smears his hands with Miles' fluids before tasting them, curious as to why Miles swallowed his cúm earlier. It tasted bitter... but was also erotic how this came from inside, forced to come out with his díck and hands. Vanya can't help but taste more of Miles, even even bending to kiss and lick his back.

Miles moans against Misha's díck, until the man pulled it out for his turn. "Fúck... you guys... are ruthless..."

"Oh, are we?"

Vanya pulls out to make way for his brother, to which Miles moans out in pleasure at him entering. "Shít, this slút feels so good..."

Taewon... Miles doesn't get hurt at his words, but it kind of hurts at how Misha only ever thinks of him as that. So, he decides to bully him back. "Misha... Would you mind if I secretly date your brother...? I can let you fúck me anytime if Vanya allow--AHHNN!"

"What the fúck are you taking about, you bítch-áss whóre? You like Vanya but want both of our dícks?!"

Miles pants, breathless as his throat feels empty without something shutting him up. He just looks up at Vanya who is quite entertained at the scene before him. If his brother is happy, then he's happy.

"I thought you don't like me...? You wouldn't want to date me, right...? Ahnn...nmnm.... I... !"

"Of course I don't want anything to do with you!" This body, though... that smile... "It's just unfair!"

Miles smiles at Vanya, assuring him that he is not hurt because the man's narrowed brows is showing signs of concern. "You... both can have me, you know...? Why don't you...? It'll be... b-be our... little secret.... ahnn..!"

Vanya has nothing on his mind except, Miles so beautiful... He looks up at his younger brother, who seemed to pant heavily at the approach of his climax. Does it mean... I can play with Miles all the time?

Meanwhile, Misha is thinking, These bítches forgot about the Master.

They truly are violating the Master's private property by taking turns milking Miles out of his climax, until he can barely even stay awake. "Mnnnh.... Don't... stop....! Don't stop.... don't..."

Miles passes out with the last of his breaths muttering those words, now lying on the bed of the Master where the three of them are playing like newlyweds.

Vanya rubs his hair, concerned, but Misha smirks, "Well, he said don't stop."

the next morning,

Miles wakes up on the bathtub of the Master bedroom, the fancy digital clock on the shelf indicating, 1am. Has it been hours since I passed out? What happened? Did they really do-

Miles heavily blushes, slapping his face and making water splash. Worse is, he's getting an erection imagining the boys play with him who was barely unconscious. "Miles Taylor, you should be ashamed...." Fúck, get rid of your boner!

The door opens to reveal a shirtless Misha carrying a towel. "... oh, you're awake. Too bad, we prepared a body bag."

Miles just realized they didn't leave him in bed,  but in fact, "Aftercare, really? How sweet..."

Misha scowls, "We had to dump you somewhere while we change the bedsheets. Fúcking squirter."

"Oh, I did?" Miles giggles in delight, Teasing him. "Did you taste it?"

"No, disgusting!" This time, it was Misha's turn to blush, since he really did find that scene hot, with Miles being overstimulated and still panting and moaning despite his consciousness not present.

Vanya came in wearing a baby blue shirt with sleeves rolled up, veins popping out because of the labor they had to do which is changing 10kg of foam duvets. Miles closes his legs since he really does find the brothers hot. Vanya came in to clean the bathroom, but seeing Miles' awake made him go to pat him on the head.

"Uhm...! Vanya..." Miles shyly says, "I... was serious... earlier, when I said-"

"No," Misha deadpans, glaring at Miles.

"What? Why not, I won't leave anyone out-"

"You left out the Master. You still belong to him, you hórny bunny. We will get killed."

Miles feels goosebumps hearing that words slip out of his mouth. But, he is determined.  So, he stands up and grabs a bathrobe to cover himself saying, "I won't let him hurt you. He'll never know."

"What makes you think you can go against the Master of the Schliemann? A Master of an Unholy Trinity?"

Miles stares right at Misha's eyes as Vanya felt lost in between them. That's what I said back then, too. But you still went against the Levough. And Járed Levough had more power than Farlan.... yet you destroyed Carvalle... just for me.

All for me, they went against the Levough. "What is stopping me?" ... from going against the Schliemann?

Misha stares at him emotionlessly, heart beating fast in the presence of Miles' whose eyes display such determination for the sake of... his brother? "You really like Vanya that much?"

Both of you. You too, Taewon... I love you so much. "Yes. And I'm willing to go through Farlan and you, for Vanya.... but, I want to play with you too, you know..." Miles reaches out to touch the man's chest, but Misha slaps his hand away.

"Tch, play..." Misha scoffs, disliking the abnormal heart rate he has on, and it might cause him to not refuse.

"Yes, play...." Miles backs away to go to Vanya's side, holding his hand as a proposal. He smiles at the blonde before turning to a scowling Misha. Taewon is pushing me away... so why not force him to follow? "Don't you want to play with me, Misha? Don't you like games...?"

Disclaimer: Somnophilia is a valid kink between two consenting adults. However, in this chapter they made a mistake of not discussing it beforehand. Not having a proper discussion/agreement before any kinks is considered toxic, so do not romanticize and consent matters in every sexual activity.
SaLuHa having a proper discussion instead of immediately torturing each other is considered too healthy and healthy relationships are frowned upon in Carvalle :)