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five years ago,

"Stay away from me."

Something broke inside, and it's not Farlan's heart. Both Masters sit across each other in a room with two double beds, keeping distance. Járed was especially tense, clutching his bathrobe tight to cover himself up. He was still drunk and his complexion mirrors his mental state, but he is still a grown man aware that he is in danger at the hands of this Schliemann. Maybe Farlan does want to kill him.

"That would be a bad idea, Járed."

"You're a bad idea. What made you think I'd be okay with you doing that to me?! What made you think Keiji would be okay with that?!"

Keiji, Keiji, always that brat.... Farlan sighs, "That is your little brother, you shouldn't even have that kind of relationship with each other!"

"I know!" Járed yells out, "I'm not a kid, I know that it's wrong! But what part of It's what he wants, do you not understand? What part of Keiji comes first above all do you not understand?"

"You're such a slave for that child..."

"At least I'm not forcing my feelings on him and actually harass him with no ounce of consent," Járed spits at him, scowling. The tension between them grows and Farlan's fingers twitch, his eyes intensely glaring at the Levough.

Járed. Farlan had watched his friend, since their teen years in an ordinary Carvalle, obsess over his little brother to the point of actually building CDI especially for him. Farlan watched as Keiji pulled him away from school duties in order to cling to his older brother.

"Já, the cafeteria ran out of Ice cream, come drive me to the convenience store!"

"Keiji, I have to organize the festival for a moment-" Járed tries to refuse, but Keiji pouts and stomps his feet, pulling him by the nape to whisper something in his ear. Farlan watched as the School Body President at that time, sighs and give in to the Freshman's request. "Alright. Farlan, can I leave this to you at the moment?"

"Sure." The young Schliemann watches as Keiji drags Járed away, looking back one last time to poke a tongue teasingly, showcasing his victory against Farlan.

Keiji was manipulative. An evil, conniving, playful brat who gets what he wants and uses his own brother's love for his own gain. It just so happens that he loves Járed as well; he just won't hesitate to use what can be useful.

Just then in CDI, there came a knock on the door. No longer want to look at Farlan, Járed turns away to answer it, taking two freshly bought and laundered suits for the two Masters. "Thank you, Janine."

Járed coldly dumps both of their suits in their respective beds, not sparing a glance at Farlan as he dresses himself.

"Járed..." Farlan speaks out, but the Levough refused to listen or at least respond. The Schliemann decides to confess, "You do not deserve to get used as a séx toy for Keiji. Nor do you have to cover up for every single bad thing he did."

"He is my brother."

"And he's dying because of what you're doing," Farlan sternly says, watching Járed button up his shirt. "You said so yourself. All of this because you can't refuse him. He's not the victim here, you are, and now you're the one suffering because a psychopa-"

"SHUT THE FÚCK UP," Járed angrily yells and charged at Farlan, grabbing the neckline of his robe and pulling on it threateningly; him now looking down on the Schliemann. "I still belong to him. Why are you doing this, why the fúck would you even like me?! I know for a fact that you don't like to be on the receiving end, so why expect me to commit to you instead?!"

Járed is so close, his scent tempting Farlan to take the ripened fruit. Farlan can touch him right now, but refused to.

"It's not all about séx Járed, that's how fúcking toxic your life is, you think I just want to fúck you and use you like how Keiji does?!" The Levough feels so hurt that Farlan keeps talking about Keiji that way so he pulls his arm back for a punch, but was unable to.

Farlan instead grabs his arm to push him against the bed, pinning him there and finally picking the forbidden fruit. "I liked you right from the start, I liked you before I was even séxually active, I thought my love for you back then was just loyalty, friendship, and wanting to fúcking protect you, yet you're here thinking that all I want to do is fúck you?!"

Járed was not in control of his own body and punched Farlan so hard, he gained the upper hand and kicked him back onto the floor. There, the Levough straddles him and punches him again.

"You should've thought of that before you jerked me off in the bathroom!" Járed angrily yells, his rings first making an evident mark on Farlan's face. "You think we're still in High School where relationships are all about holding hands and cheesy texts?! We're Mafia Lords, Farlan! You're surrounded with violence, money and séx. You're not fooling me!"

"I'm not fooling anyone!" Farlan yells, dodging Járed's punch until he managed to throw the Levough to the side where he hisses upon hitting the edge of the bed. "All I'm saying is that I'm not gonna use you like Keiji does. And yes Levough, I do want to fúck you. We're not in High School anymore, are we?! I want to fúcking own you..."

Járed looks up at him with a stone cold glare, taking a few breaths to analyze his own drunken limbs for a bit. Looks like Farlan really does have feelings for him, and it's dangerous. It's dangerous for anyone in the Unholy Trinity to feel love or attachment to anyone.

"I want you," Farlan admits, now leaning against the edge of the other bed. His cheek and jaw is bruising with one cut, courtesy to Járed's rings. "Járed..."

"Stay away from me," the other male says in a broken, cracking voice. All because his heart still belongs to another. Keiji made sure to cut it out and cage it.

Farlan thought about it for a long moment, letting silence fester between them. Járed was unable to move, overwhelmed by his own conflicting feelings. Because even if he isn't tied to Keiji, he doesn't see himself liking Farlan back. Járed had always been attracted to females, and Keiji was the one and only male, above all of them. In terms of other men, Járed does not feel any attraction.

But, he adds, "When the sun rises."

Farlan looks up, looking for a clarification of his suggestion. He didn't expect Levough to say, "When the sun rises, you stay away from me forever. But for now... do what you want."

Both of them sat there for a good few minutes, the Schliemann trying to process his words and silently judging if he's even sober enough for such a deal. Maybe this have been a test. What was Járed thinking?

What is Járed doing sitting there and letting Farlan take his head to kiss him? Why is the kiss so deep, and why is Farlan pinning his wrists on the edge of the bed? Hands are violently touring his body as well, ruining the perfectly ironed brand new suit.

But, Farlan didn't care and ripped the buttons open while trying to choke out the Levough Master.

"You're used to this, aren't you?" Farlan spits at him who only stares emotionlessly. "Or is Keiji more ruthless in abusing you?"

"He's the kid, he's not responsible-"

Farlan tightens his hold on Járed's neck. "He's not a toddler. He knows what he's doing, and he's proud of it!"

Járed, ever the blind and deaf man he is, swings to slap Farlan only to get his wrist caught. He still drowns in the burning acid that is his love for his brother, and not even Farlan can rescue him from it.

Farlan pulls him up by the shirt and pushes him to the bed, Járed scowling at his harsh handling. The Levough chuckles without humor, "How fúcking ironic... didn't you say those who fall in love are weak? What does that make you?"

"I can still live without you, Járed," Farlan pushes him further and attacks his neck, feeling ecstacy at the fact that he is holding down his childhood friend whom he has loved for many years, one sidedly. "I just don't want to see you like this."

"See me what, abused? By who, Keiji or you?" The lovesick Master of the Levough stares down at the Schliemann between his legs, forcing him in a role that he is very much new to.

Farlan apologizes by gently kissing him with no ounce of force this time, mainly because Járed is letting him, and it is a waste of energy to fight a sober man. Járed sobered up because of that incident in the bathroom, but his limbs do fail to cooperate and hold a grip, still.

"I will never hurt you," Farlan vows, even though his promise are raging thunders; might not hit, but still possible to even kill someone. He is currently hurting Járed right now, servicing the Levough Master with his skillful and experienced mouth.

"Hss...!" Járed can't help but flinch at the pleasurable feeling of Farlan's tongue all over him, throwing his head back refusing to acknowledge his own trusted friend doing him like this. "Fúck, where did you learn that?! Shít!"

Do you know how many men I had to substitute for you? Farlan is only ever attracted to those close in appearance to Járed, as well. Usually, Farlan wouldn't even look at them, but for now; he pulls away and continues jerking off the Levough, looking directly at that face.

A face which looks away in shame, getting covered by his sleeved arm. "If you're gonna fúck me, I don't want to see you doing it. Make me bleed for all I care. Fúck me with a knife. I don't want to see your face."

"I'm gonna have to violate you on that," Farlan says with a low but smooth voice, leaning in to uncover Járed's face and force him to look. "We're Masters, right? Surrounded by violence, murder... séx. We've trafficked humans and drugs, exploited and destroyed families... you are in an incestuous relationship with your brother. Surely... me ignoring your request is a mere pickpocketing crime."

"Fúck-!" Farlan suddenly steps off the bed and effortlessly pulls Járed off of it as well, both of them getting in the bathroom with Farlan throwing him against the sink. He traps the Levough once again, Farlan's arousal against Járed's áss as they both stare at their reflection.

"There's a reason why your brother uses you so much... want to feel what he feels?" Farlan whispers, planning to prepare him properly with water and a lot of Aloe Vera soothing gel usually meant for skin.

"Fúck you, Schliemann."

"As you wish." After all, they have until sunrise.

later on,

Járed's eyes beg for Farlan to release his wrists front the restraints of his own shirt, now wrinkled to no return. "FÚCK!"

"Relax, it will settle if you don't reject it."

"Farlan! Please, I.... it's too..."

"Nonsense," Farlan removes Járed's virginity with one inch thrusted in, making the Levough cry. "Your brother can take yours, why not take mine?"

"Stop talking about Keiji! We rarely do this!" Their intimacy were a lot more violent than this, and it barely classifies as intercourse. Járed feels so pained at the stretch that he has to cry out, "Farlan!"

"I was too late, weren't I," Farlan grunts while ignoring Járed's adjustment and just inserts himself in, even causing a tear. But he didn't care about the injury. "I could've been your friend sooner... then you won't be left alone with your fúcked up brother. You could've had a normal friend like me instead of being trapped with him!"

"Farlan! It hurts..." Járed breaths out, holding onto the pillow and pressing half his face in it.

"You shouldn't be, doesn't Keiji hurt you more than this?!"

"Stop talking about him, please!" Járed begs, tears giving out as Farlan flips him over in order to thrust it in deeper, knocking the breath off the Levough.

"You're pathetic. Master of the most powerful Mafia in the Unholy Trinity, but you let two men overpower you because you grew up too soft hearted. I bet you couldn't even kill me, can you?"

I want to... I want to... but...

Járed's cries start to slow down as he starts feeling numb at his injury down there; he has suffered worse, this is merely an insect bite. The situation of a close and trusted friend doing this to him is more painful.

"Farlan..." Járed breathes out, his throat producing involuntary moans every time Farlan violently hits a particular spot. "I... I love you.... but... I can... nev... never be y... yours... even-ahh! Hnn! E-even if Keij-ji... dies... I can't... bring... myself to..."

Farlan already knows. He knows Járed Levough; this stubborn, ruthless but still kind-hearted man to those who he considers an ally. Just as Farlan kept on having feelings for someone he cannot ever have, Járed will never commit or be loyal to anyone other than his brother. His heart is chained by the innocently evil Keiji Levough.

"I just want to save you..." Farlan whispers in his home language, "I'm sorry... old friend..."

That night, he lovingly embraces Járed like a precious soulmate; which they weren't. They weren't meant to be. Farlan wants to keep this fantasy, kissing Járed and making love to him even if he's hurting. I could've treated you so much better... if only you were mine...

Still, Farlan wants to save his friend. Whispering in the ears of a passed out Járed on the bed the Master of the Schliemann declares, "I don't want anyone to ever hurt or use you again. Forgive me for what I plan to do to your precious brother. It's all for you. I'll take responsibility for what I did, too... and you will never see me again."

For the first time in his entire life, Farlan Schliemann shed not one tear, but cries a river beside the man he can never have.

years later,
days after the Tragedy struck,

"Master?" Yasha's brother, the second hand was concerned when the Master suddenly dropped and entire bottle of whiskey as he was refilling a glass. The Master stood there for a long while, handles trembling and throat constricting.

"You're lying."

"Master forgive me, I'm just trying to relay the message-"

"THEY'RE ALL LYING!" Farlan threw the glass he was refilling towards Yasha herself, which her brother catches before it hits her head. The younger gangster-in-training was a bit shaken because she fears the Master the most. "He... cannot die. He simply can't."

"There hasn't been any news of Járed Levough's recovery. Even the Shinji, their closest ally, hasn't heard from him or the Mafia," the second hand reported. "Announcing the death of a Master will leave the Mafia vulnerable, but so is not announcing his survival."




Yasha flinched and clutches her brother's jacket, the man then wrapping an arm around her so they can exit together. The Master's heart has never beaten this fast, and tears are forcing themselves out of his eye.

He refuses to cry, so he sweeps his entire table off his belongings in rage. NO. He can't die. God fúcking damn it Levough, I was okay with you forgetting my existence as long as you're fúcking alive!

An enraged Master steps towards a discarded telephone and dials one of his high ranking men. "Tell me. Who attacked Carvalle."

"The Shabdkoshi, Sir."

Varma. "Did... they take anything? The students?"

"Not that was reported, sir. But..."


"They took a teacher. Codenamed: the Blueprint."

Miles Taylor. "Anyone else they took?"


"Misha, Vanya! Can you wait until we get home, please?!" Miles whispers at the two men int he dressing room with him.

"We have 5 minutes, give us a teaser," Misha smirks. Vanya just looked at them back and forth since he cannot understand what they're currently talking about.

Miles blushes, since deep inside he wants to play with them, too. But, at this place, really? Children come into this shop... "Just... for a moment, alright?"

Misha scoffs while undoing his belt. "Whóre."

Miles shyly pulls out Misha's half-hard díck from his underwear while looking at Vanya who then leans in to share a kiss. Misha curses at Miles' soft hands waking up his own arousal; usually he'd get jealous if Miles gives his attention to Vanya, but this time it's turning him on. Like, an accomplice to a crime, celebrating their loot. "Shít."

Miles starts rubbing his hands all over Misha's cóck, slowly lowering down and using one hand to undo Vanya's. The man helped and eagerly lets Miles hold him, even prematurely excreting out semen because of his abstinence.

"You're such a virgin, Vanya..." Misha signs, but Miles can understand and he wants to snort.

If only you guys knew... Miles surely is willing to remind them; sensually rubbing on both of their cóck while his mouth goes to touch the 'virgin' Vanya. The man audibly gasps and throws his head back, now facing the ceiling as a very warm mouth engulfs him.

Miles makes eyes contact with Misha and seduces him by slowly and sensually sucking on the older brother's díck, while the other one is teased with a forefinger on the tip and a hand edging him with slow but tight rubs.

"Tsarina..." Misha scowls at him, very much impatient to get a taste of that mouth.

Miles pulls away and kisses Vanya's head, "Good boys go first... don't worry Mikhael, you already had a taste of me, right...?"

Misha is stunned at how sexy Miles is looking up right now, innocent and cute while teasing Vanya's head with his lips and tongue. The white haired man is definitely enjoying it, and Misha finally gets his share when Miles switches between either of them, pulling their dícks closer for easy access.

I'm... actually so happy... Miles can't help but smile as he sucks on both his boys, doing his best to look desirable for them or at least get them to feel familiar with his mouth. How many times had he forced Heidi to come to school by sucking on his morning wood? How many times had Zeus stopped being angry at his brother because Miles bribed him with a blowjob?

Miles knows every inch of them; Taewon's tattoos, Jihun's silent actions. Their sexual weaknesses. Taewon loves when his base is squeezed. Jihun goes crazy when I twirl my tongue around his head.

And so, he uses that against them. Which actually made Vanya audibly moan out since he has never encountered that technique before. Miles felt motivated, sucking on one and jerking off the other. Sometimes, even putting both tips on top of his tongue, looking up at them as if asking if he's doing a good job.

"Shít, fúck you, fúck you, fúck you-" Miles did indeed do a good job.

Vanya starts thrusting into his mouth while Misha jerks himself off, aiming at Miles' face. Miles chokes and gags, but still allows Vanya to use him. Until suddenly, the man ejaculates for the first time in years inside Miles' mouth.

Jihun... finally! How disgusting that Miles missed this, and didn't waste a drop. Seeing him swallow drives Misha insane and when Miles sucks him just once, Misha grabs his head to unload all over his face, hitting his nose, cheek and eye. Miles has his mouth open so Misha shoots the last batch inside, Miles breathlessly showing Misha how delicious his cúm is.

It still tastes very weird, but Miles is very much enjoying the taste of his lovers.

"Why are you so hot," Misha breaths out, stuck staring at the concubine. He can't understand Russian, so Misha continues to complain, even facepalming himself in shame. "God fúcking damn, why is this man so hot?"

"Uhm, Misha?" Miles worriedly asks. Vanya rolls his eyes and takes off his blue hoodie, turning it inside out in order to wipe Miles'' face clean and pull him up. The younger one seemed to be sulking.

Miles feels butterflies in his stomach, seeing Vanya finally sleeveless with only a shirt on. He seemed to be less ashamed of his scars, which Miles is really proud of. Because of the lack of sunlight, Vanya is pale as paper so the scars aren't as visible unless the texture is touched.

Meanwhile, the tanned Misha fixes himself and grumbles while exiting, "[Fúcking cócksucker, cúm-guzzling whóre-] Men, move out! Next stop is the mall, make sure this slút doesn't go anywhere!"

Miles kind of finds Misha's outburst funny even though he cannot understand. He faces Vanya instead, making sure to fix the silent boy's pants. "You're the one with special needs, but it looks like Misha is the child you have to look after. Haha, I like him a lot."

You like him...? Vanya stares at him, emotionless as usual. But he didn't say anything, just allowing Miles to hold onto his hand.

"Let's go?" The beautiful man giggles.


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