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Chapter 16

“So… how long have you been here, at the city?” Dean asked to this pretty lady he met online.

Dean´s been busy working on his dates. So far, he´s done quite some progress on controlling his power. So much that, now, he´s capable of controlling himself!

He´s capable of controlling his thoughts, to separate what he wants to happen from what he´s just fantasizing about. Meditation, to focus, and a lot of practice have finally allowed him to control his thoughts. And not just materialize anything he randomly thinks.

So far, things have been good. And now, things are better!

This lady´s name is Tania. A girl who´s profile he landed on early this week. She´s a bit younger than him, 24-years-old. And she just moved here because of a job offer.

She works on social media. Right now, she´s barely starting, but she already has quite some followers on her own social media. Almost a million.

This might not be a HUGE number, for truly famous people, but to him, a guy who´s profile doesn´t reach the hundredths, she´s outstanding!

She´s working on a few things right now. Photo shooting, not of herself. A little editing. Sort of, part-time assistant. She´s been busy.

But, talking more about her, she´s gorgeous! Big blue eyes, her hair´s golden, thick! And her body, she just has these curves. And, a full top. Maybe it´s not the biggest, but she does carry a pair of pretty C-cups.

Dean knows this lady has the potential to become someone VERY popular online. As she explains, she´s learning from the truly famous models.

Influencers, people with start-ups. And so on…

“Well, the city´s pretty nice. I mean, it´s not a HUGE city. But it´s a really nice place. I LOVE the coffee shops. I think the subway´s amazing. What else… well, people here are so nice.” She said.

Which is funny, because no one´s that nice to him. At least they didn´t use to when he first moved here. But with her, a pretty lady, young, bold, and single, most men had certainly gawked at her.

To Dean, Tania´s pretty, but she´s not his type. Yet! As it´s well known, he likes them… taller. And a little thicker, let´s say… stacked!

Their profiles did match up. And through some chatting, they realized they were actually bonding. And so, they decided to date. Well, Dean asked, and Tania agreed. Now, this is a real chance for him.

This won´t be a fiasco like the last date he had. No, this will be different. Tonight, this man´s not only having a date, but he´ll take it as a chance to prove himself he can achieve something. That he can make things work.

If he was to just grow ladies and made them fall in love with him. Then he could have all single women in the city falling for him. But that´s not his main goal. Well, it sort of was, but that was at first. Now, he´s looking for something meaningful. Something serious!

If he could find the right woman, then he can make her change into the kind of woman he likes. Which is kind of… not accepting her for who she is. Well, more like, by how she looks. He´s not even sure about that either, but he´ll certainly see how things work out between him and Tania. And then, time will tell…

“I mean, the work load´s… not the best one. I do have a lot of work. Which doesn´t leave much time to, you know, hang out with people. All of my coworkers think I´m some sort of workaholic or something, hehe…” she giggled. It must be said, she does have a busy schedule.

Waking up at 5:00 am, getting things ready before she heads to the office. And then, she works from 9 to 5. And after that, she has to stay to help out in a project she volunteered to. Tania´s a proactive lady.

After that, which is normally by 8:00 pm or even 9:00 pm, she heads back home. And, by 10:00 pm, she´s at her place, exhausted. And finally, she gets her sleep. About six to seven hours of sleep.

And, on top of that, she still works on her own personal projects on the weekend. Spending 5 to 6 hours working on her own social media, on Saturday and Sunday.

It could be worse, definitely, but it´s still hard. And being the new girl in town doesn´t help much…

“Well, it´s hard when you´re starting, but trust me, things change. I promise. Right now, I´m actually looking forward to a promotion!” That was no lie, he used his “charms” with Mrs. Clark, and now, he´s looking forward to a raise! Which is quite nice…

“Wow! Congrats! That´s amazing!” she´s so cheerful.

Tania´s easy to talk to. She´s pretty, she´s kind. Quite a gentle soul. However, Dean can´t help but to feel a bit of an urge to make this date a bigger one… but he´ll abstain. For now…

The date was going on in an amazing way, let´s say… too amazing? They were at this fancy restaurant. And he ordered a bottle of wine. Just to celebrate a little. But soon, his celebration became something else…

He has to be fully focused in order to contain his own thoughts, but what will happen if his mind´s under the effects of alcohol? If he can´t think straight, what will he do?

The biggest mistake he made, once the bottle was done, was to order another one. Money wasn´t the problem, he can pay, it´s not that expensive, the real deal is… what´s he thinking right now?

“She´s just amazing. I don´t know if I should but… maybe I should… I mean, we´re hanging out so nicely. She´s laughing of my silly jokes… perhaps, should I make her… bustier?” He couldn´t help his primal instincts. Her dress was red, sexy. And, just maybe, she showed off a bit of cleavage. Ok, she showed off. But not too much, still, that not too much is exactly what he´d like to change…

“I´d be doing her a favor. She said she could use more followers. We all know that, if she had bigger boobs, that would get her more followers, right? To expand her audience by expanding her chest… it´ll do, it´ll do…” Now, he was thinking of this as some sort of favor.

As if she needed it, as if she could use some help. In his lightly drunken state of mind, he forgot about his inhibitions and just went for it. Now, allowing his desire to take care of the rest of the date.

“So, the other day at work, I was talking with my boss. Well, not my boss, BOSS. More like, the manager of this project I´m helping with. And so…” she talked and talked. Tania was a bit “happy” due to the wine. To the point that she felt secure by sharing more anecdotes about her work.

However, Dean´s mind was somewhere else. His mind was working on some other thing. He was nodding, sure, and he was paying attention. Barely. Enough to know what she´s taking about, but not as to follow what she´s saying.

Now, his mind´s drifting into his regular place. Growth.

Tania stood at 5´6”, plus her three-inch heels, she went on the date standing at 5´9”, but that wasn´t enough for Dean. He thought he could help her out by making her a bit… taller.

The taller the better, right? But not to him, no. That would be selfish, and tonight, he doesn´t want to be selfish. He´s doing this for her. Surely, for her to expand the horizons of her social media…

Tania, like any one else, ignored her growth. Dean fantasized on how she´d look if she was already as tall as she was on heels, but without the heels. Turning her into a 5´9” woman. But he didn´t stop there.

He liked to give women some balance. Not just make them tall, but more voluptuous. Besides, his mind was already set on giving her some nice, big breasts. And so, he did…

5´9” rapidly became 6´, and with that, she gained some curves. Her long legs became so shapely. Thicker, with thunder thighs and round, yet soft, calves. But that wasn´t it. He also made sure to think on her butt. A big, peach-shaped, butt. Firm, round, juicy. A pair of hips that swayed as she walked.

But that´s just not it. As the night went on, she got taller. 6´ soon became 6´1”, then 6´2”, and then, he skipped all the way to 6´6”! Her dress grew with her, due to the change on reality, however, the fit was not the same as when she arrived.

He expanded her breasts. C-cups became D, E, F, G! by the time he was “done”, she had a pair of massive P-cups! Breasts that could tear her dress´s top apart! However, by then, she was standing as a 6´10” woman. So tall, so gorgeous.

Dean couldn´t help it. He was so lured by her, distracted by alcohol. He just wanted her to become the radiant beauty he knew she was. To become the amazon, the sexy, voluptuous amazon he knew he could turn her into.

But he didn´t just stop with her. His eyes, his naughty eyes, they turned in all directions. He spotted several women, and made sure to boost them up. But not to make them as tall as Tania. Tonight, she was the special lady, why would he make other women taller than her?

All women he saw became, at least, 6´3”, voluptuous ladies. Tall, sexy, and with curves and big breasts. But, on top of everyone, taller than all, stood Tania. The 6´10” amazon that he´s dating right now.

He was sure that, next Monday, things were not going to be the same as they were. And certainly, neither will be tonight.

“You know,” She said, “you´ve been such a great date tonight. Most men are a bit… scared of me. I´m too tall. I mean, they all check me out because, well, of my body. But no one ever dared to ask me out. So, since you´ve been a gentleman. I was wondering… do you want to take things to my place and have some more fun there?”

Well, he changed reality, and now, he´s the brave man who asked the tall lady out. How lucky, right?

“I´d love to, my lady…” He replied.

“How cute. “My lady”, ok, I´ll get us a cab.” She said.

“And I, as the gentleman I surely am, will take care of the bill.” She giggled to his words. He was so silly, or maybe it was the alcohol?

Neither of them is drunk, however, they are a bit… happy due to the alcohol…

To walk out of the restaurant with such a gorgeous beauty. He looked up to her, and couldn´t do anything but to smile. After all, it were his charms that got her, right? All he changed was her height. Plus a few other things. But he didn´t change anything about the way she thinks, or how she perceives him.

And now, the pretty lady is about to take him to her apartment. And surely, continue with the romance over there…

Soon enough, Dean was in bed, naked. Totally naked, with his hard member pointing at the large beauty above him. Tania was naked, showing off all of her sensuous curves. Her breasts were magnificent. So big, so heavy, so firm!

“I hope you don´t mind if I´m a bit…” she made a pause, bent closer and, once she was next to his ear, she whispered: “rough… I´ll do my best to be gentle, ok?” Wow, that was… mind blowing!

And really accurate. As soon as it started, sex went wild! To him, the whole building was quacking!

The bed, moving backwards and forwards. She was amazing! And, maybe, a bit of a threat. But he´ll take it. He´ll take her. After all, this is what he wanted. A bit, sexy amazon on top of him.

The pleasure he´s having right now cannot be described. Hopefully, he won´t be so sore in the morning…