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Chapter 3

Friday came up quite fast! It was time for a man to have a date! And that man was Jesse, and his date was… unknown…

More like a surprise, actually. He woke up that morning, excited! Knowing that tonight, he´ll be looking forward to a date. An actual date! It would´ve felt better if it was with a girl he met, someone he chatted with. A date he actually worked for.

Instead, his sisters were in charge of that. Well, what can he say, he´s shy. But it´s mostly because no one has given him a chance. He´s not aware of what to do or how to do it. His first try was just to walk towards a lady and… ask he out.

No pick-up line. And not quite a Good rizz. Plus, he wasn´t a stud who could woo a woman based on looks. And given the fact that he failed with the talked charm… he failed.

And that led to a feeling of insecurity. Not the dangerous type where he´s afraid of talking to women, but he´s certainly concerned on what he says. And, he stops himself from trying, a bit afraid he might fail.

Which led to… not asking anyone out.

But, this time, he had the help of two wonderful, right now, women. His big sisters. He went out to college, so excited about it. With a permanent smile drawn on his face. And hope, wondering who´ll be the lovely lady he´ll meet today.

The question is… who will it be?


Came the sound of Mavis´s voice as she just woke up. Close to noon, very close. Her eyes were having a hard time at staying open, she walked across the kitchen still on her pajamas.

The 6´6” amazon walked down barefoot. Wearing a pair of tiny, very tiny, blue shorts. That were so tight over her massive thighs. On top, she had a tank top, very tight too, and it didn´t made it all the way down to meet her shorts elastic belt. Instead, the top only made it past her rib cage.

Her breasts really stretched the top of this woman. And, to cover everything up, she wore a robe. A fluffy, pink, robe.

Her hair was messy, but sexily messy. And, right now, she´s looking for something to help her wake up.

“Momma needs some coffee…” she whispered as she made her way to the counter, looking for the coffee machine.

As Mavis was looking for her, very necessary, coffee. Corrie walked into the kitchen. With a bit of an urge.

She entered their house through the kitchen´s door, and immediately started searching. She was mobbing quick, it seems she´s on a hurry.

The 6´8” amazon, Corrie, was a bit desperate, and a little mad. She entered the house, on her usual office outfit. Pants, a bit tight on the butt and thighs, a blouse, that had a perfect fit on her thin waist and a tight one on her big breasts. Unlike Mavis, who was still a bit of a mess, she was fully dressed.

Just making her way from work. Now, the question Mavis should be asking herself, instead of just taking a sip of her coffee, is… why is Corrie back home?

“There you are. I´ve been calling you!!!” Corrie said, immediately frowning at her sister.

“Good morning to you too, sis…” Mavis replied, taking another sip of her coffee.

“Morning? It´s NOON already! You… you haven´t just woke up, have you?” Corrie asked, immediately realizing her question was dumb. “Never mind, of course you were still asleep…”

“Yeah… *sip* so, why are you home so early?” Mavis asked. Corrie was supposed to be at work until 5:00 pm, and then, come back. But right now, she was home a lot earlier. But her response will certainly give her the explanation she wants.

“I rushed here, on my lunch break, because you were not answering my texts, or my calls.” Corrie stated, not so happy.

“Oh, yeah. My phone must be on silent mode…” She replied, so carelessly.

“Silent?! Ugh, why are you so… never mind, I don´t have time for this. I called you because… have you found someone for Jesse to date tonight?” There´s the big deal. Tonight´s date.

The reason why Corrie was so desperate. And what´s Mavis´s response?

“No. I haven´t.” Mavis replied, and, another sip of coffee.

“WHAT! You haven´t?! WHYYYY!!!???” Corrie almost screamed!

“Well, I thought you´d take care of that. You know, you´re the responsible one. I thought you had some sort of, I don´t know, list or something.” Mavis wasn´t so wrong about it, Corrie´s the one who usually gets things done first. And, who always delivers things first. But, in this case.

“I knew you´d say that. But no, I haven´t had time to look for a date for Jesse. I´ve been really busy at work. And I have a project to deliver next week. Why haven´t you looked for someone? You seem to have all the time in the world!” Corrie said.

“Well, I thought you´d find someone first, that´s all. Didn´t worry too much on searching, to be honest…” and, another careless sip.

“You´re so lazy. Well, you better look for someone, and you better find someone! I´m too busy right now. I barely had the time to come here. I didn´t even had lunch.” Corrie said.

“Well, that´s very irresponsible from you, miss. You haven´t had lunch? What happened to your schedule?” Mavis teased.

“Oh, don´t you dare. I bet you haven´t even had breakfast.” Corrie replied.

“For your information, I´m having breakfast right now. See? I´m having coffee…” And a loud sip so that she could listen.

“Coffee´s not enough. Seriously, Mae, what are we going to do? We can´t let Jesse down! We promised we´d help him out. We can´t just fail on our first try! We have to do something, and fast!” Corrie was worried.

“Chill, we´ll find someone. Have you asked at the office?” Mavis said.

“No, I haven´t. And I don´t think anyone will be free on such a short notice. They are busy people, you know.” Corrie said.

“Sure, whatever… listen, I´ll send a few texts, I´m sure I´ll find someone, ok?” That made Corrie feel a little relieved.

It seems there´s hope. Now, why doesn´t Corrie go and find someone on her own? Well, she´s a perfectionist. For her to find a date for Jesse, she must go through a list of steps first. And, usually, that takes time.

Right now, they don´t have any time, so, it´s up to Mavis now.

But why? Why does Mavis have to take care? She´s not responsible. Or punctual. Or puts effort into the things she does. There´s also a chance she´ll go and set him up with the first person she meets, literally, he could end up in a date with a total stranger. To him, to Corrie, and to Mavis.

The thing is, Mavis is the type of person that, even if they work on things at the last minute, surprisingly, it comes out pretty well. Good even.

“Ok, I´ll leave it up to you. Just make sure she´ll be good to him, ok?” Corrie said.

“Yeah, relax, I won´t pair him up with a psycho, just chill, ok?” Mavis said. Taking another sip of the coffee.

Now, Corrie can rest. Well, rest on this, she still has to go back to work and, well, get busy. But at least she´s taken this weight off her shoulders. And now, taking advantage on the fact that she´s home, how about having lunch?

“I´ll trust you on this one. But only because I messed up too. But seriously, we should work better on this. Let´s make a plan, if we haven´t find a date for him, we should discuss it on Wednesday. We can make a list, throw down all the possible candidates and…” Corrie started, and was rapidly interrupted by Mavis.

“Hey, cool down. Don´t try to make this a big deal. I don´t want to make this look like some sort of job or something. Listen, if we haven´t found someone before Friday, we´ll work on that, ok? But we won´t have a meeting or, however you wanna call it.” Mavis hates it when Corrie goes all freaky with lists and order.

“Fine. So… will that coffee be enough or… would you like to have something else? I´ll make something for myself, so if you want me to, I can…” Corrie started.

“Pancakes! Can you make pancakes?!” Mavis immediately said, knowing good enough that Corrie was about to offer her something to eat. Something Mavis loves!

“Pancakes? Mae, it´s almost noon, are you sure?”

“Hey! You asked me, don´t back down on me. Mavis wants pancakes!”

“Fine…” She gave up.

“Sweet!” A chance to have Corrie´s pancakes? She couldn´t waste that.

And so, Corrie put on her apron and got all the ingredients ready. And soon, she was already making pancaked on the stove.

“Mae, don´t you think this is a bit… I don´t know, funny?” Corrie asked. Flipping the first pancake.

“Funny? What?” Mavis replied.

“Well, you´re… 23, and here I am, making you pancakes. I don´t know, I´m just saying…”

“What? Only cause you´re making me pancakes TODAY, you suddenly think I need you to take care of me? Corrie, don´t be silly! This is the first time, in MONTHS, that you´ve made pancakes for me.” Mavis said.

“I know, but… it´s just that, you´re here. Barely awake by noon. No job. Nothing to do today… And now you have me making you pancakes. Don´t you think it´s a bit… needy?”

“Hey! I told you, I´ll look for a job… soon. Right now, this is just a break. Ok? Besides, so what if you´re making me pancakes? You´re my big sis, and right now, your little sis wants some pancakes. Don´t be mean. Besides, this is not something usual.” Mavis replied.

“Yeah, sure, my little, 6´6”, sis.” She said, sarcastically.

“Hey, you´re still taller. AND, older. It´s like your duty, you know?” Mavis replied.

“What? Why is it my duty? You´re an adult. Can´t you make your own pancakes?” Corrie said. Now flipping the second pancake.

“Well, yeah. But we both know that, between you and me, you´re a better cook.” Mavis said.

“Ok, you have a point there.”

“I do. And, since Jesse´s not here, that´s more pancakes for me!” All and all, they are sisters, and they take care of each other. Now, it´s time for them to take care of their brother and make sure he gets a date tonight.

To get a friend to go out with such a short notice isn´t that much of a deal. However, to go out with your brother? That´s not as easy…

Jesse was excited. Eager to meet this lady. Things went on as usual, but today, today wasn´t as usual as always. Tonight, he´s got a date. One he´s EAGER for!

When the time finally came, and he was dressed and ready, he went out. Out for a date.

“Don´t wait for me, I´m not sure when I´ll be back home.” He said, making his way out of his place through the front door. With both his sisters looking at him as she leaves.

“Aww, he looks so happy.” Corrie said, “are you sure your friend will meet him there?” She immediately asked, looking at Mavis.

“I´m sure. I already told you, she´ll be there. It´s an old favor she owes me. Now, she better do things right.” It´s not like Mavis asked for too much, she just needs her friend to be there, chat with him, be kind, regular stuff. Nothing out of usual.

Whatever happens next, that´s up to them…

Jesse picked the place. A restaurant-bar. Not too fancy, but not too bad either. It was just about right.

Mavis told him her friend will meet him at the door, so he should wait for her there. And so, the man stood there, wearing his best shirt, his best jeans, and with recently polished shoes. He even put some cologne. He was ready. Excited!

A date, who would´ve thought? He´s so shy, such an introvert, and now, he´s about to meet a lady. Although, it would´ve been nice if he had met her before.

He´s waiting there, with no idea on who to wait for. He knows the face, but that´s about it. Mavis´s friend was a pretty lady, and with brown hair, and some green eyes. But that was just about all the information he had. Oh, and that her name´s Stacey. The rest, he´s soon to find out…

Jesse was punctual. The date was set at 8:00 pm, and there he was, a little before the designated time. But not by too much, less than a quarter before.

He knew that, being one of Mavis´s friends, he may not be the most punctual of people. And so, he knew he´ll wait. But the wait was a bit too long…

Time passed, and then, 8:00 arrived, and soon, another five minutes flew by. And then another ten, fifteen… by 8:30, he felt a bit insecure so, he gave Mavis a call…

“What´s up?” Mavis answered the phone, laying on the couch.

“Hey… uhm, I… is your friend coming? Cause it´s been a while and… I… I just want to know if she´s already in and I just didn´t notice.” He said, a bit concerned.

“No, she´d meet you at the door. She´s not there yet? Ugh, let me give her a call, ok? And trust me, you shouldn´t be worried. She´s always late.” Mavis said, reassuring him things were fine, but, where they?

Then, she hung up and immediately dialed her friend. In the meantime, Corrie passed by and asked:

“Who was that? Was it Jesse? How´s the date going?”

“It´s… it hasn´t even started. Stacey´s not there yet.” Mavis said, a bit upset.

“Oh, and… are you calling her right now?” Corrie asked, worried this might not be going as good as they would´ve wanted.

“I am, yeah. And she better pick up now!”

Soon enough, while Jesse was waiting outside, he could hear the voice of a woman, and she didn´t sound so happy…

“I´m here! Yes, at the door! I told you, there was a lot of traffic… don´t you say that! Of course I didn´t forgot! Who do you think I am? You?” Complaint the lady, a tall lady.

He couldn´t recognize her voice, but as soon as he saw her face, there was no doubt it was Stacey, he´s seen her before. In a picture, and her hair was done differently, but it was definitely her.

Jesse´s heart sped up, there she was, his date! A pretty, pretty lady. Wearing a tube dress, and he could hear the click-clacking of heels as she made her way to him.

“Don´t use the tone with me! I know I´m late! Ugh, listen, I´m already here, ok? And…” She paused and turned her eyes at the door, immediately spotting him. “And he´s right here. Everything´s fine…” and then, whispering so that no one could hear, she added: “now I owe you no favor, ok? After this, we´re even. Bye…” No one likes to be nagged for by being late. Much less someone you´re doing a favor for. Well, paying one…

The tall lady, who stood at 6´6” with her 4-inch heels, walked towards him. Change her frown for a smile and, as she makes her way, lured him.

She was… taller than he would´ve wanted. But what was he hoping for? Most of his sister´s friends are either from the basketball team or the volleyball team. Therefore, some may be on the tall side. And for a man like him, who stands at 5´5”, she´s TALL.

“Hi.” She said, right before him, stretching her hand at him, “You must be Jesse. I´m Stacey, nice to meet you.” Wow, just… wow.

Her eyes, they´re shinning so… and her smile´s so… her hair´s so… she´s gorgeous!

There´s something about Jesse. A little something. Whenever he meets a pretty lady, like Stacey, he can´t help but to fall in love.

Of course, it´s not true love, but he feels attracted to her. And that, well, that means the date´s going well so far. But that´s according to him, what is Stacey thinking?

“He´s HER brother? Is he adopted? The dude´s like a FOOT shorter than her! A whole foot! Is this a joke?” The amazon thought as he stretched his hand and shook hers.

“Nice to… meet you. Would… would you like to come in? I… I already got us a table, uhm… do you like the ones by the window?” He was such a contrast to her. She totally lured him! She knows it, she´s got that effect on men.

“Sure. Let´s get in.” She couldn´t believe it. Mavis was so… Mavis. And he´s, well… short. Mavis told her he might not be as tall as she would´ve guessed, but she was hoping for a 6´ tall man, not… him.

But, why would she lie about it? In the end, he´s just as she described. And wearing the exact same clothes so… well, he´s her date. Apparently.

Besides, there was no one waiting outside. No one else that matched, not even by a casualty, a guy that met Jesse´s description. Therefore… the 5´5” man´s her date.

“Sorry to keep you waiting.” Stacey said as they both sat on the table.

“No problem. I… there´s no problem.” He replied, smiling at her. Looking at her big, green eyes. She was so pretty. It was worth to wait.

He must be grateful with Mavis, she set him up with a woman that looks like a model! A thin, elegant built, tall, pretty. Well dressed. She´s gorgeous!

But what are Stacey´s thoughts on him?

“Why is he so short? No wonder why this counts as a favor. Oh well, at least he seems like a nice guy.” Stacey thought. Knowing that tonight, it was going to be a short night.

She can´t lie, part of her was hoping he was a hunk. Tall, muscular. A man that would definitely throw her around in bed.

But Jesse, he´s more like… the nice guy. But she´ll give him the benefit of the doubt. Who knows, he might surprise her…


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