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Chapter 40

“Wow, you´re so short…” Came Evangeline´s words as she stood before Larry.

“Really? And you just noticed?” He complaint.

Larry was down to 2´10”, all because of this shrinking spell, or however she wants to call it. But to him, this is as wicked as a spell. Anyways, standing so short before a 6´5” amazon like Evangeline, well, of course she´ll find him short, she´s huge!

Evangeline´s so tall. Gigantic! But it can´t be denied she´s hot. Kind of.

As he looks up at her, up at the giantess, he can´t help but to notice the size of her body. She´s been expanding herself with the inches she takes from him. At first, she wasn´t, but it seems that he´s not the only “project” she´s working on; to put it in some way.

She´s been having some adventures on her own. Her goal? Seduce men. Or at least that´s the way he puts it. In reality, she intends to experience some things as a mortal, in order to have a better understanding of the human mind.

Plus, she doesn´t mind some fun…

Evangeline was monumental, there´s no denying on that. Even if not seen from Larry´s perspective, Evangeline´s still a 6´5” woman. With such a buxom, sensuous body. Well, if you like them big, then she´s certainly your type.

Her legs are so long, they seem as if they could go on for miles. And they are shapely too, so smooth, with a plump look, thick thighs. Soft to the touch. Her hips are wide, carrying a nice, round, and firm butt. Cheeks that bounce a little with her walking.

Her waist is narrow, thin. She´s doted herself with a body most will envy, and some will desire.

Her body was large, smooth. Thin, yet thick. Sexy, strong, powerful. And, on top of all that, she was some massive breasts! Big, bouncy, firm. Certainly hot.

Larry hated to think of this but, Evangeline´s hot. Not sure if she´s the kind of woman he would´ve hit on, since she´s taller than he used to be.

Even if he was still 6´1”, she´d still tower above him by four-inches. And that´s quite a difference.

Hating to admit the fact that she´s hot; well not admitting, but certainly thinking on it. Larry feels silly. How can this woman rule his life? Ok, she doesn´t rule it, as it would be usually said. She´s not controlling his every move, not manipulating all of his decisions. Not narrowing the path of the things he can do, what he must say, where he must be. But there are a few other things she does.

Like falling on him like a wall of bricks when he makes a mistake. Well, not that bad. And not that strong either. But shrinking him, is just as bad.

She may seem nice, may act kind, but she´s the cause of all of his problems. She might be hot, but she´s a threat!

“Aww, don´t be so mad, Lawrence. I was just pointing it out, that´s all. I didn´t mean to be offensive.” Evangeline said.

“Well, for someone who´s not trying to be offensive, you certainly know what to say to be…” He grunted.

“Oh, how is it possible? You humans take your outer image very seriously.” She commented.

“Outer? I´m fucking tiny! I´m not even half the man I used to be! And that´s all thanks to you!” He pointed out at her.

“Me? Or… you? Remember, I warned you there would be consequences for your actions. You chose not to believe at first, but I´m sure you´re learning the lesson.”

“I could´ve learned faster if someone gave me some advice, other than just taking my height whenever I mess up in something you COULD´VE told me I shouldn´t do!” He was mad.

“That´s not the way how it works. But even if I did, you would´ve still found a way to make a mistake. We both know you´ve made the same mistake more than once, right? Isn´t that true? Haven´t I taken inches from you on repeated mistakes?” She was right.

“Fine, I´ll give you that. But you can´t deny that a head´s up could´ve changed my faith. Maybe… maybe I would be done with this!”

“I doubt it. But listen, so far, you´re doing good. You haven´t fallen in any mistake over the last few days. You´ve been quite a gentleman, I must admit that. If you manage to stay like this for a while longer, I´ll revoke the punishment.” She said.

“For real!” Wow, she just gave him some hope!


Was Evangeline really going to let him go that easy? Was it that simple? Has his time finally been over? Has his sentence been revoked? The truth is… nope.

She said she´ll let him go, eventually. But she didn´t say when, or if it was going to be anytime soon. Evangeline was mean, even if she wasn´t trying to be. She was giving him hope, at the moment, but soon, that hope will become despair. And then, anger; annoyance.

The deal was that she´ll shrink him until he understood the lesson, and after that, this punishment will stop. When? That´s up to him, it could be within the next hour, or within a lifetime. Only he´ll be able to decide that.

Well, more like, she´ll be the one deciding that…

Larry felt some hope, at least for a while, but then, it was time to deal with reality. Back to his ordinary life. Although, it wasn´t as ordinary anymore.

Evangeline was gigantic! A titanic-size woman. But she wasn´t the only one. After her, it was Violet, taking the second place on the tallest women Larry acquaints. At 6´2”, she wasn´t the tallest, sure, but to him, she was still monumental! He couldn´t see the top of Evangeline or Violet´s heads when they were casually chatting with each other.

Their heads were so far away, so out of reach. He could tell Evangeline was taller, but he couldn´t quite see the three-inch difference. From his perspective, the gap wasn´t very visible.

And after Violet, Nellie was the one. Standing at 5´8”, which shouldn´t be much of a deal. It wasn´t such a big deal to watch a woman of that height before, but now, it is! Nellie stands over twice his size! She´s monumental! The 5´8” lady, slightly above average, towers, by what seems to be miles away, over him.

And then, Mrs. Davis, his boss, standing at 5´7”, is the next one. With her luscious body, those big, mature breasts. Showing them off, teasing him with them, all right before he starts sucking on their perky nipples.

All of this is keeping in mind all those women who are a part of his life, or at least those who are still nice to him. There´s more women we could add to the list. Cathy, the H.R. manager, or his neighbor, Grace; who also happens to be Nellie´s aunt. Both of them stand at 5´6”. A towering height, from his perspective.

Even Lexie, his former assistant. The short lady, who stands at 5´3”, even she´s a giantess! He thought she was kind of short, a bit petit. Hot, but in a cute way. And now, she´s a towering amazon!

When did all of this happen? Evangeline took away all of the control he had over his life. With his height, she took away most of his power. To say it some way.

But, is power the right word? Not exactly. Sure, he was 6´1”, proud, handsome, in control of most of the things in his life, And now, the man was reduced to 2´10”; but that wasn´t just it.

Most of his confidence was fading, together with his size, shrinking down. He used to walk, tall and proud, down the office. As if he had the world at the palm of his hand, as if he could just roll the dice and win every time. But that was one of the main reasons why Evangeline had to come to teach him a lesson.

And the lesson´s been learned! Now, he walks down the office, not alone, but with Nellie next to him. She makes such a big deal out of this, as if he needed a body guard. And while he walks down, he can catch some gossip, some giggles. He knows it´s all about him.

He´s a man who´s shrinking. How common is that? Most people will mock him, that´s for sure. There could be less people having fun of his disgrace, but he wasn´t the kindest of men so… it´s as if everyone knew he was paying for something. As if karma had finally got to him. But it wasn´t karma, it was an angel. A sexily big angel.

His life had given so many turns. And all were not as good as he would´ve wanted. Now, all he´s built is slowly falling down. He´s no longer the Casanova he used to be. No longer the wolf on the hunt, now, what is he exactly? What´s his new role in the game of dating? Is he even still on the game?

But dating is not the biggest of his issues. There´s also his job. How long before he loses his job? Mrs. Davis sent him straight to Cathy, for her to run some tests. Try him out and see if he was still capable of completing his job. Make sure he was still able to deliver whatever tasks they had for him at the office.

Getting demoted was something he was looking for. He even wondered if Violet would take over his job and if he´ll become her assistant.

Wouldn´t that be quite a reversal of roles? Violet, the amazon, taking over the role of the boss while he´s the assistant that barely manages to deliver her coffee. She´s doing most of his job, anyways, well not all, but much more than a mere assistant would.

But being demoted is one thing, and how about getting fired? That´s definitely another option. Not one he´d like to have, or even exist. If he´s unable to do his job, then he´s certain he´ll lose it. And he´s already on the sight for Cathy, she´s surely taking note, waiting for the sweet moment when she can fire him. Give him his last check and send his ass out of the office.

Does she hate him that much? Well… yes.

And then, what will he do? Where will he go? He doesn´t own the place where he lives, at least not yet. How is he going to pay for it once he´s unemployed? Could he get another job? That´s not an option.

He could sell his car and live a bit longer, but how long will that last? Eventually, his options, and money, will be over.

Where will he go? To whom will he run to? Who can lend him a helping hand? Were those some of the things Evangeline wanted him to see? That, if he moved on with the life he had, that he´ll end up… alone?

With no one out there to care for him? Just as he´s never cared about anyone? Not a single soul out there. None. And that may be a grave he slowly dug himself.

But that wasn´t that way anymore. Now, things were different.

Could Violet help? Can Mrs. Davis help? How about Nellie? All those women were a part of his life now, they played different roles on his life. And they do seem to care for him.

Just as right now, as he´s laying on his couch, sitting next to Nellie. Both watching a movie. Chilling. Doing nothing for tonight.

He had forgotten how it was like to just sit next to someone and enjoy the other´s company. To lay there, and just be with someone, waiting for nothing in exchange, wanting nothing from her. Just sitting there, keeping each other company…

“Larry, are you ok?” She asked.

“Huh? Me? Well… yeah.” He replied, looking so high to the woman sitting next to him. Even while sitting, Nellie was so much taller, so much bigger! Maybe if he stood up, he´ll be as tall as the amazon net to him. Maybe, hopefully.

Turns out, she caught him off guard. He was pondering things out. Trying to arrange what was left of his life, those scraps he could still make out.

He might say everything´s fine, but Nellie knows best. She can tell something´s wrong. He´s not paying attention to the movie, else, he would´ve noticed the sexy lady that walked away in the last scene.

She knows he´s a man who likes to stare, and he wouldn´t miss the sexy brunette, walking away, in her bikini. But he paid no attention. His mind was definitely somewhere else…

“You sure?” She asked.

“Yeah… sure.” He replied, and smiled. Trying to fool her…

“Larry, don´t lie to me. I know there´s something bothering you. Tell me, what is it?” She can almost smell it, to put it some way.

Larry didn´t want to discuss this with her. She´s already aware of how things are, conscious about how tired he is of this. He can´t complaint about it all the time, right? She´ll get tired. And then, she´ll walk away, just as he would.

If he wasn´t the one going through this, then he wouldn´t care about it. He wouldn´t care if it was some other man who was shrinking. But it wasn´t just a random guy at the office, it was him! And he cannot not care for himself.

Nellie bent, forward, and insisted. “Come on, tell me. We´re friends, right? And friends share…” friends? Does she actually…

Larry felt something, a bond. She actually considers him a friend? Does that mean that… she actually cares for him? If she calls him a friend, that means she´ll be there for him, right?

He can count on Nellie, is that what this means? Her usage of the word friend cannot be too casual, right? A friend´s more than a mere acquaintance. More than just a neighbor, more than just a guy from work. A friend´s someone you care for, right?

“Friends…?” He couldn´t help the word coming out of his lips. When was it the last time someone had called him a friend? A real friend. When? He can´t remember.

“Of course, silly. We´re friends.” She put her hand over his shoulder, the giantess had just pulled out a smile from him. She knows that, at times like this, all someone needs, is a friend; someone to be there for you. Someone who cares for you.

Friends share, right? And friends listen. And friends, they understand.

Larry felt warm on the inside. Hope, there it was, unlike the hope Evangeline gave him, he knows that Nellie´s not lying. He can´t tell if Evangeline was, or wasn´t telling the truth, but he knows there´s no such thing as simple, or fast, when it comes to her.

But Nellie´s different. She came out of nowhere. Just arrived to the neighborhood. Then, they chatter, and then, their chats became something different. She´s not just the neighbor, she´s there to help him out. Her kind nature pushes her towards him. She can´t help it, she knows he needs her.

Then, he got her a job, sort of… well, not as if he had hired her, but she does work at his office, and he did tell Mrs. Davis it would be a good idea to hire her, so… he helped her out, right?

And now, she uses his car. His expensive, sports car, it´s at her disposal. But she´s not using him just for his car. She´s not the kind of woman that would take advantage of a man when he´s vulnerable, at his weakest point.

Her smile, she´s kind, that´s a kind smile. One that cannot be faked. She´s really willing to listen. For real!

“I just… I was just thinking about my life nowadays…” He said, gloomy.

“And what were you thinking?” Her kind voice came from above.

“That it´s slowly turning into shit…” He said, looking elsewhere.

“Hey! Don´t say that! It´s not shit! You´re just having some difficulties, we all do.” Is she serious? Does she think she can know more about life than him? Even if she did, which she doesn´t, what makes her think she knows more about it than him? He´s the only one aware of the real reason for this punishment he´s into.

But he´s not going to get mad with her. It´s not like she knows about it. She cannot know, no one can. Even if he tried to tell the truth, who´ll believe him? No one. And even if they did, Evangeline would find the way to make them forget. Although, is there a way for someone to help him out? No chance.

Larry´s in this alone. And no one else but him will make things right. Still, it´s nice to know there´s people who care…

“Come here,” Said Nellie as she pulled him into her. Into her large, soft body. To comfort him. “Don´t let those thoughts trouble your mind. Everything will be fine, ok? Don´t get all worked up, that´s not good for you, and we both know.”

“I´m not…” He replied, but he was rapidly interrupted.

“Shh, shh… don´t say a word. I know I can´t change the way things are, or fix it. But, right now, I just want you to relax. Try not to think of anything, just focus on me, ok?” Well, to focus on the large body of hers? That wasn´t too hard.

But he wouldn´t leer at her. Or think of her with some luscious thoughts. She was nice, too nice. She was very kind. Sweet. Attentive. And that´s more than anyone has been in a long time. But she´s not the only one. Like Evangeline said, there´s people who care for him, and he should take care of them in the same way they will for him.

If he gets to understand that, then he´s one step closer to end up with this chastise. The main question is, when?


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