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Chapter 57

Lillian wouldn´t force him to make a decision. She knows that, one day, Colin will make the right one. She knows his place is with her, and so does he.

The more size he loses, the closet he is to her. Is it because he´s getting afraid of the real world? Is it because he´s too concerned about the constant height loss? To look at the world from a lower perspective?

That may not be right. Lillian´s the tallest, biggest woman he knows, the tallest person. After all, Lillian´s an amazon! A VERY big one! She´s enormous! So that can´t be it. But there´s something else.

Colin´s became so self-conscious. He was losing height too fast. His world was changing. And the only comfort was Lillian.

The sweet, big woman. He was unaware of what people thought of him. If they think he´s a creep, a freak. The gossiping. Whenever someone whispers, he´s concerned they might be talking about him behind his back. Or, above him.

But Lillian´s not that way. She´s sweet. Kind. Lovely. A big, tender, mature woman. Unlike any other person he´s ever met. She´s pure, her heart´s pure. Full of love. He´s sure, certain, he can trust her. That in her, he´ll find all of the love, the attention, everything he needs.

She´s the light that will make all shadows vanish. All of his worries, his fears, all of them will be washed away immediately as soon as her light comes to find him.

She´s true to him. Or that´s what he thinks.

He immediately runs into her arms to find comfort. The comfort of his big, sweet girlfriend. He never really thought it will be that way. But he never thought he´ll shrink either so…

Colin hates the way things are now. How this shrinking has, not just slowly ruin his life, but his confidence. He doesn´t feel as the man he used to be, at the most, he feels like half the man he used to be. But, in terms of size, he´s over two thirds.

It might be sad to think this way, that this is the man he has become but, the only thing that brings joy to his life, the only person, is Lillian.

Whenever he´s with her, he forgets about the shrinking, about the possibility of losing his job, about all of his worries. Whenever he´s next to her, he feels happy. In love. Filled with ambrosia, a sweet feeling she gave him.

As days go by, he knows it´s inevitable. He wants to move in with her, but will it last?

He knows that, if this keeps going, it´s inevitable for him to lose it all. If he keeps losing his size, eventually, there won´t be any other choice for him but to move in with someone capable of, for as bad as this sounds, taking care of him.

At this rate, he´ll lose his job. There´s no doubt about it. It´s only a matter of time before he´s unable of reaching the chair, using the computer! He´s lucky he´s not a man who works in a job that demands a considerable amount of strength. Any physical activity that implies carrying heavy stuff, else, he would´ve been fired a long time ago.

Colin´s constantly thinking of this, looking at the way down the hill of his life. At the fall. First, he´ll lose his job, that´s inevitable. And then, without an income, he´ll be kicked out of his apartment because he won´t be able to pay for the rent.

And this is not taking in consideration all of the things the loss of height will cost him as it is. Soon, he´ll be looking up at counter tops. COUNTER TOPS!

He´ll be on the streets. Unable to do anything. Unable to find a way how to get back on his feet. No way to make an income, unless he collects money as the “Shrinking Man” or something like that. But who´ll pay to see someone shrinking in, like, a way so slow that it takes days to see the process.

In that case, his only choice will be to move in with someone who can, well, provide. Provide what he will no longer be able to. Which, to him, is demeaning.

Lillian´s sweet, kind, moving in with her is definitely an option. But, wouldn’t it be like, taking advantage of her? Wouldn´t that be something bad to do? Living with her out of pure convenience?

Colin´s frustrated. He can move in, that´s definitely an option. To move into Lillian´s place. But, will that make their love grow or, will that put an end into their relationship?

It´s hard to tell for him. What if she dumps him? Just as he gets fired from his job, just as he gets kicked out of his apartment. Easily losing everything he´s ever worked for.

But we all know that won´t be true.

Lillian´s a natural care taker. Even if he´s lost everything, even if he´s on his most vulnerable, dependent, needy state, she´s not going to be mean.

In fact, to know that what she´s done is hurting him, is also hurting her. That´s why she made up her mind, that´s why she made her decision, that´s why, no matter what, she´ll do anything to bring a smile back to his face.

It´s her fault he´s losing it all, so it will be her responsibility to make things right. Although, this isn´t fully her fault. He´s the one who´s sucking on her. The one who´s drinking her milk.

With Colin, there were no tricks, no cheating. No disguising the milk into any form of regular, market, dairy. He went straight to it and drank it. And when he found out she was lactating, it didn´t stop him.

Could this mean he´s the one for her? Or, what exactly does it mean?

She wonders, from time to time. If he´s the one, then why hasn´t he moved in? Why?

Well, this isn´t such a big concern to her. She´s got a plan. She wants him to move in, and so, she´s been working on a plan. Could she force him? Definitely. She´s WAY too big, and much stronger. But, she won´t. She knows it´s better, and will build a much stronger bond, to lure him so that he takes the right choice. Or thinks there is a “choice”, in reality, she´ll be cutting down his options to one. Move in with the sweet, hot amazon. That´s pretty much her plan.

To show him all of the good things there are if he makes the, wise, decision to move in with her. She can´t deny it hurts her feelings he´s been taking this long to decide. But her guilt dissuades her from feeling that bad. At least from blaming him too much.

Even with the way both are feeling. For as much emotional as they are getting, there are some other emotions they can´t hide…

Starting with Colin, who had a need, more like an urge, to meet Lillian. He truly wanted her to tell him things will be alright.

Turns out, he received a call from his boss. And the boss had some questions…

What was the main inquiry? Well, he was a 6´2” man who´s now standing below the 4´6” mark, there are indeed a TON of questions. His boss´s main question was, why hasn´t he done anything!

“Seriously, Colin, aren´t you concerned about this?” Echoed his boss´s words inside his head.

Colin was terrified! This topic was dead serious! And what was his reason not to go? His reason was… Lillian. Her words, her advice. Not to say the way she persuaded him so that there´s no chance anyone will find out about the “properties” of her milk.

However, that was not the only reason behind it. He was actually too scared about it to think any other way. He was too worried, at first, of what could happen, that he chose not to think too much about it and just do as Lillian suggested. Strongly suggested.

Of course, his boss wasn´t very happy about it. And, as a result, there were some strong words that came after a long speech on how could someone be so careless about it. Not taking care of a common flu, well, that´s less dangerous. But not taking care of a strange disease, if it could be called that way, that was way more serious.

It was even said if he really didn´t care about his own person and for what happened with him in the future. If only they knew Colin´s been thinking so badly about his current situation.

So, what was said to him? What did Colin´s boss told him? Simple, if he doesn´t stop with his excuses and prove he´s doing something about this shrinking of him, there will be consequences. But, what kind of consequences? He´ll be fired. For lack of responsibility, a possible endangerment for everyone else.

He couldn´t even tell if his condition was contagious. Although, there´s an eight-foot amazon that can confirm it´s not that way. Plus, he´s able to tell that´s not the case, Lillian´s still as bis as she was. Although, she seems much bigger to him…

And now, that´s his current situation. He´s about to lose his job. And why? Well, mostly because he´s a terrible liar. And second, because everyone´s aware of the effects on his body.

Losing almost two feet in height isn´t imperceptible, you know…

He felt terrible. Not just bad, he felt plainly awful! His life was about to have a huge change, for the worse! And there´s nothing he can do about it. Nothing he can do to stop it. The only thing he can do, the only solution he finds is… Lillian.

Which is not a solution by itself. But he´s not looking for an actual solution. Not to get his problems fully fixed. Right now, he´s only looking forward on feeling better. To feel good. For all of his worries to be washed away by Lillian.

Colin knows it´s not good. Part of him feels like he´s using her. But life has given him no choice. And now, he holds onto the feeling of well-being Lillian gives him.

How he can find peace in her embrace. The fact that such a lovely woman remains so lovely around him. How she hasn´t rejected him, even with all that´s happening to him.

Which he ignores is her fault…

But enough of that. Now, it´s time for him to meet the woman he came here for. As the door of her place slowly opens, he smiles, looking up and up at the form of this gorgeous woman who´ll bring joy to him, even if only for a while…

“Hi there, sweetheart. I´m glad you came…” Those were the amazon´s sweet words.

All Colin could say was “Hi.” As he waved dumbly at her. But how couldn´t he? She was hot!

Lillian has been wearing all of this tight, over revealing attires lately. Showing off her sensuous body. Displaying her curves, her alluring curves at him. But that didn´t take things to where she wanted them.

Sure, he was lusting out for her body since the moment he got there. He was ogling at her since his eyes met her form. He was gawking, dumbfounded by her sensuality. But so far, that hasn´t done the job.

Otherwise, he´d be living with her right now. Otherwise, he would´ve taken the decision to move in. Otherwise, she shouldn´t need to find more ways to lure him so that he takes the right decision and come live with him. Forever and ever.

So, she stopped with the tight, gym-like attires for a while. And now, it was time to go back to something more… casual, per se.

Lillian knew being hot was something that will guarantee he will only want to be with her. But it wasn´t working as well as she thought. So, if showing him that she´s hot isn´t working as good as she thought, how about showing how sweet she is?

Which has always been part of it. An important part of the game. However, it has always been sort of an extra to the way she is. But now, being sweet will be the MAIN thing.

And, how exactly is she going to achieve it? How will she be sweet? Well, that´s actually quite simple. Sweet´s her nature! But she needed to find an outfit to match so…

Lillian´s a mature woman, and she´s also HUGE! Thick, busty, with wide hips and an alluring butt. And her legs are so long, so plump. Her body is just so firm and soft at the same time.

She decided to wear a dress. Not a long one, one that was short enough to show off her legs. Not completely, but to reveal her perfect, smooth, plump calves. Her knees, and a portion of her sensuous thighs. Her hefty, firm, hot thighs.

Colin had lost so much height that, now, as he stood as a 4´5” man, he his perspective of her body was way different. For starters, he can see more of the gorgeous flesh of her thighs from his point of view. But that was not just it!

Lillian was wearing a dress, of a blue, pastel, color. Of a light fabric, and well wrapped around her waist. Showing off the comparatively thin waist on the amazon´s figure. Her wide hips and her heavy top gave her a hourglass figure. A very thick one.

And, as Colin looked up, he could tell there was a boob window on the dress. One he could hardly see from down below. Else, he would´ve noticed the ample, deep line of cleavage she was showing off.

And, to give her a more mature look, she wore a sweater on top. A well-open cardigan. Of a bright yellow color.

Colin couldn´t believe his eyes. She was gorgeous! This was the first time in a very long time she´s not wearing extremely tight clothes, or clothes that do too little to cover the sensuality of her body. But he wasn´t expecting to be so turned on by her as she is right now!

He thought he was lured by all of the sensuality she reveals. By all of the sensuous flesh she shows off. But it seems he´s aroused by her. Just looking at her, looking at the figure of the amazon before him is turning him up!

Perhaps, he´s attracted by her, and not just her body. Maybe, it is Lillian who´s hot, and not just the fact that she shows off so much. Although… wouldn´t that be the same?

He´s aroused, which means he´s fixed on her body. Although, she´s not naked, or showing off too much of her body. She´s wearing a regular outfit, and he´s still entranced in her body. Could it be that he´s already aware of what´s beneath that cardigan and dress? Or, is it her body itself?

The thickness, her curves. Her body itself! Whatever it is, all he knows is, he needs her.

And, there´s also something he needs to confess…

“Fired?! They told you you´ll be fired?!” Said Lillian, not believing his words.

Colin nodded. Now, both of them were sitting at the couch and this was his time to confess. To tell her what was going on with his life. And explain the terrible events.

“I don´t know what to do! They told me to… to see a specialist about my… condition. Else, well, I´ll be fired…” He said as he waited for her reaction.

“How rude!” Her first reaction was to be upset by the way they were to him. It´s not fair to fire him for being ill! And then, her sweet side came up: “Aww, my poor Colin. Come here… Come to Lillian. Let´s not think of those deuces, ok?” This was exactly what he wanted.

To fall in the warm embrace of the amazon. For Lillian to wash all of his worries away with her sweet words. Her love, to cover him with all of her love.

As the giantess embraced him, she continued: “Let´s forget about it all, ok? Don´t think on the mean words of those people. Right now, I want you to think on me, ok? Just me, and nothing else…” He nodded, with her gigantic breast right next to his face.

Colin closed his eyes and took deep breaths as he laid in the massive, soft bosom of Lillian. Meanwhile, she continued: “We´ll find a solution for this, trust me.” Her main goal was to show him how sweet she is. And what a better occasion than this?

He was about to lose his job! Something he´s been so terrified about! And now, the time had come!

She thought of ways to comfort him, and while she was doing that, why not persuading him? Why not making this problem a… solution?

“Tell me, honey, would it be so bad?” she asked.

“W-what?” He replied, wanting to pull himself back to look up to her. But she pushed him deeper into her bosom, sinking him in between her massive breasts as she continued.

“Will it be so bad if they fired you? If they are not nice with you, if they don´t seem to understand, then I think… you should quit!” She said. Colin swallowed, what was she saying?

Her words seemed off. Strange. Her tone was sweet, but her advice wasn´t what he was expecting. However, she continued as he listened quietly.

“Believe me, you´ll be better without them. No one understands. No one cares. No one… but me. Sometimes, I think I´m the only one who cares about your situation, honey. If you ask me, you should stay with those who care for you. And I care for you…” He could see it coming, she´s going to ask again, she´s going to ask him if he wants to move in!


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