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Chapter 30

The softness of Pam´s body. To touch her larger, softer flesh. That made Trevor quiver. He can´t help the arousal he feels as he sees, touches and caresses the larger body of a larger woman.

He can´t help it. Taller, thicker, hot women, that´s his type of women.

However, Pam´s soft, large body is just a type of large he likes. There´s someone else he loves too. Someone else´s body that sends quivers down his spine.

Pam was expanding so fine, so sensuously. But there was another woman in his life that was expanding in a very sensuous way too. Kelsey.

He doesn´t like to compare them. They are both pretty, and each one has their own thing. However, he cannot help but to think on them. On both.

Trevor knows he must make a decision, but he just can´t decide. Pam´s sensuous, soft body? Or Kelsey´s imposing physique? Who, who to choose? The answer´s as clear now as it has always been. He´s got no idea…

One would think it shouldn´t be so hard to decide. It´s no longer the way it used to be. Both women are not so alike anymore. Physically speaking. However, the fact that they had both changed, expanded, in different ways. It doesn´t make things as easier as he thought.

In the beginning, it would be fair to think one of them would grow much more than the other. That either Pam or Kelsey would be, at least, half a head taller. And then, he´d naturally choose whoever was taller. But the truth is… it´s not that way.

Even if one of them is actually taller, the difference isn´t big enough to not be compensated by a slightly higher heel on their shoes. An inch, last time he checked, the difference wasn´t bigger than an inch in height.

But there´s some other things that are different. Their bodies, their growth. He´s got no idea both are working on their own, particular type of growth. To him, each of them is expanding in a different way. And probably their new habits do have something to do. Still, it´s hard to tell which of them has a shape he likes more.

Pam´s soft, tall, big and warm. Inviting, soft-looking, sweet. With a round, welcoming shape. He likes it. Although, Kelsey´s muscles don´t push him away. He does adore the strong, muscle-mommy look she´s got.

His last date was with Pam. And it was as sweet as it has always been. However, he´s got a date today, with Kelsey. Which, by the way, cannot be described much like a date. It´s more like… well, things happened this way:

Trevor was laying on the couch, curious if it´ll be a good idea to meet Kelsey at her place. He was thinking on sending her a message, he had nothing to do. All evening free for himself. And, right when he grabbed his phone, he received a text. From Kelsey. Saying:

“Come to my place. NOW.” He can´t deny he felt some goosebumps down his spine. Was it an order? The message seemed kind of… aggressive. Or maybe too assertive.

Perhaps, it could be an emergency. But if it was an emergency, wouldn´t she have called instead of texted? Wouldn´t a call be faster? Deliver the message quicker? But his worried, or overthinking, were washed away as a couple heart emojis arrived on her next message.

Then, he knew what type of “emergency” this was. The love kind. So, he put on his shoes, grabbed his keys, hopped in the car, turned on the engine and drove off. Off to the place of his big, muscular lover.

Being fair, it was an emergency. At least from Kelsey´s point of view.

Remember what Dr. Glasshow said? About the fact that, the more she grows, the hornier she´ll get? Well… it happened. 

This might not be the first time she´s felt a desire to be with Trevor. Not the first time Kelsey wants some of him. However, this time was different. Now, her body screamed for him! Begged for her to go his way and get some.

She was at the gym, in the middle of her routine when it hit her. Something felt off, like a spark, and then, the fire was set! A feeling, a strange feeling came over her. Making her knees weak, making her muscles tense. Making her pussy… swollen!

Her body had an urge, and then, a vision came to his mind. Right out of nowhere, a desire came to her, and an image appeared inside her brain. Trevor. Her body had a need, a need only he´ll be able to sate.

And so, she drove off to her place, barely holding herself. She knew she couldn´t make it to his place. But her place was closer so, it´s time for him to come to her.

She got to her place, grabbed her phone and tested him. She was huffing, out of pure lust, she knew she wouldn´t be able to speak. She felt hot, so hot. Specially in her crotch area. A heat, a heat only he´ll be able to cool off.

She threw herself in bed. Her amazonic body making the bed creak a bit as she waited for his reply.

She took a hold of the sheets, this feeling, it was something else. She didn´t knew what to think of it. She didn´t even had a chance to think straight! All she knew was, she wanted him. Whatever this is, whatever has caused it, it´s Trevor the one who´ll relieve it.

Why didn´t she just fucked a guy from the gym? Well, it´s been said already, women under the treatment feel horny from time to time, and with a deep desire, a lust for sex. Anyone could´ve done it, but Kelsey, just like Pam, have their minds set in one person, one guy, and only one. Trevor. He should feel very lucky, right? Well, only time will tell…

Kelsey´s face was red, crimsoned. She had this horny feeling she´s never had before. So intense, so strong! And once she received his message, once she received Trevor´s reply: “On my way!” the feeling decreased. But just for a second.

Now, she didn´t feel an urge for him to know she needed him, right now, she had an urge, for him to arrive. And once he gets there… oh, she´s got no idea, but it´s going to be intense!

Trevor knocked, but there was no answer. He got to her place, knocked the door, rang the bell, but there was no answer. So, he let himself in. Hoping she was ok. A bit worried too, but she did reply his message with: “HURRY!”.

He´s unaware of just how bad the changes are. How the growth, the expansion´s affecting Kelsey. She went from a 5´7” woman into a 6´7” amazon! But there´s some more changes than just the physical ones. Kelsey´s also more… assertive.

He noticed that when they were at the clinic. How she didn´t care if he wanted to do it or not, it was obvious he would´ve rather avoid it. But she knew better he wanted it. Deep inside, he wanted for her to touch him, to jerk him off. The sight of this mighty woman, it turned him on so badly.

However, he never said he did want it. He didn´t even told her to go on. All he did was to lay back and allow her to get busy. But this is something else, it could be a side effect, or maybe her perspective is changing, but he knows she´s taking a different role. Right now, she´s more assertive, to the point where she won´t get a “no” for an answer. She´s a bit more bossy, even… in charge.

“Kelsey? I… I´m here! I hope you don´t mind I let myself… in.” He shouted. Her apartment wasn´t too big, she should hear him. And she did.

“Upstairs!” She yelled back. “Come to my bedroom!” Her voice, deep, velvety. It might´ve sounded like an order, but it was an invitation.

Now, he ignored what she had in mind. What her intentions were. Is there something upstairs? Other than the sensuous amazon, of course. Does she have something planned?

“Maybe she´s upstairs, naked, and covered in… whipped cream?” Maybe, but that´s not her style. If anything, including something sweet to it it´s more Pam´s style.

Trevor closed the door and made his way upstairs. Eager to find out what was waiting for him.

He wondered, put some ideas into his mind. Tried to come up with what was waiting for him. Maybe she was in a bed of roses? Naked? Or there was a set up upstairs, with candles, and she was naked in bed.

A few ideas came to his mind, but all of them implied she was naked in bed. Which, in the end, wouldn´t be so wrong.

Trevor opened the door to her bedroom, and found her. Half-naked, not fully naked. In bed. When she looked at him, she immediately smiled.

He was curious as to what had happened. Her pants were gone, her undies too. She was naked from her hips down, and above, she was only wearing a sports bra. One that barely covered the immense sensuality of her breasts.

If he was able to tell a number, then he would´ve guessed Kelsey´s grew taller, again. And slightly thicker too. Reaching the 6´9” mark on the wall, and also adding twenty-pounds to her already bigger frame.

Her legs were so thick, so plump. He was lured by the muscular sensuality of her enormous thighs. Even her calves were huge!

She had one hand over her pussy, as if she was trying to hold herself. The truth is, she felt hot. So hot she had to take off her pants, her panties, and lay down in bed, waiting for him. Still, she had a treat for him.

“Ohhh, Trevor. You´re finally here…” she said, looking at him, and speaking with such a sensuality on her voice. “Mmmmm, why don´t you come here and… finish the job.” She said, pulling the straps of her sports bra.

She implied she could come and take it off. Remove the “ribbon” before he opened his price.

He had no idea why she looked the way she did. Lust was in her eyes, desire was in her tongue. And he could see the blushing of passion in her face. She was horny, she was excited. She was eager for some action.

Of course, he won´t say no to her.

He pulled his pants down, took off his boxers. Then, he jumped over her and sat on top of her stomach. A firm, strong stomach.

His hands immediately went into her bra and pulled. He was trying his best to rip it off. Knowing it´ll be much more intense if he did so. However, the fabric had too much room to stretch. He pulled and pulled, but nothing happened.

Although, her nipples were already hard, and his constant pulling only got her more aroused. She couldn´t take it anymore, so, she took it off by herself.

The sight of the amazon, taking off her bra, ripping it off in just one go, it made his heart stop for a second. She was so strong! So much stronger than him!

Then, she put both her hands over his shoulders, grabbed his shirt, and ripped it off with the least of struggle.

Now, both of them were naked, ready for some action. And so, she said: “Ok, cowboy. Why don´t you ride me…”

He swallowed, but he´ll make sure not to disappoint the sensuous, naked amazon before him. He´ll do his best performance, and hopefully, she´ll be satisfied.


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