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December´s finally here! How quick!

The very last month of the year... time certainly flies... And now, I´ve got some news for you on this month!

First of all, I´d like to begin with some news on our mid tier, well, mid-low tier. On the "Fascinated" tier. Truth to be told... we´re getting close to the end on both stories. 

"The Biggest Crush" will have its last chapter soon. May the seventh be the last one. Which means, we´ve got one more chapter to go, aside of the one I´ve published. And, "Wealthy Growth" is also coming to an end soon.

I know, it´s kind of sad, BUT there´s some good news too. I´ve got new stories coming soon!!!

Now, since both stories will be coming to an end, relatively soon. Possibly, but not certainly, around the same month, I´ve decided to make the next poll on the short-term stories sort of a double poll. What do I mean? The two most voted stories will be the ones I´ll write.

Which means, the first place will come to replace "The Biggest Crush", and the second place will come to replace "Wealthy Growth".

I´m posting the poll today ;D

In another news... I´ll make a small pause this month on the One-shots. I won´t be adding another story until the next month.

Why? Well, it´s holiday season and I´m not sure if I´ll have enough time to work in another story.

Truth to be said, I´m also considering on taking a week off. It´s been a while since I´ve had one. Although, I´m not sure yet. But I´ll let you know, don´t worry.

Also, I´ll drop another story this month! I´m sure I´ve already mentioned it before. It´s called "Find Your Biggest Self", and it includes growth! I´ll post it´s first chapter on the next week. Or the week after, I´m not sure yet.

This story will be added on my lowest tier. Which means, it´ll be a story of short chapters, and updated monthly. But trust me, this story will be awesome! I hope you all like it :D

Those are all the news, for now. I hope you like all chapters updates this month ;D


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